
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 48: Birds and the Bees- Kiira

Italics indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

I was out in the forest for a day with Cerea, I had offered some others to join us but they declined. The house has been busy lately but also somewhat empty in a way. Liz and Kinu usually have work, even if they stay with us, same with Cathyl and Merino who commute to the farm every day, MON is always at work too, so despite adding a bunch of new live in ladies the house is just as empty as it was before in a funny way. There was one person who I managed to get to tag along, Rachnera who seemed to want out of the house for a bit.

"Having fun in the water?" I asked as the centaur played with her sword while staring intently at a waterfall "Come on the soup is ready."

"Mistress please~" she whined clearly have had a serious moment interrupted.

"Mom told you to protect me right, she's just worried for no reason." I laughed "Don't worry about it."

"But a chance is a chance!" she clopped over "We came out to this forest to not be troubled."

"This isn't a battle story, you can go read something else if you want that, I hear you can even find some of those on the internet poorly written by wannbe authors." I winked passing her a bowl "Carrot soup for the lady."

"HMM!" Cerea smiled taking a spoonful.

"Let's just relax and enjoy the day." I stretched.

"Yes but." Cerea frowned.

"There's no harm in keeping an eye out." Rachnera said sitting in a web hammock "You do have a tendency to get wrapped up in weird goings on."

"Well yeah…" I sighed.

"It's rare for you to agree with me." Cerea hummed "It's also rare to see you out so willingly."

"I'm not a NEET!" she snapped "I just wanted to stretch my legs is all."

Rachnera skittered off into the forest leaving just me with Centorea.

"Honestly…" Cerea sighed "Hmm?"

"Something wrong?" I asked when she turned around.

"Just an odd sound." She told me "is your phone vibrating?"

"No." I listened and heard buzzing.

Suddenly a swarm of hornets buzzed out in a cloud.

"Eww stay away!" I yelled.

"HYA!" Cerea flashed her steel to knock the bugs away.

"Nice job." I praised her.

"I've found you." A savage like voice growled from the cover of the trees "You won't get away."

"Am I seriously under attack?" I whined.

"Why are you targeting Mistress?" Cerea called out to the voice.

"I have no need to answer…you." The voice buzzed "I am Kiira the Killer Bee, and I will hunt you for revenge."

(She ended up telling us anyway…but why does she want revenge on me?)

"HMPH!" Cerea slashed through another swarm.

"RAAH!" a woman flew out.

She was insectoid in nature, multiple eyes, wings and hard chitin skin that was striped like a bumblebee, she also had two sets of arms. The only human parts of her were her female body shape, and short hair cut. Her hands and feet only had three clawed fingers and toes on them. Her wings rippled and buzzed as she flew at us.

She distracted Cerea with more hornets before flying into me and sitting on my face.

"HMPH!" I mumbled between her thick yet toned thighs.

I tried shaking her off as I felt her stinger rising on her rear. Both intentionally and because I was in a panic I grabbed her ass, for a girl with hard skin some parts of her were squishy, her ass being one of them.

"Disgusting." She snarled as my fingers dug into her rear.

"Unhand her!" Cerea threw her sword to make the bee girl back away.

"Thanks Cerea." I smiled "You're always helping out."

"HMM!" she moaned rubbing her huge bust, one of them looking more tender than usual, a purple inkiness on her shirt "I lost control of my sword and was…stung."

"Are you alright." I asked as she hissed in pain "Ah wait I remembered something from one of those outdoor shows!"

I grabbed some nearby twigs and used an old outdoor camping lighter to spark a fire and plume out smoke.

"Bugs hate smoke." I said smugly as my plan worked and the hornets buzzed off.

(But where is Kiira?)

"Having fun." Rachnera giggled "I'll go play with the bee for a bit, you held horsey."

"Okay." I nodded as she skittered off on her spindly legs.

I moved Cerea a little farther away and checked on her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I fear I…will not make it." She said in half pain "Leave me to my tragedy."

"I think you got your character confused with Mero." I sighed "Sides you only got stung by a bee you'll live, especially since you're bigger than a human. But if you're that insistent I'll do some first aid."

"Y-You don't mean…I was stung…"

"Open up." I smirked "If you're so scared I'll suck the venom out."

(Although they say you're not really supposed to do this but I'm sure I'll be fine.)

"V-Very well." She opened her top and showed her massive soft breasts to me.

"HMM!" I leaned in and sucked on her stung breast, her bountiful flesh filling my mouth.

"OHH!" she moaned as I dug my lips in and sucked on her amazing tits.

I worked hard to make her moan more, swirling my tongue around and lashing it on her sore stung nipple.

"HMM!" I pulled back, her nipple shining with my saliva "That should be enough right?"

Cerea was blushing extra hard.

"Now come on I've got a fun idea to deal with bee girl." I jumped on her back "Hope Kii was able to finish that project we talked about."

"Where exactly are we going?" she asked.

"That way!" I pointed.

Cerea clopped off in the direction I led her.

"There you are!" Kiira growled buzzing down from the sky to chase us.

"There it is!" I pointed at a small cabin.

Cerea charged in and we trapped Kiira in the room. It was a steam house from the hot springs we found the other week, since Killer Bees don't like heat I knew we could sweat the girl out this way.

I heard a thump and opened the door to find the poor girl sweating and panting, her top open to show her soft breasts.

"Wow…that's hot."

"So…hot." Kiira whined "You…bitch."

"Wow you're bigger than I would have guessed." I poked her breasts "Soft too."

"S-Stop!" she blushed.

"I can't help it you just look too sexy." I kissed her neck "You look pent up, let me help."

"HMM!" she buzzed a bit as I rubbed her thighs and made her spread her legs "Don't-OHH!"

She moaned when I pushed into her a bit, her walls spreading just a bit.

"This is…nice." She moaned as I started thrusting.

"Yeah it is, now why are you here?" I asked still fucking her while interrogating her.

"Revenge…on…Rachnera!" she screamed in pleasure.

"Oh she lives with me, she likes stuff like this too." I smirked "You're a danger species right…hmm, don't worry we'll figure all this out but first."

"HMM!" she buzzed as I licked her sweet breasts.

"Let's finish up here." I said.

"Y-yes!" she moaned "Harder Drone harder!"

Hey I'm not a drone.

I thrusted into the bee girl, her soft parts jiggling slowly as I began to prepare for climax, her body vibrating with pleasure as I pumped into her.

"UGH!" I groaned busting inside her, Kiira buzzing louder as she shivered with orgasmic bliss.

"Good, that's one Danger girl down, two more to deal with." I smiled "Hope it's as fun to tame the other two as it was you."



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Pick Up- Chapter 45

Till Next Time!