
Every dog has his Day

lifting up a log of wood, he threw it in the blazing fire, the heat of the flames warm his old hands. the old man stared at the cloudy sky, he doesn't remember the last time he saw the stars, arranging his thoughts, he had to think on what to hunt tomorrow for breakfast, a beast, vampire, another strange creature or bizarrity out there, or should he go for the easiest of all Human meat.. world's order has crumble ever since the famous satellite fell, origins and mysteries hidden from the world have finally emerged. Faced with a strange climatic condition hitting they whole planet, the whole world is affected. Humanity cannot cope with the change as the gradually go extinct, in this battle without any goal, all living organisms, human and non human are fighting to survive. if your not strong enough, you might either be killed by the others, your own kind or by the weather itself. they only solution is to become a Hunter, a predator that feeds on his prey to survive but keeping note that prey can also prey on you. A BLOODY COLD JUNGLE.

Yellowcanary · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Fatigue


Pow! Bang!


A scratch appeared on his cheek which started bleeding, he wiped it, jump and dodge the kick, holding the leg, he drag the person towards him and punch him on the chin, nose and ear, before kicking him away, the next guy came running towards him with his claws open.

Luther with a swift movement of his legs as if dancing, dodge the claws, and landed a rotational kick sending the guy flying, his movements was not restraint by the snow, he did not know how and why, by he could fight at his fullest in this bad conditions.

In the low visibility, only flashes of light of both white and red could be seen.

Even with his experience in training and fighting, this guys vitality exceeded those infected, no matter the outcome, he was certain to fall first, as time passed, the hunger grew, he came closer the door to take a breath, he was panting, not out of fatigue, but hunger, he stared at those bastard who did not want to give up on their meal, their evil smile as the stared at him.

"Tss, looks like, that's all I could do Rebecca, sorry" he muttered.

"Are you finally giving up?" Asked the man.

Ethan inside wanted to shout something, but seeing Rebecca near him, he bit his lips not wanting to wake her up, Luther was gradually falling into hunger and his vision was gradually fading, "no, stay awake" he said, clenching his fist, ready to go all out, but soon, everybody's ear perked up except those for Rebecca, and Ethan's own wasn't to performane, but those outside could hear it clearly, it was like something splitting air at rapid speed, what was that, that sound immediately put all of them on guard.

The four men fell the oppressing aura directed towards them....

Woop woop woop wooop wooop..


It was the sound of something sharp cutting through air at rapid speed, it crossed tow of the guys Infront and took the guy in the middle, sending him flying with the object.

Thud puff

Hitting the snow, the body collapse, never to get up, the person died with eyes open, his Brian did not have enough time to process his death.

"What was that?!" The leading man turn to look at his fallen compagnon, he was angry and terrified, but soon, he heard someone talking.

"You have the balls to hit my son!" The silhouette immediately disappeared from her position, she appeared Infront of the leader, the poor man did not even have the time to react, that he saw a woman behind him, she had an axe of small size in her hand similar to what that took his friends life, and the same similar axe descended towards him.


Split into two, the other two fell the danger and tried to run, an arrow landed on the leg of one of them making him to loose balance and fall, he did not have the time to stand that a long sharp stick penetrated his chest, looking at the last guy who sprinted far already, she did not take chase after him.

The man ran as fast as he could, not looking Infront of him, a shadow appeared sending a dagger into his eye and pinning him down for good, the man stood up, "puff" releasing vapour, he stare at his wife, the smile at each other, but when they look at Luther their expression froze, and soon panic, both ran to his side, the poor boy could no longer take it, collapsing on the snow.

"Luther!" Scream the father.

"Son !" Cried the mother.

The lifted him up and dragged him inside, entering, the saw Ethan and Rebecca staring at them, both parents pressure lessened, looking around, Grace could not see Betty, when she look back at Ethan, the small boy shook his head, she nodded, and stared at Rebecca, the small child was alone now.

"Mrs Grace?" Grace turn her head to look outside, Liza was aiming her arrow at a young and annoying girl who lacked manners, and beside her another one hiding.

"Mr Lloyd ?" The panic girl called out.

Both parents look at each other, they could understand themselves without thinking, "I am police?" Said the husband.

"Just a bate" said the mother, Lloyd looked at her, "she most be special if she survived up till now" he was surprised.

"Enter and closed the door" said Lloyd.


After locking the door and adding wood everybody sat down to warm himself, Luther was lying down on the floor still in a coma, Lloyd looking after him, soon Grace came back with a back and took out a syringe and a small glass bottle with blue liquid inside, she emptied it and injected it at Luther, the effects were immediate, hairs and eyes turning back black, Luther immediately woke up, and looked around, he saw new faces staring at him, two in panic and one on gaurds, Rebecca was did not care and Ethan had other preoccupation to focus to much on such details.

"What happened to you?" Asked Grace, everybody ears were ready to get it, he explain the horde, the lost of memory, the back hit and how he lost consciousness once again, when he regain it, he was already having white patches of hairs and full red eyes, Grace nodded, she look at Lloyd who actually had not so well expression.

"What about you?" Asked Grace as she stared the two girls warming up their body.

"Ahh them, they tried to kill me... Wait!" Stopping her wife who was ready to skin them, he continued, "all happened when the stop started going worst" he started narrating.


"Argh" shaking his head, his hands where tied, he turn and saw a girl glaring at him and another trying to treat the wound.

"Why hitting me to later bring me in?" Asked Lloyd staring at the girl treating him, before looking at the hot tempered girl with amber hairs and cat eyes, she look like a wild feline and the other, like a tame one.

"Thank Aurora, I would have dump your body on the road and leave it there" said the amber hair girl.

"Rui!"she turn and bend towards Lloyd, "I apologize for my sister's conduct, she is just wary of all strangers" said Aurora.

"No need, but first, untie me" said Lloyd, but seeing their unwillingness, he fell slightly annoyed and tired, "ahhh, what a long day"