
Every dog has his Day

lifting up a log of wood, he threw it in the blazing fire, the heat of the flames warm his old hands. the old man stared at the cloudy sky, he doesn't remember the last time he saw the stars, arranging his thoughts, he had to think on what to hunt tomorrow for breakfast, a beast, vampire, another strange creature or bizarrity out there, or should he go for the easiest of all Human meat.. world's order has crumble ever since the famous satellite fell, origins and mysteries hidden from the world have finally emerged. Faced with a strange climatic condition hitting they whole planet, the whole world is affected. Humanity cannot cope with the change as the gradually go extinct, in this battle without any goal, all living organisms, human and non human are fighting to survive. if your not strong enough, you might either be killed by the others, your own kind or by the weather itself. they only solution is to become a Hunter, a predator that feeds on his prey to survive but keeping note that prey can also prey on you. A BLOODY COLD JUNGLE.

Yellowcanary · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Sisters

"look, I don't have much time with you girls, but I advice you to leave town as fast as you can" said Lloyd, Rui ignored him, she monitored the outside, the heavy snow made visibility difficult, but at certain moments, she could see shadows, some where abnormally slow, others were fast, to fast, were they humans? She could not stop frowning as she clench hard on the rifle.

Looking briefly at her sister, Aurora could only sigh in exasperation, she turn towards Lloyd, "what do you mean, what's going on, first snow, now people attacking each other, adding to that, those people who suddenly appeared" she clench the towel she used to wipe Lloyd's forehead.

"Wait, what do you mean by those guys?" Lloyd had a bad feeling, he thought, "don't tell me all this is related?"

Aurora glance at Rui, who did not care wether she spoke or not.

"Actually, strange people with similar characteristics appeared at our door two days ago" she said.

Two days ago, that means, the storm was already present, actually, is during the snow storm that cases of disappearance where reported, thought Lloyd, he did not interrupt.

"They came talking about an evacuation and we had to leave, and they where here to escort us, at first, we believe them, but when they showed up at our door, preparing to enter, that's when Rui realize something odd" continued Aurora.

Lloyd glance at Rui, "she has a sharp sense" thought Lloyd, this snow storm has been persistent for two months already, situation getting worst last week, enough for those bastard to get up.

"And they tried attacking us, due to the storm, calling out for help was useless and..." Aurora did not know how to continue the narration, blocking at that point, Rui finish her words.

"I killed them" she said.

"That was purely an act of defense Officer" Aurora tried defending.

"How?" Asked Lloyd.

"Shot them" said Rui

"And they died?" Asked Lloyd not really convinced

"Sir, I don't someone shot can stand again" said Aurora, Lloyd ignored her and look at Rui, "where are their bodies?

Rui stared at Lloyd, his expression mean that, something wasn't alright, "bind them with tape and dump them in the basement" she answered.

"Listen, those guys you shot, where they having white hairs with red eyes?" Asked Lloyd.

Aurora and Rui where startled, "how did he know?" They thought, but Rui was first regain her composure, "he is a corps, is normal for him to have certain classified info" she thought.

"Why do you say so?" She asked.

"I verified, they where really dead when I checked their bodies" she added.

"First... Why did you hit me if it was defending" asked Lloyd.

Both Aurora and Rui looked at each other.

"Actually..." Said Aurora.

"They were also dressed like you" finish Rui.

"You mean?" Question Lloyd.

"They where corps too" said Rui nodding her head.


It was silent in the house for a moment, Aurora stood up and when behind Lloyd, she was planning to untie him.

"What do you doing?" Asked Rui distressed.

"Freeing him" said Aurora.

"What if his one of them?" Asked Rui, lifting the Rifle and pointing it at Lloyd.

Being freed, Lloyd nodded in gratitude towards Aurora, and glance at Rui indifferently, "where are the bodies?" He asked.


Lloyd entered the basement with Rui, going down the steps, he came in contact with two dead bodies on they floor, all tape head to toe, he glance at Rui, "doing this to a body? If I had an opportunity to go back to the office, I would have search for her name in the archives, she did all this cold headed, if she is not suspect in a homicide, she most be a weakness" thought Lloyd.

He bend down, one knee on the floor, he took out his dagger and stab at the first body, the knife entered the body and suddenly.


The body started shaking violently, gritting sounds could be heard, Rui was shocked, as a reflex she pointed the rifle at the body prepare to fire, but was stopped by Lloyd who held the barrel.

"Don't!" Said Lloyd, he extracted the knife and pointed at a chair, Rui stared at it, she grab the chair and brought it at Lloyd, Lloyd sat on the chair.


He kicked the first body on the wall, and stared at the second for a moment, stood up and kicked the body too.

"Stop pretending, I know you guys are awake, so open your ears and nod when I ask you a question, speak when I ask you to speak and no any other movement or you die" he bend down at the two bodies leaning on the wall and came closer to them, "did I get myself clear?" The two bodies remain still for a second, before the simultaneously nodded.

Seeing their cooperation, Lloyd went back to his seat, Rui was quite shocked, wasn't he a police officer? What's with the threat? She asked herself, Lloyd did not care what the girl was thinking, he had other issues, if what his guts are telling him true, his family, no, the world might be facing an issue bigger than their shitty global warming or wars.

An Apocalypse of another scale.

He bend his back slightly, spreading his legs, he supported his elbow as his hands torch his chin, visibly in thought for a moment, asking himself, what situation is Grace right now, he really did not focus on her, he new that, if she was to be attacked, the attacker should be the one to suffer, but putting to much stress on a sick body isn't good.

"I hope she's alright" he thought, his focus directed back to the two bodies leaning on the wall, "sorry Ethan, wait a little bit, dad would be back after getting information from this guys"

"How many of you are out there at this moment?" Asked Lloyd.

"Huh, you really think we would splHAAAAAAA HAAAA" he did not have the time to finish his statement when a dagger pierced through his eye.

"I think I wasn't really understood, don't say much, just answer briefly, understood?' warn Lloyd, the cold aura he exuded frighten everybody in the room, Rui was visibly shocked, who they hell is this guy? Those the police hire assassins now?

"Good, answer now" Lloyd extracted the knife not caring about the man's cry of agony.

An hour later...

Lloyd and Rui walked back to the living room, when Aurora saw Rui's expression, she knew that something ugly most have happened down there.

"Actually, to kill those guys, you need to make sure they bleed out, unable to regenerate again, they would dry up" said Lloyd as he carefully dried up his hands with a cloth he picked.

Rui did not say anything, she sat on the sofa, left hand supporting her head, she was lost in thought, what was that just now, an execution, interrogation or just simple torture, she looked up at Lloyd and only had one conclusion.

"This man is dangerous"

"So, what did you get, where they actually alive?" Asked Aurora.

"We need to pack out as fast as we could" said Rui.

"What!? Why?" Asked Aurora confused about the sudden movement.

"Don't ask, just do" said Rui preparing her stuffs, Aurora turn towards Lloyd, who was looking outside, he sense her gaze.

"Just do as your sister says, I shall explain it on the way" he comforted, Aurora left after hearing that, Lloyd turn back his attention outside.

"Visibly, they are only five.... Where five, four have left, where too?" He looked at the direction, but focus back at the lady who stood on top of the apartment peering down at the house.

"This doesn't looks good' he wasn't talking about the person in question, he thought more of those two guys he bleeded out to get the actual situation.

"Ah- Grace, we have no choice but to move" he thought.