
Every dog has his Day

lifting up a log of wood, he threw it in the blazing fire, the heat of the flames warm his old hands. the old man stared at the cloudy sky, he doesn't remember the last time he saw the stars, arranging his thoughts, he had to think on what to hunt tomorrow for breakfast, a beast, vampire, another strange creature or bizarrity out there, or should he go for the easiest of all Human meat.. world's order has crumble ever since the famous satellite fell, origins and mysteries hidden from the world have finally emerged. Faced with a strange climatic condition hitting they whole planet, the whole world is affected. Humanity cannot cope with the change as the gradually go extinct, in this battle without any goal, all living organisms, human and non human are fighting to survive. if your not strong enough, you might either be killed by the others, your own kind or by the weather itself. they only solution is to become a Hunter, a predator that feeds on his prey to survive but keeping note that prey can also prey on you. A BLOODY COLD JUNGLE.

Yellowcanary · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter Ten: Old man speech 2 in 1

[Outer space]

Orbiting around earth, the satellite camera zoom on what look like the debris of Atlanta 1, what remain in space after it's explosion, as the camera zoomed, an image was captured, that of something moving around the debris, the camera cleared the image again and again and the image was captured.

"What's this?" In a conference table, a country crise ans maybe world crise was being discussed, on this table, all the leading figures of the country came together to discuss on what really was going on.

Staring at the pictures, only one week after the fall of Atlanta 1, this images where taken all around the world, even though they new that, some of this mutations where caused by what was release in Atlanta, it was impossible for it to hit the world, that's not possible.

"One thing we are all certain, Atlanta corp his directly related to this mess!" Said one of the administrative members, he was in charge of the military force of the country, defence and protection, but since the outbreak, he had the impression to have failed in defending his country.

We should calm down, our president is already on his way to meet up with the other leaders of all nations, each nation is ready to engage and unite in the conflict that goes against logic and exceed our knowledge" said the minister of diplomatic affairs.

"It's not solving the real problem here!" Said a member seated not far from them, he was in charge of communication and technology.

Everybody went quiet, staring at the pictures, Fishes with human bodies trying to breath out of water, seen by a beach gaurds, a flock of bizzar births, their Voracity in their passage can put locust insects into shame, not forgetting other bizarre creatures appearing as time passes.

"With all this, why are we not allowed to hunt down those of Atlanta?" The all thought, was they something or a secret hidden somewhere, they wanted to know.

"That's not even the most shocking.." a man brought out the picture of a strange creature in space, when the other leaders saw the, their blood turn cold.

The was a naked human body, looking female, young, not to old, a girl, she was not develop enough to be call a woman, with red eyes and white hairs staring back at the camera.

"Why is the image like this?" Asked someone, the man who brought the picture actually arrange the picture for them to understand, they know saw it clearly.

She was upside down, the image was taken upside down, facing earth.

"Is they another picture?" Asked the people, the man shook his head, the all asked, "why?" The man looked up, he took out his cigarette and light it, taking a puff, he stared at them.

"We lost signal with the satellite in question"


The city was big and rich, the view from the top was wonderful, everything look spectacular, but what made it more spectacular was the small ball falling down before expanding into a white ball of light, the waves sweeping at the city annihilating the whole city leaving only a barren land.

"Wonderful" those where his statement, as the screen turn black, he stood up from his chair and spun around in excitement, this was beyond their expectations.

"Sir, this are the last data collected before we lost contact with the specimen" said the assistant.

"Ohhhh good good, fabulous" he said, picking up the data, he read.

"Project, Humanities nemesis, code name the gift from the sky, I see, the last research carried out by Morgan up there" looking at the pictures of the human figure in space, he smiled, "so to adapt and survive, you had no choice but to take a human form, even though we trapped your consciousness into a game world and feeding you with fake memories, you still broke out" as he thought of the strange and disgusting fetus the brought out of the ship, that ended up evolving to this extent, he was curious, to what extend was it going to grow before dieing.

Putting down the document, he closed it and left the office with the assistant, on the document, a name was found at the end.

Code name: Alpha zero (Nemesis).

Given name: Laira

Walking down the white corridor, they man and his assistant reached a strange car, looking more like a miniature space rocket, the entered and sat, the door closed and the ship descended and entered a tunnel, the reactors immediately heated up before the vehicle disappeared.

Going at rapid speed, it crossed numerous mountain and sea, entering the ocean, it finally reach an underground city found in the deep ocean right beneath the famous curse sea, of triangle.

Exiting the car, he look up and could sea the giant creatures of the sea swimming around, it was like an aquarium, no matter what, the man always enjoyed this view, he matched forward, around him, numerous vehicle also came and stopped, with personalities showing up, stars, artists, government officials, notably, president of certain strong countries, the came from all directions in the world and where heading for the main building, a large building that could cover up seven stadia or more, it was huge, what was mostly eye catching was the large name on the building.

Atlanta sanctuary.


"Human beings are fascinating, sometimes you far exceeds my thinking, stupid, greedy, selfish, heartless, you guys are ugly from they core not learning from your past mistakes, always searching for a way to cause your own extinction, is this a form of collective suicide or what?" She said.

"Strange, today your quite talkative?" Asked the old man on his chair, a chair, if he leave it he dies, a chair sustaining his life, but his blue eyes had something in it which said, now wasn't the time for him to kick the bucket, he wanted to see the end of all what he did up till now, was humanity ready for the next jump in evolution?

"All this was generated by you, you usually called me a radical, and heartless, but with the million deaths already recorded and those to be, your quite the devil" said the woman.

"Hehahaha, I would not object that, with all this, I think I got a VIP ticket to hell" said the old man, the woman smiled, both stared at the large screen, two faces, one showing people of rich background entering the sanctuary, and others outside, the world, who shall face the disaster.

"Actually, your giving them a gift, those who shall come out alive, could be named the true evolved species of human, and those who fail shall be clean out" said the the woman.

"One thing is for sure, humanity are like parasites, we can't totally wiped them, as long as two remain, they shall grow back like rabbits, my objective is to select the good seeds from the bad" the old man spoke, the woman stared at him, she was certain that was not all, they was more into this, causing a genocide of this extend never came without a reason, no matter whether the reason was good or bad.

The circular shape disc rotated on her head as she smile, "what would you choose Laira, save or destroy humanity?" She thought.

At this moment, three faction shall be entering a primordial battle of evolution, a dog fight on who would get the big share out of this melee.

An organisation, the origin of chaos in the world.

Entities without any definite origins characterise with red eyes and white hairs.

A group that is still to be born.

"Every dog has its Day" he said smiling at the events to come.


At this moment, in the surface, the seas have finally freeze to ice, and the world is gradually entering the glacial era, once again.


Throwing a log of wood in the fire, Ethan tried to warm his cold body as much as possible, Rebecca was in a worst situation than him, her body was literally freezing, seeing this, he open his blanket and invited her in, both tried their best to warm each other.

"Ddddddd don't, ttakkke iit asss an opportunity to caress me" said Rebecca trembling.

"Do want me to throw you out?" Asked Ethan without even looking at her, the silence was like a silence acceptance to, "do what ever you want, as long I stop feeling the cold"

Ethan turn and look at his elder brother, since the last time he change, not only the behaviour, even the appearance.

"Brother?" Calling out, Luther turn his gaze from the outside and stared at Ethan, "what's wrong?" He asked.

"What happened to your face and hair?" Asked Ethan

"What do you mean?" Luther asked back, which surprised Ethan.

"Have you checked on your appearance since then?" Asked Ethan, Luther touched his face, nothing seem abnormal, he look at his reflection on the window, he could see it.

"Ohh, you mean the red eyes and the patch of white hairs?" He asked, seeing Ethan nodding, he sighed, "dunno, woke up and saw that it was already like that, I shall ask mom when she comes back" he said as he went back to survey the outside.

"Mom?" Why mom, Ethan thought, isn't it supposed to be dad?, "Ough?" His head started throbbing in pain, the same pain he fell when aunt Betty Assaulted him, or what was once aunty Betty to say.

"Are you alright?" Asked Rebecca, Ethan did not answer, but instead gave her a huge warm hug, he added more wood on the fire and the sat there trying their best to generate heat.

"Where's your hand going to?" Asked Rebecca, "sorry, my bad" apologize Ethan.

Closing his eyes, the is also something that was disturbing him, he saw Luther's sweater, he wore nothing inside, how was he doing to fight such a cold?

Luther lean on the wall, he tried his best to control his urge to feed on Rebecca, her blood was pure human, tasty and sweat, of a cute and loving girls, still vergin, her smooth skin.


He punch himself so hard, he spat out blood and some tooth's, but it did not take long for him to feel less pain and everything restored, but it would not last, thinking about the man he skin and drank the blood all and fed on, he wanted to throw up, but held his mouth, if he did that, Rebecca would be doom for sure.


His ears perked up, he lifted his head and observe his surroundings, soon he spotted the origin of the sound.

"Four, no five, a groupe if five, two to the left, two to the right, both hidden, the middle guy should be" he started calculating, when he saw the appearance of the person he froze.

White airs, and red eyes.

"You are one of us" said the person showing himself to Luther, Luther stared inside and saw the children were sleeping hugging each other, he dragged the door and closed it.

"Go to they point, I am not giving her" he said as his eyes turn red.

The man was startled, "why are you defending a human?" Asked the man, his statement disturbing Luther greatly, what those he mean by human?

"So you consider yourselves superior?" He asked as he look left and right, the man immediately understood, he lifted his hand, and four people appeared on both side each having the same characteristics of white hairs and red eyes.

"We are superior to them, you don't understand they situation, a war has begun, and you are in the wrong camp, joint us" said the man.

"Nahh I think i love my actual position, dick heard, go suck someone's else dick, not here" cursed Luther, the man frown, and his good manners were thrown away.

"If that's how you would take things, don't blame our actions, we shall leave small for you" said the man, all preparing to attack.

"Come" said Luther as he expose the sharp blade nails, inside the house, Ethan slowly open his eyes, "what the hell was that? Not human? What's all..." A memory flashed in his head, a memory where he saw his mother bath in blood.


Slashing and tearing, she was like a hurricane of horror, she dive in the crowd of people dressed in military gear and tore them into pieces, she stood a top the mountain of corps and roared to the bloody moon, Ethan saw this image, soon his vision shift, he was viewing the scene through her mom.

A man came towards her, he wasn't alone, accompanied by two, one was a woman and the other a man, she even called out his name.

"Morgan! This would end badly!" Said Grace.

Morgan did not utter a word, but instead, the leading person spoke, "your not a vampire, nor a cannibal, but you feed both on flesh and blood, what are you?" Asked the man.

"None of your business" answered Grace.

"You see, the woman beside me can be considered unique also" she pointed at the woman with a circular shape crown levitating on top of her head, she had horns on her head perking up and wings on her waist, "what type of entity is this?" Thought Grace.

"Her name is Angel, she has a special ability" said the man, seeing Grace attentive, he continued, "she can watch the future" said the man.

Grace scoff, "so what?" I am immortal, as long as I feed again and again" she said, swaying her long silver hairs, she sat down on a body and tore the head, the dripping blood covered her hand she licked at it and smiled at them.

" What those that have to do with me?" She asked, "nothing, after I shall chop you up and drink your blood" added.

"Your sons shall change the world, one bringing immense distraction and the other creation" said Angel, she smiled at Grace, which stared down at her soon, she was behind the three people, to be precise, two.


"Your not terrestrial" said Grace, she held angel by her hairs dangling it like a ball, the rest of the body stood there not shaking, no blood, and angel was still smiling, the two men turn and stared at Grace action.

"Was that a prophecy?" Asked Grace

"A prophecy... You can say it like that" answered Angel.

"What those it say more" her question made Angel smile, she love talking with intelligent people, she immediately understood, they was more to be told.

"Before that day comes, you shall partake in a long journey never to return, and during the period of destruction, a choice would have to be made, who would be chosen by the child we birthed?" Said angel, resulting to her head been smacked on the ground.


Causing a big crater to form, lifting back up the head, her expression ugly she asked, "repeat?"

"Strongest existence born from both of us" said angel, Grace smirked, "I am not gay"

"Who said we needed physical intercourse to birth one" said Angel.

"What?" Thud! Grace saw her kneels on the floor, what was going wrong, she turn her back and saw a syringe with a blur substance entering her body, she started losing consciousness before collapsing as her mind was fading, she heard Angels voice.

"We need a part of you, that's all"

"Wait and see bitch when I get up, I would fucking kill you!" She blurted out this last speech before fainting.

"Mom?" Ethan open his eye literally shocked, he turn and look outside, he heard movements.