In A world of modern society monsters from another dimension or even realm appear out of unknown reason. But with there appearence the new power's emerge in humans. These people become strikers who defend the humankind from the evils of these beasts.And with this a new era era of strive and continuous conflict between humans and monsters. The story follows one of these individuals.Genji Yamamoto a man who has been a victim of the first invasion. But his Power has more secrets then anyone else knows...
The Humanoid seemed to have hard time finishing...after a moment it said:
- is..Orisa Laberio. I am a Spider,Bug,human and monster hybrid.. I am ...from the void dimension...
Genji immediately rose up his sword with his eyes glowing red he jumped at the girl and was ready to kill after hearing about what she just said...but Haruka stood in front of her stopping Genji from Delivering his strike.. Haruka knew she..just stopped a literal death sentence... She said:
- Genji Calm down. I know your hatred to the Monsters is not possible to be measured. But let's maybe listen to her for once!
Genji heard her but didn't wanted to listen.. His focus was on the humanoid girl..His eyes were blazing as he was ready to strike either way... He said then:
-Monsters...are all the same. Beast who deserve to die. No matter how much good they do.... They are still monsters.
Haruka noticed he was serious and very mad..she thought of every way to calm him down...then she remembered a very specific thing... She immediately took out a necklace that looked very old..but when she opened it. A small ghost like image appear of A women dancing... She had beatifuel long blond hair.. beatifuel body ... And a precious smile... Genji stopped and his sword dissapeared as he..knew the person..he said then:
- This..belonged to my you have it?
Haruka smiled and said:
- Let's just say I found a way . For you Genji it really is important.
She chuckled and holded the necklace... Genji managed to calm down after which he leaned on the wall.... And then he said:
- Thanks... without that I wouldn't stop you know that right?
She giggled and smiled at him and said:
- Of course I know idiot. It's kind of hard to not notice.
He smiled a bit and looked at the humanoid girl... And said:
- Well then...speak. I will listen if you have something to say.
The girl who was in armor finally took off her helmet revealing revealing four eyes two were red and two were blue... Her mouth was also torn apart a bit and her tongue was quite long... She looked at them and said:
- I have been here for...a week...all these bodies are of people who wanted to kill me...I did it in self defense! I would never harm a human!
Haruka was quite impressed from it. Her own experience...was that no monster ever said that they would never lays a finger or kill a human.... Genji on the other hand wasn't believing it at all.. he thought she was lying...but then... The girl said:
- I know I may seem not believable! But...but I am not lying! Please! I..i don't want to die!!!
The girl was screaming and started to cry ...which was never monster ever even cried while in a fight..there have instances but not often...Haruka was quite shocked and decided to ask:
- How can you feel Emotions? How can you even... Cry?
The girl looked at Haruka and suddenly showed a crystal that is in her chest... That could be seen glowing from inside of her body.
The girl then said:
- my core or heart as you call it... Compare to others I...I was born from..a human and a monster...inter..course...
Genji immediately froze at those words as he realised what was also Involved....he looked at Haruka who was stunned from the words of the girl.. Haruka on the other hand was thinking of her own past and sheed a tear from all the stress... Genji noticing it grabbed and hugged her right in that moment from just instict... Haruka blushed a bit but just hugged back and is silent while Hugging him. Meanwhile Orisa then said:
- I..i am sorry if..I caused you to remember a memory...
Orisa definitely felt very sad and very responsible...while Haruka decided to take out a blanket from her bag and hand it to her saying:
- Here. Wrap yourself up for now. Ok?
The girl Seemed not sure about it but seeing Haruka smiling she took the blanket and wrapped herself fully and stood in front of them and said:
- T..thank you sir.
Genji smiled for the first time in such situation and pat her head and said:
- Listen I can tell you have a good heart... So that's why we won't do anything. Is that ok?
The girl nod her head as she was wrapped ... Genji then thought about how the hell they were supposed to get her to there apartment... Haruka then said:
- If you want to come with us.. I have an idea how we can get you out of here.
Genji looked at her curious... As Haruka took out a device..and said:
- This device should be able to mask your scent..while we get you to our apartment. Alright?
The girl was hesitant but nodded and took the device as it attached to her chest and made her monster scent dissapear.. a d Genji said:
- Can't believe it . It actually worked Senpai.
Haruka laughed saying:
- Of course it did idiot! You looking at the best scientist there is! Now let's go!
Haruka took the girls hand and lead her out while Genji burned the bodies using one of his gifts and followed the two... The three were walking down the street getting weird stares...Orisa was scared by Haruka comforted her...while Genji was checking the surrounding arena using his superior sight..But right at that moment he noticed a poster and went up... He started to read:
- 'You want to become a hero? Now is your chance! Join the GrandStern Hero Academy this day! The exam for the classes will begin tomorrow! Good luck future heroes!'
Genji read it again and said to himself:
- A heh? I didn't knew such thing can exist..
Haruka walked up with the girl and read the poster as well..Haruka said:
- Well I heard they accept up to..your actual current age. Which I don't think it's normal...
Genji was actually hesitant to think about it but he decided to take one note about the academy and turned to Haruka and said:
- Lets go now we still have to get the...girl..or her name was our apartment.
Haruka laughed and said:
- I am surprised you didn't said a monster or something. Why is that?
Genji stopped for a moment and started to think and answered after a moment of thought:
- Its just...I want to know more about these monsters..not only that.. we still have to think about new members!
Haruka laughed and couldn't stop.. Genji was frustrated since he never spared a monster in his life and he felt that he broken his killing spree and mayhem...but then Haruka said:
- Sorry sorry Genji. It's just you stopped because of me isn't it? I am technically the only person you have left right?
Genji hesitantly nodded knowing he really couldn't lie about it.... Orisa then said:
- I.. I am hungry..can.. we go faster?
Haruka nodded and walked off holding Orisa and speaking with her through the way .... Genji followed soon after. Although his senses of monsters were skyrokecting...which never happened. But he didn't think much of it. The only thing he thought Was:
- "This is weird... Such sense of these creature''s like they are making something big... I shouldn't think about it for now."
After at least a hour the group of the three got to the apartment where Orisa was beyond happy with Haruka's kitchen and food she had a face of happiness. Haruka was laughing through all of it while speaking compliments. The only one who was eating silently of course was Genji. He was the one who after a while said:
- I am going to bed Haruka Senpai. I feel...weird.
Haruka then looked at him and said:
- Its alright. Just remember if you need anything call me.
Genji nodded standing up and walking to his room. As he grabbed the doorknob he looked behind and said to Haruka:
- Tomorrow I will make a decision.
Genjis smiled and went into his room as Haruka smiled back and looked at Orisa and said:
- He is so young and yet it's hard to understand him...
Orisa looked at Haruka and said:
- You humans are hard to understand. Emotions,reactions all of that. It makes you weird.
Haruka laughed and said as an answer:
- Maybe. But that is what makes us unique as well. Ability to express emotions.
Haruka then stopped and got into a mind debate...she had something on mind and finally said :
- May I know .... Have you heard about the Orochi class threats?
The girl nodded and said:
- I did but.. I never got to see any of them with my own eyes... They are said to be impossible to see by normal eyes.
Haruka looked at her folder and then said:
- This may have gotten more complicated then I thought...
Then she stood up and went to the wardrobe where she had a picture of her and someone else...
Someone in a Civilian clothes with Red Hair and a very specific X mark on her right eye.. that was red like lava or hellfire. She then said to herself:
- I wonder if we can ever meet again.... Sister...
Meanwhile..while Orisa and Haruka continued to have a conversation.... Genji felt asleep in his bed...but...he didn't exactly have a dream..but...flashbacks..of his past... Genji Suddenly opened eyes only see something...he would never expected..
Genji looked around and noticed it was a memory from his past. He saw with his own eyes from that time...he was very young at that time.His young sister was playing with him and she said:
-Oni-chan! Today mama and papa are taking us out for a park!
The young Genji laughed and smiled and said:
-I know right! I want to go so much!
His little sister then said:
- Oni-chan... May I ask you something?
Young Genji looked at his sister and was confused but nodded. Then his sister said:
- What if we get separated....will you..try to find me?
Genji who was just a child already thought like a adult... That's why he then said while he hugged His little sister:
- I will.. I will and I won't stop until I find you. You mean the world to me. Rin.
Rin smiled having black hair. With yellow eyes and very beautiful face and bright smile and said:
- Thank you. Oni-chan! You are the best!
Rin hugged Genji and he smiled more and both kept Hugging each other for some minutes speaking about some stuff. After that they got back to playing there game..which was hide and seek around the house...
As they played suddenly the door opened at the front of the house... Both Genji and Rin heard the footsteps of there parents..but they seemed.. in a hurry. Very in a hurry. Genji said to Rin:
- I will go and check it out you stay here Alright?
Rin nodded as Genji rushed and opened the door form the living room and saw his parents very worried speaking to each other....his mother said:
- Goddamit! This is way too bad! They said they are almost here!
Father who was sweating and shaking answered:
- We need to get the kids and get our stuff and run! We can't stay here any longer!
Mother who was scared beyond belief answered:
- But how we gonna tell the kids?! The..they have to know!
Father then said angrily:
Mother was very scared and immediately rushed upstairs to get the kids packed... Father turned and saw Genji at the door frame of the living room... He realised he heard everything and said:
- Genji..I know how this looks but please..
Genji run to Rin and sat with her on the couch as he said what he saw .... Scared Rin said:
- B..but Papa never yelled at mommy..w..what is happening?
Genji didn't knew an answer and said:
- I.. I don't know Rin... I hope they have a good reason...
Suddenly There father came in and sat down in front of them holding his coat and said with a calm voice:
- Listen Rin and Genji. There is something we have to tell you ..
Genji looked at his father very confused but Rin was curious and sacred at the same time... Then Father said:
- We...have to move out ... It's a important cause. We have to go somewhere else for Sometime.
Genji immediately asked:
- Dad...what is going on... In the TV they said something about attacks...monsters?
Genji's father immediately froze up and started to shake and sweat a lot... Then he answered:
-'s nothing really. But we need to go now ok? And don't worry we have everything under control.
Rin stood up and said looking at her dad:
- Can..I get my .... Box? It's important for me papa.
Father was quite hesitant as he didn't wanted to waste time but said:
- Yes you can sweetie but be quick! We are leaving soon!
Rin Nodded and rushed to the closet to get her box.... Then Genji asked his father:
- Is this related to this void you spoke about dad?
His father looked at him and said:
-'s about that... We didn't expected this to happen..we couldn't stop it... That's why we are leaving this place.
Genji nodded in approval he understood that this was an important thing and it had to be done.His sister came back with a iron box with a Dragon symbol and there mother came down with luggage and said:
- We are packed up we can go!
There father nodded and took Rin's and Genji's hand and went outside to there there mother was close behind. Genji looked into the distance seeing explosions and flames in the city... And suddenly a giant roar could be heard... Rin got scared so Genji hugged her . There father said:
- We have to hurry they are coming!
He immediately got Genji And Rin to the back seat as He got into the driver's seat... There mother loaded there luggage and got in as well. They immediately drove off towards the closest airport.. Genji looked out of the window seeing giant figure and beasts attacking the city... And hundreds of screams and explosions... There mother noticed and covered the window up and said:
- Dont look Genji. Close your eyes and just stay calm Alright?
Genji nodded and hugged Rin who was ultra scared ... Both parents knew that if they didn't got out from the city...they would end just corpses or food for the monsters. As they arrived to the airport..there worst fear came into be... A soldier walked up and said:
- I am sorry but you can't go forward. The airport or overloaded.
The father immediately said:
- But we have children!!! L..let us through! I am one of the head scientists!
He showed his ID from a lab he was working on..but the soldiers didn't flinched and said:
- I have my orders sir. Leave this place now. We can't allow you to go in.
Mother was devastated and was crying while the father turned the car the other way and drove towards the city knowing it's the only way. Genji was confused why they turned and asked:
- Dad...why did we turned...and why are we going to the city?
His father said nothing as he was frustrated and knew they were driving to a certain death... Suddenly gunfire was heard as tanks drove next to the car and opened fire towards the city.... Dozens of helicopters flew over the car as they opened fire at a giant beast.... The father managed to drove around and ended up driving through the main Street... He immediately knew they made a mistake coming there... Mother was very scared and shaking while the father was focused on driving... Genji then decided to look out from the window and saw a weird creature devouring a human corpse...the monster which looked like a monstrous spider immediately noticed the car and started to chase it.. father noticed it and started to drive through the street's and alleyways trying to avoid it... But the monster was persistent and other monsters started to chase the car as well... Father realised there was no coming back as the monsters chased the car... Rin got super scared... especially it was seen by her face she was terrified..even Genji felt scared for a bit but still stood strong and looked out in the front to see a giant leg stomp in front of the road .... The father froze in horror as he tried to avoid the giant leg but it was too late.... The car went flying after hiting the side of the foot of the giant ... It rolled many times and it finally stopped Hiting a building and falling on the street fully... Genji woke up with bleeding forehead and looked at Rin who unconscious... Then when he looked at his parents he saw them panicking... Father suddenly yelled:
- We are dead Goddamit! We could had left without those kids!
Mother immediately slapped him and said:
Father then replied in anger:
- We gonna die because of your stupid attachment to the brats! I am saving myself screw you all!
As soon as he said that..he immediately opened the door and runned..the mother was shocked but got out but instead of following him she runned and opened the back door and looked at the kids .... Genji Was scared for the first time and asked:
- is going on?
His mother suddenly turned around seeing her husband running away...and he screamed:
Before he could finish a fast as heck monster with blades cutted his arms off as he screamed in pain...more monsters showed up and started to eat him alive... Tearing his head off and his guts and organs out in front of his family... Genji for the first time was in horror and looked at his mother who was scared but looked at the kids and kissed there foreheads and said:
- always push to become who you want to matter what it takes... And also... Care about the ones who you can count on the most.
She cried as she was suddenly grabbed by the hair and dragged away by a much more humanoid monster ...other monsters seemed to fear this being... Genji could just watch as the monster ripped his mother's clothes off and started to do unpleasant things to her she screamed for it to stop .... He saw how it feasted on her.. eating her guts out and her lungs and she still was Alive begging for help.. then a giant attack hit the place where the monsters stood... It was the military... They began a counter attack against the monsters... Genji tried to take his sister but a few military men came in and took away as a female soldier took Genji.. he suddenly started to scream to his sister:
- SISTER!!!!!!
He was screaming as they got separated...then his body Glow and his eyes changed causing him to leak blood from them... But he screamed as the humanoid monster looked at his direction his eyes looked Humanoid but were purple.... Genji was mad and was enraged but couldn't do that moment he was knocked out by the soldiers as the battle continued.....
Suddenly Genji woke up from this dream or flashback as others named it and he was breathing heavily... He was shocked he saw it ..and then said:
- This is... fifteenth seventh time... It already happened this year...
Almost every day he got Flashback's some nice...some evil...some just so monstrous..he doesn't even want to remember them.. no matter what.. he sat up on his bed with his muscles on his body visible...he reached out to his wardrobe and took out his family photo... He then looked at his small sister in the picture and started sheeding tears... He saw devastated he was remembered of this event..again... He couldn't sleep after this matter how many times he tried... But then at like middle of the night..he got a call... He looked at the phone and said:
- Unknown number? This is weird... Maybe it's something important..
Genji thought for a moment and then decided to take the phone and asked:
- Who is calling?
Suddenly a very secret like voice spoke through the phone:
- Well well well. Mister Genji If I am correct?
Genji looked confused but said:
-'s me...who is that on the phone? Your voice seems not known to me...
The voice laughed and said after a moment:
- Oh it's because you don't know me Mister Genji. But I heard stuff about you...and especially your... unrivaled...power.
Genji decided to drink pepsi and then answered:
- What do you want? It's late and you call me...
The voice answered:
- Well I was there a chance you are going to... Grandstern Academy in Tokyo?
Genji thought for a moment and replied:
- I may decide go on those exams..but why do you even ask?
The person chuckled and said simply:
- I just want to know where such person may be heading. That's not allowed anymore?
Genji was kind of frustrated and said:
- Listen here. I don't know how you got my number..but i prefer you don't lie and say the truth.
The person could be heard laughing and then it said:
- I may know Something you would love to know Genji....
Genji got furious and said angry:
- Speak what you want to speak and don't waste my time!
The person suddenly said something that Genji.... didn't expected:
- I know something about your sister whereabouts....Genji Yamamoto....
Genji froze in place he got a weird feeling in him but his emotions skyrocketed in that very moment...what the just heard was more then enough to change his eye colour to full purple on both eyes.... As he said in pure anger:
- What do you know about my sister?!SPEAK NOW!!!!
As soon as he said it...the person answered:
- You will see soon...Genji..Yamamoto...
Suddenly the Call ended...which made Genji drop his hand down... And his own eyes started to generate smoke from his eyes and his aura started to raise and the walls started to crack.... Haruka felt it and rushed into the room immediately and stopped in shock... Genji's entire body was covered in purple veins and his power skyrocketed... As his anger was at the edge .... So he had to let it out.... He opened a portal with his left hand and yelled concentrating his power into one hand:
- SISTER!!!!!!!!!!
With this scream he shoot out a giant blast of energy... The portal let to a very distant planet...that was trilions of light year's away from earth but his blast caused the planet to explode as a giant light like a star could be seen on the sky shining Although it was that far away from earth itself...he felt to his knees on the bed as Haruka rushed over and asked:
- What happened Genji?!
Genji looked at the photo of his family and said:
- I will find matter...what it takes...Sister...