
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Even God Failed Will I? Chapter 6 -The road ahead-

At the table the atmosphere is a little cold.

The girls I chose all came back with a weapon in hand. It made it clear that 7 (and a baby) of them would follow me to Hell if I go. Tenka relayed my message and asked if They would follow me.

Matema, Surprisingly, is the first to grudgingly come to our side. She might hate me, but is old and smart and knows if they stay, they are dead. She can tell from my eyes, I will do it myself... Once we are gone, I will send red to clean them up. But I can't create a panic by telling them.

If I told them, they would hate me and I would feel a little bad. Not that much, since I don't know them. And they would hasten our doom by telling them we fled and where too...

All of them came at the end. Only a few are against it, but they don't want to be alone. I ask red to be weary of them. We pack all the necessary stuff and burn the rest.

Those women are primitive. They live on plants, nuts, berries and fruit's. They don't even dry some of it. Lucky for them, this forest is really lush but dangerous. That makes them very good at avoiding danger.

("They look like squirrel's don't you think?")

Of course, I enticed the inner circle to eat meat... just a bit at first. With the energy I Injected in them, they can digest it better.

To the inner circle, I gave an' entire power circulatory system just like Tenka and mine. It adapts to them slowly. It makes me think of the story of the "Otsutsuki, Senju/Uchiha". If this Happened to someone else, the feeling and "color" would be different. I technically come from outer space...

The trip is boring and as long as Hell. The older people are slower. It seems like the men came some years ago and took a batch of young one's. The age range is younger than 25 or not as beautiful 50+. The men should have been here to take away a few this time too. I got to admit, I did the same with the weapons by giving them to the youth. Subconsciously, I swear!

We have to hunt and forage along the way. The trail will be obvious...

This gave me time to create and train my general's.

Light physical training in the morning, we eat, advance and hunt at our fastest pace until the mid afternoon, then Prepare the camp.

Red stays with the other group to keep the predator's away. There are many kinds here. Gary lead their way.

In the evening, after Dinner, we play chess or cards drawn on skins. Then, meditation/power wielding and sleep.

I made dices for the others and told the generals, Tenka and Tali, to never gamble or play games that rely on luck. I don't want them to waste the time they could spend getting smarter. The other's can since it's the only way with dice.

There is not much meaning behind this decision, except I don't have time to put attention on them for now and it's easier to control them if they are simpler. Anyway, except at night, they don't have much time to play.

I ask Red if he can get wolf's for the girls. Lucky not all his old tribe came to attack me. Only the hunter pack came. But with no alpha male or female, they must have gone hungry for a while. It should be easy for the general's now.

Tenka managed to tame a howl. Since she has more power then I had when I tamed Red, she didn't get any different physical features except her eye's. She can alter her vision to see colors or not and adjust brightness to see at night. The pupil can dilate until you only see a thin glowing emerald line for the iris. Her power is soft, almost imperceptible, until she locks her eye's with yours. It feels like she peer into your thoughts.

I tried to show her the energy perception, but it seems to be related to another organ. Maybe the power itself acts as an organ. This is a bit troubling. I guess energy poison can exist. Another thing on the list to do.

Once our team gets home. The place is full of rows of veggies.

-Whistle and power flare-

The girls pale a bit, as they can feel the ground trembling caused by Berth.

We can see him rush full speed destroying all in his path lol. He stops right in front of me, takes a good sniff and blows my hair back with a bit of snot.

The girls are all gasping. Can't blame them since he is taller than me now. His upper tusk's are 1 meter long and 15 cm wide. The bottom one's are half that.

"Damn pig don't blow your snot in my face!"

He just blows again beside me as acknowledgment.

"Look at you, as big as a mountain now hahaha!"

He is literally as big as my cabin.

I turn to the girls

"This is Berth! Berth, this is...."

I pat his snout. He gets closer and nudges them a bit to remember the smell I guess. Once he goes back to his crops, they all breathe in relief.

That's when it really hit them.

I'm there looking at them smiling with the afternoon sun in the background. Huge field behind me. The landscape is not "natural" or what it used to be...

All by myself, I alter everything around me a lot without realizing. Still, I'm careful of nature. But to them they can see an unfathomable future ahead.