
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Even God Failed Will I? Chapter 5 -The tribe-

Sam spends half the night teaching English to Tenka, but he keeps having a bad idea. Since he can tame creatures and the weaker they are the less power they demand, he wants to try it with the girl.

-Sam P.O.V.-

This time I cut mine and her palm, then slowly channel my power in. I realize how much of a monster I am. The three week's trek broadened my energy pool too. As soon as I start, her eyes open wide. I close mine and feel the energy coursing through her. Slowly, I can build an image of my power and Red's nearby too. Then her...

If mine and red's channels are river's coursing through our every fibers and bones, Her channels are more like capillaries that barely start nourishing her fiber's.

When I open my eyes, I see her sweating, her eye's look totally blank.

(Oups. hahaha I think she is not broken yet. She doesn't hate the feeling but this is too much.)

I close my eyes, slow down the rhythm. I put my hand on her heart. She doesn't even realize or care. I concentrate the energy at the same spot as in my own body, the cavity between lungs and heart. It honestly looks like a huge neuron connected to the rest of the body, but invisible.

The organs themselves create an E.M.F. The heart first and brain second, are the most powerful emitters. Then, the more sensible the place, the more waves it produces. My opinion, based on a paper and translated data picture from earth.

I slowly build a core so she can generate her own energy. Her body is like dry and oily clay, trying to be dissolved in water. It's such a shitty body to begin with and the life she led... sad.

I just pick her up and tell Red to stand guard. I go to bed holding her palm in mine and her back in my other arm. Channeling my power in her slowly. I slowly fall asleep in her scent.

Once we wake up it's already close to noon. At first she was a bit shy, she never felt herself being carried. But then she notices how good she feel's. looking at her, She is not only skin and bones anymore. Especially her sallow cheeks are no longer so much.

(I was right she is a beauty)

I smile at her

"Good morning"

"-G..good morning"

"Nice, you learn so fast! I bet it's because you never had much to do. You became smart."

"Now your body should feel a lot better. But don't tell the other's. Just you and me. We need to do more than one session for it to be complete."

I still have to gesticulate a lot, but she understands very fast. Seems like my power not only changed her body, but we can tell each other emotions. Well, her's are just a whisper, since she has just awakened and her power channels are not any bigger yet. But, I can tell her body is recovering her dead and dormant cells first. Don't know how long it will take.

She only began to feel the change and her face tells me how happy she is.

When she grabbed the water tub to go and dump it she could not hold it anymore. She started to cry.

I grab her in my arms and hug her, rub her back.

"Tenka! Promise to keep this between you and me."

"A secret."

I gesticulate not to open my mouth about it like a shush.

she nod


"I'm so hungry I might die.."

I put my cape on her shoulders and send Red with her to dump the water and get more. I slump on the bed with a bunch of jerky. Of course now, she will work for only me.

I can tell, the taming (wrong, more like a connection or whatever..) worked. My emotion must feel overwhelming to her. I just lit her candle, while I'm the sun for her. The effect on me is negligible. I must concentrate on her power pulses to feel her thought's.

Animals have larger energy pools than unawaken human's. Well maybe I should check with the strongest of the tribe.

Now what to do with this place. It's mine, no matter how you put it. If I leave them here, they will die, or worse.

1:census. 2:gather who wants to leave. 3:show of strength... Dam I know I'm awesome, but I never made a show of it... maybe I can throw a charged rock at a tree. With some power in the motion it should pass through or at least get stuck in it.

My most amazing power is taming, but let's keep it a secret for now. Besides, it's not guaranteed that, if the other's awaken, they would have the same power. There must be basic functions everybody can use. Until Tenka shows what she can do, let's lay low.

She comes back with the water. Red guard outside. She removes my green robe. Once she tries to turn around, I grab her wrist gently. I removed her robe.

"Poor girl, you're so skinny. Let me take good care of you."

I can't help myself from tearing up. Maybe it's the reflection of my past self or just my empathy for someone that went through the same thing I did. Her internals are starting to get better, but she still looks anorexic.

I start wiping her with a warm smile.

Once done, it's my turn. She looks at my thin but muscular body. I have to admit though I'm super well cut, my skin has not a spot or blemish. She makes sure to watch.. erm.. wash every part. Even when I had an erection, the whole interaction felt so pure. Of course I felt lust, but she can tell I don't want to hurt her. Or is just ignorant...

One done I put back my clean outfit, now stained with blood... it's still better than the robe for moving. I give her some granola and jerky and force her to eat it all. Then I gesture to her to lie down on the bed face down naked.

I massage her back and limbs while sending my power inside every place. She can't help herself to moan, but I concentrate on the massage. I try to wake up and untangle all the strings... Then I flip her on her back and do the front. Put a bit of time on her head, neck and chest. She feel's butterflies all over her body. I do the rest of the body, arms, hands leg's, feet, but I can't stop there... I reach to her crouch, massage and send my power there. In second's she sprayed all over the bed. Probably her first time...

I let her sleep, post Red to watch over her and tell him;

(This is the first human I will tell you to trust. Trust her almost like you trust me. Of course our relationship is different, you protect me and her. She makes children and protects them. My children... Of course that is in the future, not now.)

I finally got out of the hut. Not before grabbing my staff, spear and five spear heads.

They seem to have been waiting for me... A girl is waiting there red as a tomato. Ho.. well, she heard the moans...

We get to the center of the village. I notice all the huts are facing the center of said village. In the center there is a clearing where everybody is gathered. Unlike yesterday they seem calm and all look at me.

I already prepared a "speech" . I grab a few skin's I prepared with drawings of Stickmen, easy to understand. If they stay here they are dead.

People don't understand, some scorn me... They almost fight. The one Red put down a notch yesterday is silent. She knows the truth even if she hates me. She seems to be the matriarch.

The one to put a stop to the madness, is the baby woman. She seems to make them understand it's not better to stay and be under some rapist asshole than escape. She would do anything for her baby anyway, so she came to my side. Her name is Tali.

That's when a caped Tenka accompanied by Red, also took my other side. Right now there are 32 people with the baby. All women. In my head, I exclude people under 16 over 25, check their condition and select the five best potential warriors. I ask Tenka to bring them a bit closer and tell them I want to train them. I observe their reaction.

Luckily, they seem very happy. I shush them down. I can see Tenka is full of energy. Three times what she had yesterday at least.

I Let the other's chat among themselves about all this, while I bring Tali on Red's back, the five warrior's and Tenka away. Once we are far enough, Tenka helps with the presentations.

Their names are;

Temate, around 22year's old, 5'6". Brown hairs, blue eyes, coffee skin.

Salaba, around 20 and 6'. Black eyes and brown hair, pale skin.

Lily, around 18 black and bluish hairs, abyssal black eyes, white skin, 5'4".

Pama, around 20 red hairs, green eyes, 5'7", creamy skin with freckles.

Tati, around 16, light brown hair and almond eyes, 5'4", light coffee skin.

Instead of talking, I just pull the spear heads, then give one to each of them. Then we go find each of them a shaft, showing them how to use a spear and staff.

The matriarch tries to sneak a peek, but Red tells me. I disappear and sneak behind her.


She turns around and sees me smile.

"I'm Sam."


I try to gesture and ask if she will come with us. She nod's, but still try to nag, which I ignore and say:

"Ok.ok. Just don't do anything stupid"

I frown a bit and leave.

We don't have much time so that's all I can show the girls. With the complete weapon of their creation they are excited, loyal and a good deterrent. Tenka seems to try convincing them hard too. They all redden all of a sudden.

Seems like I did not tell her not to say I'm a man. But I thought that was obvious, especially without my cape you can see my ripped arms. The one with the flame scar looks cool. But, to them, the fact that I have long hair and no beard, I look feminine.

I chided Tenka a bit. We laugh but I seriously tell them to keep the secret. I will keep my armless jacket closed hehehe.

They look weirded out. I tell them I don't want all the women to know! Just them for now! of course Tali!?..

I turn around and see her with her baby. She heard everything... She smiles at me innocently.

"Dam it! You better keep it to yourselves"

They all laugh, but I can feel their trust and sincerity in their laughter. They just nod.

We all put our index on our mouth. They laugh and talk while we go back.