
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Even God Fail Will I? Chapter 7 -No time to lose-

I can feel the urgency to plan our battle. The first thing on the list, I Show them all how to make Traps. We also made it so the trap field can be burned when needed, without burning the whole forest down. Then an escape route is set for the worst case scenario.

Tenka at the lead, Temate her second (I learned she is Matema's daughter). Lily and Pama are going to tame the wolf's and bring back the cub's with Red.

I take Gary, Salaba and Tati with me to go north, where there is a huge solitary red bear living. All the creatures around his territory avoid the place. I plan to tame it.

With Berth (and the "super" pheasant...), I'm not scared to leave the rest of them behind.

The people are skeptical. But after the trek, they just feel glad to stop and have free food. I have my plan's for them but not now....

-Tali P.O.V.-

I can feel Sam's fear. It honestly scares me a lot. He is so strong but, when I look into his eyes, I can feel his fear well hidden. The closer we become, the more fearful he becomes. Maybe I can't understand why he is scared, but he gives me orders and I intend to follow them to the letter. After all, what I am now is thanks to him.

This power is amazing. I tried to "see" it like Sam told me, but there was too much information. My power got drained into my eyes and nerves. I could faint in a few seconds. I did manage to get a glance at this world's inner work. That is when I realized the power Sam holds. He literally bestowed me with power in one night. When I focus on him for a glance, I can see a sun, warm and secure. Who would have thought he would feel the most fear out of all of us....

The order he gave me is to get as many wolves as we can. He is really preparing for something big.

After the time I spent with Sam and Red, I can somewhat understand Red. Not like I understand Eldo, but the beast is quite funny once you get past his scary outside.

Red stayed close to me. I guess Sam's worried hahaha... I can understand his worries since I looked like I was going to die anytime when we met. The expression I saw in his eyes... surprise, lust, shame, sadness and empathy. All of this in an instant. Even without my current power he was extremely easy to read but, I had no idea he was a man. He's so beautiful that it can pass as both. It was like thunder clapped between us. I held his gaze for a mere second.

It's then I turned around out of shyness. He undresses and once I look back I realize he's a man!

I couldn't breathe for a sec. I was terrorized, no other word could do it. What is he thinking, why did he kill the other's...

I tried to leave, but he stopped me.

The tribe always kept me away from the men. Of course, they said I'd die if I go alone with a man. Which was true, how could I have bared a child with my weak body, much less feed it.

This got me some resentment from some and sympathy from others. All in all, I have no real friends. I tried at least to do as much as I could in the village. The thing I'm best at is weaving. I thought about making friends by giving them nice stuff to wear. It didn't work. I could see they still looked at me in a half contempt, half sympathetic way. The next day they brought me more food. I almost cried.

My mom was taken away long ago. She was a beauty, and it has been her curse. Matema told me to hide and look dirty, so I did. I was never bothered. Some men only glanced at me and rejected the idea, which I was happy about. It's just now... my feelings are changing.

Anyway, let's focus on the task. I'm the first to "awaken" like Sam say's and my power circulatory system is the strongest. But why did he leave me with only a knife? (It looks like a short sword in her hand's). The other's all have spear's. And I look like the weakest, but I'm in command. I should have been Temate, like her mother/leader.

Following Red, we traveled for a day and night before catching on rest. I am surprised that I'm the fastest and most enduring. They are stronger... We tried Sam's methods for fun, they beat me in strength. But now I remember what Sam said to me. (Your power is calm and enveloping. spread it before you and be silent like the Eldo...) I can run very fast and silently now. I can see why we all wear pants and underwear now. Fighting in a robe is bad. He also promised boots, I CAN'T WAIT.

We arrived there. I give them order's and no one complains. I guess the trek got me some respect. Besides, now I get why he pushes me to play chess so much. I'm always on the board and I always win. Even Sam lost against me.

It only takes us a few minutes to succeed. We encircle them first and then Red jumps in.

Total obedience from the get go.

Red is so much more intelligent, strong and....


It's huge..cough.. All the girls look away.

"The order is to bring them back and tame them. Can you at least do that first?"

-Sam P.O.V.-

Well shit, I didn't think about the fact that Salaba and Tati don't know much English except hunting word's and signal's. It's pretty awkward. We just sit in the tent and look at each other.

At least they know card's, the night is long here. Salaba is like a big sis, no matter what I do she takes it well and I can feel she cares. Tati is feigning that she is suspicious of me, like her mother. But she is pretty and I like to tease her as much as I can.

Tenka's intelligence is clearly on another level from them, even me... She learns everything I have. My pace is actually too slow for her to reach her full potential. It saddened me. I guess I can teach her basic physics. She could make up the rest on her own....

We hunt and put an offering everyday for the bear. I chose the name Barabas. Standing on his back legs, he reached 4m easily. It looks like he had a fight with human's. There are a few arrow shafts sticking out of his fur. And just like Red, he looks like a "kin eater"

After two week's, I got the girl's to stay back and went forward to meet the desolate king. Super rare for an animal to get a rep name like this... that's what red said...

I thought by now he would remember my scent on the food I gave him, But it's not the case. He really seems to bear a grudge toward humans. Well to me at least.

I don't want to bring the girls in this stupidity I told myself I got into. I got overconfident. I can't fight it. First I want to tame it and it defeats the purpose, second I can't stay still in a fight. The girls will get entangled and killed. Since he's gunning for me the only way I can find is a cliff with a river at the bottom nearby.

"Why a cliff again..."

I use my spear as an anchor, rope in a loop and wait for Barabas to come.



My plan was to grab the cliff while he tripped, but I fell too. I try to protect my head and heart.

The Impact makes me black out.