
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Even God Failed Will I? Chapter 4 -About life-

I never thought a forest could be so big. It's already been a week since we left the house, Nothing but forest, mountains, more forest , again mountains Ho! A lake. But no people.

We use 30% power a day(32h). That means we can travel around 550km on a straight road. Now with the mountains it's more around 380km. That means we traveled around (2660km). This is more than most countries or 1/2 of America. In 105 day's (140 earth days) we would have done a complete revolution around the earth, on foot! (and wolf back...) Like Jules Verne's 80 days book.

By looking at the north and the polar stars angle at the same time every day, I could tell the size of the planet. (Distance walked over one degree on equator x 360 = circumference of the planet.) Right now the angle has not changed one degree! Earth would be 23 degrees (2660Km). Very rough estimate. With this data, I can do a lot of triangulation on celestial bodies, but not if I can't even calculate It.

After another two more weeks, and a total of 8000km, Gary sees some traces of civilization. For now, it's only markings or foraging traces.

My heart is beating so hard I can't go for now. I retreated and made a small camp. I might not understand Gary, but Red does. It makes thing's easy. I needed at least to make myself presentable and prepare a few lines of scenario's.

While I'm messing around, Gary went ahead to observe what kind of peoples we are dealing with. Unfortunately, my monologue got cut early. My damned Hero switch freaked out when Gary shared his vision.

I can see a man chasing a woman holding a baby. The man look in his 40's, salt and pepper hair and beard. Wearing a nice leather armor, holding a Dam sword.

I have no idea why this is happening. But f.ck it... The child is innocent, and its the first woman I cross path with. In this world and in this life. No way I let that go ever if I can't trust her.

I signal Red with a look. He disappear.

Once I get there, the guy is dead, his throat and whole neck broken. Red is siting in front of the trembling woman.

(He never even saw it coming...)

"Good job Red"

I give him some special jerky and pet him. Once I see the woman breath a bit, from the corner of my eye, I turn to her and wave.

"Hello there. What's Up with the running thing?"

the woman tilt her head


("Shit this is great... My isekai dream shattered XP...")

("I didn't get the translate app installed XD...")


("Hum.. moving on")

I point at the men body, then put my palms up on each side of me, tilt my head a bit.

She point at the baby.

("Dam... I'm good actor.")

Red-("tsk... I smell a bunch of females and 7 males. The females are scared.")-

("Ok you're better then me...")

-("So we don't help?")-



("Listen to my enlightenment.")


If Red could cry, he would. Sam's obnoxious tone come from his solitude and is a kind of joke.

("It's my pleasure. You see, there is more to it then meet the eye. And we are far from home let's not act in a hurry. I'm sur they can hold on a bit longer.")

("Now, this baby, male or female?")


("See, this is a human factor. They are either kidnaping or killing boy's. If that is the case, there must be an organization behind this. Now this man did not know how to use his power. We need to asses their strength. 8 men can subdue 40 peoples because of the better weapons and armor. But if you and me can entice the people to join the fight. I doubt so tough...")

("That is not all. Once they are rescued, we become responsible for them and the retaliation. With an' 8 men subduing squad, you can expect 40 to 100 men to come on the first wave.")

("This is no joke!")

My Analysis is cut short by the woman shoving her baby on me.

Witch I refuse, sparing no profanities, since she can't understand.

"Look lady.. I'm NOT taking your baby. Just stay put, right here, and don't move."

("eerrrr. So I guess were going to save a bunch of ladies :D...")

-("You just wanted to give the order did you?")-

("NO!.... No, I want you to know that, we are entering a world of Hurt.")

("You only know me. I'm someone you can turn your back to. And I, yours. But out there, human's WILL betray each other. You can't always blame them either. You need to know the truth from falsity. That is how you watch my back. Suspect the mother wanting to save her child and forgive her. But don't be afraid to kill the men who are a threat to a child or the innocent. And be ready to get stabbed in the back. You can let me worry about the big picture, but be wary and aware of other's at all times. Don't leave my side for too long.")

That is a bit much to process for Red. We both sit down and meditate and chat for a bit. From the woman's perspective we just look at each other for a few minutes close our eyes for a minute, while she is restless. Until we both snap into action, synchronized.

While running we already have a plan laid out, with the help of Gary.

-("Master. The people from the world you come from, were they all like this?")-

("No. A lot were stupid so we forgive them. But the other's are the worst. I'm sure worst then here in this world. But, it could become it... Beside that world was on the verge of destruction. There is no comparison.")

("It could be fun to see what it look like, later. I'm sur lot's of year's passed by.")

We split up. We take one out each stealthily, retreat and regroup then I take one or two out with a spear throw. (I just wounded the second...). Red hide until they get close, while I throw a few shuriken's, getting a hit on a guy's throat, wounding him fatally. The rest get's avoided or deflected with a few scratches.

(Dam it's to slow. They were just surprised.)

Only three left.

(This bring back memories...)

One of them is wounded.

I takes my staff, Drop my pack, Take a breath.

("Red you finish the wounded guy then just distract one of them. On your mark!")

Once they get passed red, he almost glides forward soundlessly. I distract them by shouting and begin to advance, but I'm calm.

All they can ear is a "crunch" and the one in the back is dead. This made thing's super easy. Once they saw Red, one shat in is pants, the other screamed like a girl. I just finish them off fast, the smell is horrible. Poor Red XD.

-("Don't laugh...")-

("Now what to do with them?")

Looking at the gathered woman. Some trembles others look calm.

("Gary, go get the one with the baby.")

-("Eat the old and keep the young.")-

("Ewww... What the... Ho! Hey, your getting good at jokes. Nice one!")

-Bark-(Although I'm not joking but what he don't know don't hurt.)-

("Eww are you salivating?...Don't say anything, I don't want to know. It's fine as long as you eat the bad guys.")

Again, our thought process is disturbed by a woman. XD. This time an' old one screaming at me, terrorizing the other's.

-("Is that what you were talking about?")-

("Mm.... No... She is just stupid, so forgive. Just put your paw on her and hold her down.")

Of course, it's much worse than it sounds like. The huge wolf, with his head almost bigger than her abdomen, his jaw dripping with blood standing over her, his golden eyes frowning a little. She can't move a finger from fear.

Lucky for her, the baby woman comes back and plead for whatever shit I don't care about. I just point at the blood on my body and make a washing gesture. The baby woman tells a few thing's to the other's, then a few get into action.

One of them come and take him to some kind of shitty hut. The door is only a flap. At least they know how to weave grass and stuff pretty well. There's just enough room for both him and Red, plus a bit walking room. There is a bed and decorations made from weaved different colored grasses.

Few kids come and bring food. Nut's berry's and fruits. They also leave an empty tub.


Once they all retreat, a skinny teen comes in with hot water. She obviously has a hard time. So I go to help her. She must be around my age, but scrawny.

Once I get a good look at her face, my heart skip a beat. She is so beautiful. Obviously there are signs of malnutrition, but even skinny as this, I can't look away. She has long blond hair up to her hips. Her eyebrows and lashes are golden as well. She has beautiful round emerald eyes. A delicate small nose and creamy white skin, paler than the other's. You'd wonder if she is from here. But her body looks very weak. Maybe it's a mutation or disease. I didn't see her earlier. Maybe she was hiding. No point guessing. -sight-

This remind me of my old body and childhood. My lust dies down, replaced by a bit of a clenched heart and fist. Though from what I see here, that must have been her saving grace. I'm pondering if I'm just an idiot, but she smells like freshly cut grass and cucumbers. She must have been secluded and underfed.

While she work on the bath and Rag's. I just remove all my stuff while Red sit by the door. Cape, gloves, boot's, coat then finally the pant's.

And! She probably tough I was a girl cause, she panics and not in a good way. She looks scared for her life. She turns to leave, but I grab her wrist. Red block the door. Now she is trembling. I tell her in a low voice.

"Shhsht. don't worry I won't hurt you."

I pull her and sit her on the bed. Not good... she panic more.


This is going to be tough. I just sit down on the floor and start trying to communicate.

I point at myself and Red

" I'm Sam, this is red"

Then point at her and wait.


"Good! Don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you."

After coaxing her a bit and cleaning, I put on a green robe they brought me earlier. The same as Tenka... I do look like a woman a bit. :'( Just no breasts and hips.

He point at the ground.


Red demonstrate.

(Better teach her English, then she can translate for the other's. hehehe... it's dark out. let's get to work.)

I already have stuff to write in my pack that I picked on the way. For now, I explain to her that the men we killed, will bring other men and we need to leave as soon as we can..
