
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter8 -"Bear" with me-

I can smell the blood. The blood of my brethren being slaughtered. The bastard's waited until I left to get my FAMILY.

I run as fast as I can and fall on the worst scene a living being can see. My mates, my cubs... dead. One is alive inside a net crying, but I can't hear anything.


The ground shakes at my bellow.

I start trashing the human scums around. They melt honey under my claws and jaw. None can stop me. I don't feel any pain.

Chain's wrapped in fire come from the ground and tie me up. I'm lying in a Pool of blood. The blood from my family and theirs. No more energy.

I can finally hear the cub still crying over there. The fire and energy loss make me thirsty. I'm so thirsty. Before I realized the taste of iron was in my mouth. I already drank half the pool. My body feels like it's on fire. The chains burst and I'm free to kill again and again in a frenzy, until I lose consciousness.

-Sam P.O.V.-

I wake up all wet and washed up on a rock. There is a lot of blood. Left arm broken clean, scar on my forehead above the left eye and few fractured ribs. In the end, I'm lucky to be alive. Now.

-Whistle and flare my power_

It doesn't take long for Gary to find me. He must have been searching already. Well...

"You're so small... I can't tie a message to you!"

I'll just pull some of my hair for him to give the girls. It should do the trick.

I'm out of juice big time. My body uses up all my power on its own. My internals' seem fine, so it must have been that. I would probably be dead if I was a normal person.

After eating my wet ration, I try to find Barabas. He ended a km downstream still unconscious and wounded.

"Shit, he's useless now. And me too damn it."

After calming down, I check his wounds. Fractured ribs piercing the lung, broken leg, old wound's festering. This is bad. If I was not there, he would be dead.

I'm no doctor but, with my power, I don't even need a wire to stitch him up, or butcher him...

Well it's not like he was pristine to begin with. It took me six hours to fix him up. Now my left arm is like a balloon. I stab it with my now broken knife and focus what's left of my power in my blood. I feed it to Barabas. I replace the bones, wrap up the arm and fall asleep on him after my torment.

The next day

The girls finally made it to me in the afternoon. I keep them away from Barabas so they don't wake him up. Anyway, once they stop crying and cling to me, I send them back home and tell them to get ready for the fight. It's already been close to two weeks since we are gone. I don't know if I will make it back in time so they have to escape if they can't fight. I also have more spear heads. The general's can choose who to give them to.

After wrapping a skin with instructions I send them back. They need Gary for the trip back, but I keep the utilities and food. So now, it's me and Barabas.

-Barabas P.O.V.-

It hurts... But my old wounds feel good. The pain that has been there for years is almost gone.

I try to move, but new wounds hurt now and I'm tied up. I smell the human from before.

"Don't move, I just fixed you up damn it."

He put his hand on my head and I felt like a waterfall of sunlight hit my body. The pain disappears.

"Do you want revenge?"

He showed me an Arrow. Even if the smell is gone, I remember those shapes. I try to tell him yes, but my body goes berserk and squirm. I can't control myself.

He put his hand on me again and I can finally calm down.

" I will take that as a yes. Your name is now Barabas."

After this strange feeling washes over me, he points at himself.


He started to leave. I grunt for him not to leave me like this.

"Sorry for that but if you want to be back on your feet fast, you need to stay still. Trust me nothing will happen to you."

I can't understand a word he says, but I feel I can trust him. His power kept my rage in check just then. I gaze at the fire beside me and fall back to sleep, thinking about the past.

-Salaba P.O.V.-


Nooo that can't be. Tati and I don't know what to do. We went back to the tent to wait for him. After a few hour's, we couldn't hold back our tear's anymore. I'm so scared. I realize how important he became in such a short period of time. If we lose him thing's would go back to what they were before. I can't imagine what Tenka would feel.

My thoughts are interrupted by Gary holding a lock of hair. Sam's hair!

We can't leave now, it's going to be nighttime soon. Fortunately Gary is sharp, he just started to rest. We do the same. We leave in the morning after packing.

Once we found him he looked terrible. I just cried. I couldn't do much except give him most of my power. Tati was the same. She is such a sweetheart. "tsundere" Sam says often to tease her...

We did not even have time to cuddle him, he sent us back home with a message for Tenka right away. I gave him a big hug and kiss before we left. You should have seen his face hahaha. He's never innocent looking like this usually.

-Temate P.O.V.-

I have to give it to him. I was supposed to be the next leader if no men took me away. But now I'm under Tenka's lead.

Tenka is the last person I would see myself serving, but she is awesome. She is still weak and a bit meek, but once it comes to Sam's order she becomes frigidly serious. She probably doesn't realize that herself. And her speed is something else too. If she hides from you, she could sneak attack in an instant. Nobody wants to provoke her.

The mission was easy. We didn't even have to fight. I can see the disappointment in Tenka's eyes for a sec, then that perverted man's dog.... erk...

The atmosphere felt a bit awkward until we got back home. Tenka, Lily, Pama and I start to tame the wolf's before Red could get to them. emph... You won't touch my Suki.

There were only four adult's wolfs. The rest are five cub's. useless for battle. We made the kid's tame them.

It's easy to tell how Sam thinks. He does not hide it. He took the people he judged more important for the future and gave us the power. It's up to us to decide what to do with it. The old thinker's can't tell us how to think. Like my mother. But I can tell Sam still respects her, even if they stare daggers at each other. That's why I trust him.

I did the same thing he did with me, to power my mom and the kid's. Well I tried. It did work but more like a watered down version. I don't have the same amount of power as he does... Smart man indeed...

-Tenka P.O.V.-

When we came back after three days only, I knew Sam would not be there. That put a lot of pressure on me. I have to lead them but how. Wait like the chess! I'm an outsider just like him in some way...

I soon call the generals that are here and tell them my plan. Temate had the right idea, and they are to awaken as many as possible. Training can do the rest. Also, choose teams they can work with.

Lily took her mother, Lale, in her 40's, they look like the same person at different ages. Both 5'4" black bluish hair, white skin abyss black irises. Both look stern. She also awakened Xeo mid 30's and Tio 3yrs old. A mother daughter pair. Lastly, Nalia in the 60's had dark blond, blue eyes. The only traveler of our tribe. She spent her youth away from home. Good friend of Lale.

She tried to get Rita and her two daughters, but instead she came to me and pleaded for me to awaken her. She "a milf" like Sam said, no pressure, he said... Yeah right, when I look at her I know she is loyal to him and her body is so superior, it's annoying. I know what she is thinking and I was the first. No way she gets him before me. And that's the deal she was so happy to accept.

So I awoke her and her two kids, Luqui and Mito. They saw Sam and his staff so they immediately copied him. Well, they think so hahaha.

Their mother is a hopeless case for the weapon She chose... sheers... I'm so embarrassed... At least she picked up cooking and cleaning fast. That's a mother for you. I just found her use. sigh.

I took Izuka 15 genius like me, Akari 14, Mily 13 "the unruly", Pachy 15 "the chubby", Entha 12. all orphan's.

Unlike the general's, Sam used his power on me so many times now. I always sleep with him. I notice how he did it. The power they gain is a little better than the other's.

Tali wants Sam to do it for her and her baby as he did not do it yet.

Pama awakens Sati and Sera, a daughter-mother pair.

Tati got Kata and Kely, the ugly pair, by default.

Salaba got two elder's Baru and Houta. She usually is fine with anything.

Matema grabbed for her daughter, Uli 24yrs old and her daughter Utata 10yrs old (bastard's right. 14yrs mother?), Lastly Tema 13 under her care.

Now we wait.

Until I see Gary, Salaba and Tati coming back alone. They look pale... My heartbeat is so loud I can't hear anything else. Until I woke up shaking Tati's shoulders everybody looked at me scared. I breathe for a sec.

"I'm sorry... What happened?"

Tati-"your eye's they were scary"-

"Not to me, where is Sam!"

Salaba-"Please calm down Tenka. you don't realize how scary you are right now."-

She is right there is something wrong with me. My aura is cold and my heart beat is fast. My eyes are very focused too. I let her go and took a few deep breaths.

Salaba-"He's fine. A little banged up, but he told us to come back and prepare for war. Wait a sec."-

She rummages in Sam's cabin then brings back 15 spear head's and gives me a note. That I snatch.

Sam-"Tenka, I hope you are fine, hehe."

"Idiot are you!"

Sam- "I'm fine, don't worry."


Sam- "Sorry to do this to you. The only advice I can give is, fight from a distance and run north when they get too close. They have bows and arrows, something like the crossbow I showed you. Use that too. Be careful. I'm coming."

At least you're fine you idiot..

I look at the five generals.

"Get your people ready. The old and young go Northside ready to escape. The rest stay and fight from a distance. You five and I are going to fight just after the trap field. Keep two metal spears for yourselves and give the rest to the other's that fight. Make plenty of throwing spear's until they come."

In silence. they just leave for work fast.

Damm! My Aura changed and I feel different too. I feel more powerful... What happened Sam...
