
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 11 -We go North!-

Today I feel like I fell from a cliff again. I slept with Tenka, otherwise my power would be emptied. She must be tired too. Yesterday in that battle, she went partially berserk too. Luckily, she had Red to stop her. In my case, I just lost it for a minute, until my power went to my brain.

I use an insane amount of power in one shot. Now my eyes are bloodshot and my muscles ache big time. This state might seem useful, but to me it's just a key to unlocking the body's potential. It's nothing I could not have done with slow practice. Let's keep that for later.

Salaba's wound seems fine. She has a scar above her left tit. The arrow got through her shoulder and went in the pectoral. I had to slice the pectoral and remove the arrowhead, then I just cut it and removed the shaft from the shoulder. My medical skill increased a lot thanks to Barb. I found things you can't understand until you put it into practice. Like the "frequency" or "type of power" to send at different places like the organs, bones, muscles and tissue.

Which brings us to the scar above her pretty breast. It's thin and red. I touch it and she wakes up because of my tickling. Normally, any woman would look shy having her breast out in front of a nice stud. But the concept doesn't exist, for this tribe at least.

She smiles at me then stretches her arms and grabs my head and lowers it down slowly. I thought she was going for a kiss, but she put my face in her breast. God bless. I just lie on top and start kissing her breast carefully. Salaba has a white pale skin and her nipples are a beautiful pink. She saw me looking I guess.

(I knew she felt motherly but this is nice hehe.)

It gives me the chance to look at the scar closely. I carefully kiss it and pour the pitiful amount of power I have left in it before falling asleep again. In Heaven.

I wake up hearing vibrations on the chest I'm lying on. Sal and Tenka are talking. Once they see I wake up they both hug me. I grunt.


(My body hurts.)

They let me go.

"I'm hungry"

They look at each other and nod. They push me on the bed.

-"you stay here."- x2

(We were supposed to leave today but I'm wasted.)

They come back with a big tub of food, dry meat, veggies and berry's. I smile.

(I need to show them how to cook.)

"Thank you babes."

Between two mouths full I ask.

"Tenka how is Red, Barabas and the other's."

-"Finnish your food, they are fine."-

Once I finish my meal, I just put on some pants and go out. My four precious beasts are there sagely waiting for me.

Red is the first to react. Gary, who was perched on his head, flew to my shoulder.


"Hey buddy morning."

I pat his head. He pour a bit of his power in me, which I accept.

"Thank Red"

Then I went to Berth, which I hadn't seen for a while.

"Hey you! Thank for staying out of the battle or we would eat some braised pork full of arrows today hahaha"


"I'm joking buddy"

He put his snout on my chest and pours a waterfall of power on me. I feel bloated on a cellular level XD. I was already full of food now this...

Once he stops I feel a little woozy. Like ants crawling all over and inside my body, repairing all of the damage I sustained. Even my brain itches.

I just breathe and let the feeling pass for a few minutes.

"Thank you Berth, that was awesome!"

I pat his huge snout, then go to Barabas.

"How was it? didn't expect to find your query that soon Hein?"

-Barb -("I wish we could have got the other one, but thank you. I feel calm, like part of the weight on my mind is gone.")-

I put my hand on his head to pat him, but I get dragged inside his mindscape.

I look around. Surprisingly we are not in a volcano anymore but a green field. The volcano is still there in the distance.

Then my eyes lock on a weird scene.

Barabas is sitting on a little white frilly garden chair next to a table, umbrella and an empty seat, drinking tea. I can't help but cross the image with the one of Echidna in "Re:Zero"


God, I roll on the floor crying out of laughter.



I calm down and sit beside him. I can't help to notice the glimpse of wisdom and royalty from him. Of course it's destroyed by the strange place he chose W.T.F.

-("I didn't choose... I just appeared here after killing Marcus. Last memory I watched was that anime. A mindscape is like a dream... So it ended up like this.")-

I look at the cup of tea.

(No way! Burp..)

"You didn't use your fluid's for this right?"

Pointing at the cup.


-(Fuck it.)-

He start to run after me.

Like that we play and I imitate Marcus the jester's annoying laughter.

He's "pissed" at me.

I fake the use of the chain's, but they really appear!

Sturdier than the ones Marcus could conjure. Some of them appear from thin air.

"W.T.F!" x2

I release him, while we look at each other incredulously.

"Try it too!"

In his case, four huge chain's burst out of the ground. They shot at me fast. The link's are the size of my head. Once I avoid the clash between the chains, they produce a strong ringing sound. Like a huge hammer on an' Anvil.

"Damn! That was dangerous !"

(My head would have exploded like a watermelon!)

"This is your mindscape. We don't know much about it... I haven't gone to mine yet."

We go back to our seats and calm down.

"By the way... how did you come up with that stuff?"

(The mindscape seems like that anime to me, so I can't help but ask. I'm Worried he has memories he should not have.)

-("Boy, don't search too far. Contrary to you who is 37 years old, both lives combined, I am 150 years old. Even those shameful memories are etched into my brain. Even that time when your mother...")-



"So you can gain power by eating our enemies, then I'll force feed you every one of them you jerk."

He's still laughing rolling on the floor. I can't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. We are both idiot's.

Once we calm down I ask.

"Do you think we can bring Tenka, Red and the other's here?"

-("No. They are too young for now. This place is linked to my soul. I gained it by a fluke. My power's too. I used to be a king in this forest. But the human's killed my kin. I broke my limit's then and gained a long and painful life. All that pain made my mind evolve. Then you came in. Healed my wounds at the cost of your own well being. I don't know how long I had left before you came into my life. So, I dragged you in here and watched your memories while you slept or trained... Well some of them. It's only been a week. Don't worry I'm a beast, I saw and did more shameful thing's then compared to both your lives hehehe.")-

"Erg... Teach me, at least, how to do that."


I appear inside the volcano...

"You're Kidding."

-("No boy. The only way, I know, to reinforce the soul is pain. Pain of the soul that is.")-

I open my eyes, tearing a bit

(Why there is always pain involved. Is it the god's laughing at us for trying to get better?)

I tell Temate to gather everybody and head north. They are to go to Barabas territory and build a fortress there. At least ramparts before I come back.

I keep Tenka, Gary, Barabas and Salaba with me. Sal and Barb need to rest. I just don't want to be apart from Tenka again.

Red and Berth can keep them safe on the road. Red Don't want to go hehe. I understand him, but the training me and Tenka are doing now, he can't do it yet. In his case the soul is small and fragile. Even Gary gets to stay since they now have their own bird's.

He reluctantly left with the group.

Like that I passed a week of half bliss with the girls and half hell with Barabas.

-Temate P.O.V.-

(Dam that guy, he just dumped all the work on me. Of course I'm the right choice for the task, but he just ordered me like I'm his pet. mph.)

"Let's go everybody. The Stinky man will stay here for now."

-"What he's man!"-

-"Of course he's a man, you can't fool these old eyes"-

-"Nobody said anything about it....."-"...yada..."-

(Haha let's see how you deal with that when you come back.)

Little did she know the nightmare she created is not a bad one for him.

"Let's GO!"

-"Where are we going?"-

"We go north!"