
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 10 -Berserk-

-Tenka's P.O.V.-

(Since the encounter I feel my blood boiling. It feels like my dream when I went to sleep the past week, when I'm in a volcano. I can barely think straight.)

Red comes close and licks my hand and passes a bit of power in it. I snap out of my state.

"Thank you."

(The bird's can't go there now with the fire and all, so I sent Eldo to find Sam. I don't want anybody to die. He's our only hope. I don't think any of them can avoid these burning chain's.)

I warn the people.

"Leave the crazy red man to me and Red. Make sure the other's can't reach the defense line."

The fire is done burning. There is still danger, but they won't get more than major burns in the best case for us. The enemies reach the trenches two by two and have to slow their momentum. That's when Tenka announces the offensive. The training stuck in. They selected their target in the order they are positioned. No double hit.

five dead, three wounded.

Second wave, five dead, two double hits.

(Damn can't blame them. Some of them are shaking...)

Third wave, they use the body's as cover, but it's useless. The trenches are not deep enough to hide. They are in a bad spot. 10 dead.

One of our girls pukes her guts.

The men run as much as they can. Around 30 of them are now in front of us.

"Hurry up! Don't stop shooting. Once they reach the last trench, the generals, the wolves and I are going in. The rest just shoot the ones who get past us. Don't hit your friend's."

Fourth wave, 8 dead and two wounded. An arrow got shot on our wooden barricade. This is what I was worried about.


Now this is a mayhem. Unpredictable.

"We can't reach bowmen with our spear's in the open. Grab your stuff and retreat to the second defense line."

The second defense line is just another wooden barricade but in the forest. They put a bunch of stands and ropes to fight among the trees.

We, the six strong and wolves, stay behind a bit and kill those who pass by while flickering between the trees. 9 dead.

-Marcus P.O.V-

(hahaha Amazing they get squatted like flies.)

I turn around and point at five archer's.


I march but they don't follow.

"hahahaha Funny"

I cast my hell chain's and jiggle them while doing a dance.

They just give up and run to my side.

"hahaha Don't get daddy angry ouuuu"

"Sinner's go forth and massacre those little girls hahaha."

We get there to see a pile of corps and whining fodder.

"hahahah there's not even half of us left."

Over there I see my little girl. I Just run to her with a happy face.


I slam my dagger's at her, cast the chains and attack again, but she parries, evades and retreat.

"Don't run, little girl. Let's play!"

Tenka -"RETREAT!"-

(She leaves! Noooo! My new toy~. I need to follow her!)

I follow her for a while until she disappears and reappears beside me, slashing her short sword at me. From the other side a red blur charges at me fast. I can only back off and avoid having my neck bit off. I can't even retaliate, before they both disappear again.


-Sam P.O.V.-

I ran with all my might and fell upon the retreating woman and two warriors.

"What happened.. they came?"

They point at the camp and show their lances.

-"The men! The men!"-

"Barabas, Let's go don't kill the woman. They are with me."


They can't hold their voices when they see Barabas.

"Shut up!"

I run towards the camp followed by the giant red bear. I reach there just in time to see Salaba take an arrow in the shoulder.

My heart hurt.

-ROAR!!- X2

Barabas and I Just lost our cool. Me because of Sal's condition and him because the clown over there, its one of the people he wants revenge on.

I throw my spear and impale two archers, the one who shot Salaba included. I rush at the fodder and kill them one by one, then a slash com at me. I slash with my broken knife filled with power. The wind slash split in two and destroyed the stuff behind me. I'm left unscathed.

I cross eyes with a middle aged man. (Beno)

-Beno-"So it's just a boy! You're the one giving me all that trouble. Well shit... I wish you were on my team. What do you say mm?"-

The guy speaks the native language and Sam barely understands a few words.

"Fuck you!"

My weapon is fully charged. On the verge of crumbling. I use my power in my leg's, abdomen, arm's, neck, eyes and brain. Once it reaches the brain, I come out of my berserk state of mind, but keep the boost and feeling. I flicker in front of him and do a lateral slash. I can tell he will block it, but my aim is severing his sword! My power is stronger than him at least twice in that state. But my heart and veins hurt, everything will hurt tomorrow.


He blocks and gets pushed back three meters. His sword is bent. There is a clear cut mark on it.

"Dam good sword asshole! I want it!"

(If it was mine he would be dead.)

The asshole just retreated as fast as he could. He shouted at his man to do the same(act as shield).

With the remaining people gathering I can't catch him anymore. At least we got his crazy friend.

I looked at where Tenka was fighting. Barabas is tearing at a piece of grounded human. people just look at him. Some of them puke.

But me and Tenka lock eyes and smile. She removes her bandana and comes in front of me. I lean in and give her our first kiss. Of course that and many things like shame don't mean a thing here, but to me it does. I'm sure to her too.

But I realize I'm stupid. I just gave her first kiss on a battlefield. Ok it's a reunion, but still stupid. I grab her hand and start walking toward the rest of the tribe. The warrior's follow with smirks.

Of course I don't forget Barabas after a bit of power he calmed down. He wanted to go catch the rest of them but I stopped him.

"We're not at our 100% right now, so we can't. We wait, they will be back again, I'm sure..."

I take Tenka and Salaba, and go near my cabin. Then tell the other's.

"You guy's set up only for the night we leave tomorrow."

Then we disappear for the night.

I fix up Sal's shoulder. luckily it did not nip an artery. Everything went perfect after my practice with Barabas and here I have everything I need too.

I turn to Tenka who is quietly watching at my side and grab her by the waist. I pull us on the bed. Our souls feel some relief being close to each other.

We fall asleep in a naked embrace. (Too young yet, sorry.)
