
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 12 -Evolution!?-

During the day, Tenka takes care of Sal and I. She grows stronger with her wolf, Taki, And her howl, Eldo, by hunting. We set up a tent that all of us could fit in, Barabas included.

During the night, I suffocate inside a volcano. By now I can endure being just beside the lava. The first time I got splashed with lava, It hurt and startled me so much I woke up in the middle of the night shouting. The worst part is that I am still numb during the day. Eventually, I will get used to it.

Can you imagine your soul being blistered? Head, eyes, nose, armpit and the rest. hehehe.

Tenka did not mention anything out of concern, but I can tell she suffered the after effects from my training. I check her out, but to my knowledge and guessing, I can tell her soul is growing along mine. It just hurt. She always wakes up an hour later than me. At least, I cook for her. My arm still hurts, but cooking is fine.

There are so many vegetables outside that it pains me to leave this place. Still, the animals will take care of that once we are gone.

Sal also benefits from our "Sessions". I slowly unlock her potential. She does not feel any pain from my soul training and she is older than Tenka... Her power is more Individual and different then mine. That is what I wanted. Her soul did not connect with mine like Tenka, but she still awakened. The other's must be like her. I think of it as bloodlines.

Tenka is different. She is like what you could consider, in my party, in game terms. We grow stronger together. The pet's are the shame... cough... same...

After Barabas, our souls are the most connected. She even surpassed Red. Of course I will never tell them that.

Gary seems to sleep all day. His growth takes a toll on him. I'm worried about him, but Barabas said if he survives, he will evolve like him. I tried to channel some of my power in him and he sucked it at an alarming pace. The three of them channeled their power in him when they saw me getting pale. Once the equivalent of my whole power went to him, his feathers fell off and white clay came out of his skin until he turned into a large beige egg with brown spots.

I look at Barb

-("Don't look at me Sam, Isekai...")-

("I admit you are right. That was disturbing...")

The same night, I try to go to Barb Mindscape, but I feel like there is a bubble around me preventing me from going out. I feel just like... I'm in an egg too!?

("Shit This is boring. I'm stuck. no air no sound no sight and senses.")

("This is suffocating. At least I'm used to the feeling. but this should be the start of my mindscape right?")

("I need to think of something good, not like that bear XD.")

I think for a minute.

("Ok got it.")

I make my mental image.

First, at the center of it all, a small Japanese house, small hot spring, surrounded by a bamboo forest. The symbol of calm mind and what have you...

Second, four seasons in four quarters, a desert for summer, an' Iceland for winter, a rainstorm land for fall and a lush forest mix of my past and current life for spring.

Third, a sturdy wall all around with thousand's of door's. These doors are named after the "Laws" or "things" they belong to Like: Ice, Fire, water, air, wind, sound, light, darkness, void, energy... I lost count of how many I created. I even left a lot of free room for later. There are a lot of experiment room's too.

I realize, if I could clone myself, things could go faster. Sadly, My Mindscape is just in an embryo state now... Everything is a bit abstract, but I should be happy with what I did so far. In fact, I'm tired in my dream... funny. Zzz

-3rd person P.O.V.-

In the morning Tenka notices that Sam is still asleep. She does not make a big deal and just makes breakfast. When she tries to wake him up, she realizes no matter what he won't wake up!

She wakes Barabas in panic. Once he gets a good look, he says the same thing he said yesterday.

If he survives this he will evolve. like him he guess...

Sure enough, she can understand him. He speaks English just like Sam. She can also understand her own pets. It seems like they all had a breakthrough at the same time yesterday.

Excepted Salaba poor girl. She is still smiling nonetheless.

Still in the afternoon they all had to flee from the tent. And.... They forgot Gary inside...

Some strange markings and spot's appear on Sam's skin. At first it was beautiful and calming but after a while, it became dark, cold and poisonous.

The effect's change in a kaleidoscopic aura. The tent gets shredded to pieces. Only Sam and egg Gary remain. Fire burns the air. An' ozone smell creeps in, electric arc's fly around. Rock's levitate, turn to sand and get blown in a shockwave. The plant's grow, and plant's die. Time slows and accelerates.

Barabas chip in.

-("The kid is Crazy, he put all these law's together in his mind. Well he may be lucky, but his body might blow up too.")-

The truth is, he even left unknown places his mind can think of, or estimate its existence. It's like thinking of the fourth and fifth dimension. The concept exists but is hard to imagine. Sam studied a lot of physics in his spare time. (Can you tell what E=mc2 really means? Check out the Riemannian universe. He can make a homemade microwave XD) Mixed with all the novels he read before...

The poor Gary is just beside him being radiated. Literally!



Blood flies in the air from Sam's seven main chakra points. Just under the privates, the pelvis, the heart, the solar plexus, the throat, the third eye and the crown right through the center of his brain.

-Tenka "NOOOO!"-

-("The kid's body couldn't keep up...")-

The blood stays in mid air and absorbs natural energy. It starts to rotate mid air and gradually goes back inside Sam's body. With it, it carries a lot of all the available elements and law's.

Inside Sam's body seven miniature and intangible black holes are sucking the natural element's around them. Lucky enough Berth made this place a paradise for his evolution. Except that there are not many of the destruction related law's. Only low quantity due to natural destruction, decay, erosion Etc... This place is mostly filled with nature. Most of the law's come, in small amounts, from far away. Even across the universe.

Still in Sam's memories the 6th and 7th chakra point are in the pineal and pituitary gland in the very center of the brain. There is a small hole between his eyebrows and the top of his head.

So for now, he is actually brain dead.

Lucky enough, all the medicine and anatomy lessons said the brain can function with some pieces missing. The other parts will fill in the blank, just like the optical nerve trick. Missing a limb becomes a pain too.

His body gets filled with natural energies. The first place to be affected are the destroyed main chakra points. They heal and get remade from pure energy and redesigned. The effect's will be unknown. This evolution is related to his mind and mixed with the power of this world.

This is not a cultivation method or training. His older soul changed and his young body tried to follow. This, In normal case, is not supposed to impact his body this much. The worst part is that Sam speculated most of the physics in the solar system. He had to go beyond the limit wanting to be safe.

At the same time, once he gets through this, his body, that is already good, will be insane. A mashup of science and magic. Maybe.

But for now his situation is critical. The gang retreated a 100m and kept going because all the plant's and earth Even the air, got dismantled and entered Sam's body.

The suction gets stronger until boulders rise and crash in his body. Rock's keep piling up and compressing until a 10 meter ball of concrete remains floating 1m above the ground. Natural energy keeps seeping in from its pores, but at a slower pace.

-("Well, it seems like he made it! But I'm not sure about Gary... What's up with the egg though?")-

They go back, but still stay away from the egg. The outside looks like kaleidoscopic spades with small light shining in between. I represent all the stuff in his mind apparently.

In the end they could do nothing so they retreated to a safe spot and watched from a distance. It's pretty safe since even if an animal go there it would die fast. Their power would get sucked dry before they even touch it.

What the hell will he become?