
Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Transgressing into a new world, Xu Shan found himself in possession of a mysterious book that granted him the ability to manipulate reality at an equivalent price. However, he soon realizes the world he now inhabited was far from simple, especially since the body he transgressed into belonged to the Third Prince of the strongest dynasty, who had been born with a Demonic Heart. Afflicted with the unique ability that made him incapable of growing stronger other than by devouring the strength of others, he understood that his path was destined to be filled with bloodshed, manipulations, and schemes...

Demonic_angel · Fantasy
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267 Chs

Celestial Tiers

Celestial Spirit Grades: 1 Star, 2 Star... 7 Star.


Celestial Cultivation Levels:

Cestial Warriors

Celestial General

Earthly Celestials

Sky Celestials

Heavenly Celestials

Half Step Immortal

Immortal Celestial

Saint Celestial

Supreme Celestial

Celestial God




Mythical Books: Seven in the Universe, all with a Heaven's Chosen

1) Book of Death

2) Book of Destiny

3) Book of Truth

4) Book of Rebirth

5) Book of Curse

6) Book of Depravity

7) Book of Luck



Additional Books: Two, both with Villains

1) Book of Devouring

2) *******



Lastly, the Book that wasn't supposed to exist... The Book of Desires, currently in possession of main character.