
Eternal Heartbound

{Mature content} "I'm afraid that your love for him shall be in vain" ********** He was her arrogant Mr, her bully!! She was his little bunny, the light to his intense darkness What happens when two different hearts meet in the most obnoxious way? And what happens when these two hearts are faced with tons of mysteries and secrets that are bound to break them even more?? Twenty years old Anxi tragically dies after being nearly sold by her foster parents, only to get reincarnated and transmigrated into the body of another, who surprisingly bore the same name as her. Unlike every reincarnated and transmigrated book she's come across ever since she was little, she never expected her's would be so different, waking up only to find herself in an expensive hotel room, dressed in a sexy nightwear. While in the middle of registering the whole commotion singing in her head, the air went cold and an unknown sexy hot stranger casually stepped into the room, except he had a mask on. His presence was enough to make the air around her take a sudden stand still as she was met by his crystal black eyes… Who is he? And most importantly, why is he wearing a mask? From then on, Anxi's life began to change drastically as she meets the CEO of Starcrest company who appointed her as his secretary but then refuses to let her out of his sight. She never realized crossing paths with this mysterious man was bound to change her life completely, opening her to a completely different world that she never knew existed, a world filled with danger, secrets, lies, mysteries, betrayal but everything as always….. comes with a price. The dark mysteries surrounding this unpredictable stranger and the truth about her sudden existence will surely come to light. With many obstacles trying to break apart two lonely hearts, what happens when they are left with no other choice but to point weapons at each other's faces?? #The laws attracted to desire has always been a powerful one# Hell-bent on finding out the main reason for her existence, she discovers something along the way, something that changes her mind completely, leaving her to take a decision that'll leave her shattered. Who knows, she might not even be shattered at all. #1 ~Duty comes before heart right? but my heart is bound to breaking those duties along with you.~ *************** Disclaimer: book cover isn't mine and every praise on the cover goes to the rightful owner Do bear with me as the beginning of the chp would be more of building up the characters, the main plot starts at chp 100 I do hope you stick around with me as I serve you with the most spiciest treats!! (^^) I've worked hard on this nvl and will need your loving and unconditional support to take it to the top >.

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Make Dessert Out Of You

"It's you!!"

Anxi felt her heart thump at his presence as he stood at the entrance, staring down at her while his little bunny failed terribly at hiding how flustered she was.

'What's he doing here??' she screamed silently in her head and didn't hesitate to try and close the door at his face, she struggled with both hands but the handsome being only needed to give the door a push of his hand to open it up.

Anxi was no match for his odd strength and defeatedly let him in, Xander casually strode in with a peach pie in hand and Anxi could feel her cheeks heat up again at his presence, her grandmother exposed her right in front of him and seeing him right now only made her anxious, no no!!

"Why_what...what are you doing here?"

Xander proceeded to sit on her bed while placing the plate of peach pie by the table close to her bedside, his beautiful eyes scanned through her room before meeting her adorable naive gaze.

"I came to give you this."

He noticed the colors on her cheeks and she looked even cuter while trying to shy away from him.

She had worn an oversized T-shirt with a short jeans skirt to go along with it, yet he felt hypnotized just by staring at her. Her starry brown eyes were no different from a heavenly sight of light.

It was the only light to his dark side.

"I don't want it, please leave my room, I didn't give you permission to enter in the first place." She sternly said to him and he could sense her anger as well the shyness and embarrassment filling her whole, how much he loves her expression right now.

"It's surprising, a glutton like you refusing some peach pie."

Xander made it his mission to annoy her even further as he carried a fork he brought along with the peach pie, taking a slice out of the perfectly made peach pie.

"More for me then, I have to admit your grandmother makes good peach pie."

He took the slice into his mouth and Anxi felt like punching him as her hands balled into fist, she wanted to cry but had no tears to shed, not her peach pies too!!

"Hey no fair!!"

"If I remember correctly you said you didn't want it, so I took it then."

"When did I say so?" She instantly denied, reaching for the peach pie in Xander's hand but he had managed to grab another slice with the fork, Anxi dropped her peach pie somewhere safe and walked up to him, staring at the slice on his fork.

"That's equally mine, give it!"

Xander could only tsk in response to her silly demand. "You glutton! Soon enough you'll get fat and when that time comes, I'll see just how many peach cakes you get to eat by then."

"If I do get fat, I'll exercise."

Anxi retorted haughtily, what's his business if she gets fat anyways, she wasn't his type so why would he care?

Xander was in a mood for mischief as he got up to his feet, dominating his little bunny who hadn't stopped glaring at him.

She took a step back the moment he closed in on her, pointing the fork straight at her face.

"You want this?"

Despite sensing danger in his deep hypnotic voice, she wasn't going to let that slice go and nodded her little head.

"Fine then, but that's if you can take it."

He reached for her small mouth with the fork and when she opened her mouth to grab the slice, he moved it away.

"Too slow."

Anxi tiptoed to snatch the fork from him but he wouldn't give up, raising it higher as the little bunny struggled to reach for it, unknowingly leaning further onto him.

"No fair, Xander." She whined childishly while struggling to reach it, Xander on the other hand was enjoying the moment, he liked watching her struggle like this, it only made her look cuter.

"Give it!"

She pushed him, leading him to fall on her bed and without thinking about the precautions of the action she was about to take, she got on top of the baffled Xander, seizing his hand and moving the fork into her mouth to eat the peach pie before he retaliated.

The sweetness of the heavenly peach pie clouded her mind as she closed her eyes to savor the moment, a slow smile playing on her lips as she chewed on it.

Xander could barely tear his gaze of her dammit! Her expression right now was nothing but a turn on for him.

Worst of all, the cream which served as a topping to the pie was now attached to her fuchsia lips and that strange beating at his chest drummed heavier.

"You dare to push your boss for the sake of peach pies!"

Xander's cold, yet pleasing tone snapped Anxi out of her reverie and she realized she was still on top of him, making her caramel brown eyes grow even wider.

She covered her lips as she tried to lick the cream away but was suddenly flipped over to her back, Xander was the one on top of her now and her pupils dilated shockingly as her hot sexy boss stared down at her.

"Here's another thing for you to remember, never eat anybody's dessert apart from mine."

Anxi misinterpreted his words and thoughts he was warning her not to eat anymore desserts, making her expression look pitiful. "Even grandmother?"

"You don't seem to get it do you?" Her act only proved her to be too demure, too innocent for his liking and he couldn't wait to break it, to break her even more.

Anxi could feel his heated gaze on her and as she tried to push him off, her hands were pinned to the bed.

"Stay." He ordered and Anxi shockingly found herself obeying, she watched him take the fork into his mouth and her eyes widened, but she already took that into her mouth! Watching him lick every cream on the fork felt seducing, dangerous, sexy!

He dropped the fork the moment he was done and Anxi was unable to resist licking her lips.

Seeing her little move, the fire in him intensified as he seized her lips with his for a kiss she didn't really expect, her eyes widened in complete astonishment as he kissed her.

It wasn't one of those feathery kisses or soft kisses she normally read about in books, his was totally of contrast as he claimed her hungrily, savaging the inside of her mouth with his tongue.

Anxi was unable to handle it as she tried to break free from his hold, hitting his chest with her small fist as she whimpered in disapproval, afraid her grandmother might just walk in but the Arrogant Mr continued with his shameless task without stopping.

Anxi could taste the sweet flavor of the peach pie the moment their tongues got entangled and she suddenly stopped struggling like all her neurons had burned out from the sweet intense pleasure of it.

She felt her body heat up with unexplainable desires as he continued with his tentative task of making dessert out of her, sucking on her tongue and letting the sweetness of the peach pie envelope them for the sweetest kiss ever.

"Nnghghh!!" She tried to speak but her words were suppressed into a soft moan, her heart raced wildly and despite being trapped and possessively claimed, she liked it!

All of a sudden, he pulled back and closed his eyes, clearly not satisfied, he wanted more.

He couldn't remember if he's ever wanted any woman the way he wanted this stubborn bunny of his, if it was possible he could kiss her all day and still want more, he was becoming addicted, too addicted! She was an addiction he couldn't run away from.

He finally opened his eyes to stare at the face of his little bunny, as her chest heaved up and down, taking in as many breaths as she could as her face became red as a tomato..

He smirked and pulled away from her while Anxi's gaze followed him, he rested his back on the wall with both hands in his pocket, staring at her and for a second, she was reminded of that night when she woke up in a hotel, the hot stranger who nearly had his way with her but fortunately let her go.

"You understand what I mean now, never take a slice from another man's dessert, else you'll watch him pay for the consequences of your own action."

His tone grew dark at the last statement, Anxi had no clue if she was losing her senses or not but that tone only captivated her.

Yeyy!!! *happy face*

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