
Eternal Heartbound

{Mature content} "I'm afraid that your love for him shall be in vain" ********** He was her arrogant Mr, her bully!! She was his little bunny, the light to his intense darkness What happens when two different hearts meet in the most obnoxious way? And what happens when these two hearts are faced with tons of mysteries and secrets that are bound to break them even more?? Twenty years old Anxi tragically dies after being nearly sold by her foster parents, only to get reincarnated and transmigrated into the body of another, who surprisingly bore the same name as her. Unlike every reincarnated and transmigrated book she's come across ever since she was little, she never expected her's would be so different, waking up only to find herself in an expensive hotel room, dressed in a sexy nightwear. While in the middle of registering the whole commotion singing in her head, the air went cold and an unknown sexy hot stranger casually stepped into the room, except he had a mask on. His presence was enough to make the air around her take a sudden stand still as she was met by his crystal black eyes… Who is he? And most importantly, why is he wearing a mask? From then on, Anxi's life began to change drastically as she meets the CEO of Starcrest company who appointed her as his secretary but then refuses to let her out of his sight. She never realized crossing paths with this mysterious man was bound to change her life completely, opening her to a completely different world that she never knew existed, a world filled with danger, secrets, lies, mysteries, betrayal but everything as always….. comes with a price. The dark mysteries surrounding this unpredictable stranger and the truth about her sudden existence will surely come to light. With many obstacles trying to break apart two lonely hearts, what happens when they are left with no other choice but to point weapons at each other's faces?? #The laws attracted to desire has always been a powerful one# Hell-bent on finding out the main reason for her existence, she discovers something along the way, something that changes her mind completely, leaving her to take a decision that'll leave her shattered. Who knows, she might not even be shattered at all. #1 ~Duty comes before heart right? but my heart is bound to breaking those duties along with you.~ *************** Disclaimer: book cover isn't mine and every praise on the cover goes to the rightful owner Do bear with me as the beginning of the chp would be more of building up the characters, the main plot starts at chp 100 I do hope you stick around with me as I serve you with the most spiciest treats!! (^^) I've worked hard on this nvl and will need your loving and unconditional support to take it to the top >.

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
123 Chs

Cute Height

It was a bit of a struggle having to work with Xander side by side without getting flustered, Anxi had to visit his office so many times cause they were files which were in need of his signature.

After calling her short last time, Xandria gave her an idea to start wearing heels which she happily complied to.

'If I wear heels, I doubt he'd call me short again''

Those words sang in her head until she finally decided to wear heels to work on a certain day, not that she was an absolute Perfecto like Xandria when it came to rocking heels but she wanted to teach her boss a little lesson.

When Xander saw her on heels the moment she stepped into his office, the look in his crystal black eyes gave away the surprise he felt at her sudden presence.

She was dressed in an off shoulder shirt with loose sleeves, tucked under her black high waist knee-length pencil skirt.

Her hair was tied in a ponytail as usual, bringing out the shape of her small delicate oval face, those dark heels fitted her cute feet perfectly and Xander had to control himself from doing anything stupid.

"Boss, you asked me to remind you about the meeting you scheduled in ten minutes time." She politely said while Xander awkwardly cleared his throat before nodding.

"Yes, I remember."

"They'll be here soon, is there something you need me to do before they arrive?"

"Take a few lower employees to get the meeting room settled, I want to see results in five minutes."

Anxi nodded politely before taking a step out of his office, Xander let out a relieved sigh the moment she left, that girl really has plans on damaging his brain.


Just like he had asked, Anxi had managed to get a few lower employees who were willing to help get the place settled, assisting them in her own way as well.

"Miss, thank you for your genuine support but you should let us carry on from here." One of the employees gratefully said to her while she charmingly smiled in response.

No doubt she was pretty and her cuteness already bewitched the men who were helping, she's mostly the reason they even agreed to help in the first place.

"Okay then, I have a few things to sort in the office by the way, carry on."

He nodded. Anxi was heading out of the meeting room. She had actually been tired throughout the morning but there were too many things that needed her attention the moment she stepped foot into her office.

On her way out, she unexpectedly missed her footing due to the little dizziness she felt, making her slip as she fell to the ground.

"Ow!!" She let out a painful cry the moment she hit the floor, grabbing the employees attention as they immediately hurried towards her.

"Miss, are you okay?"

She tried to stand up but realized she accidentally sprained her foot in the process.

"It hurts!"

Xander, who was heading straight to the meeting room to see how things were going, stopped in his tracks after seeing his little bunny on the ground.

"You can't walk?" The concerned employee asked while Anxi sadly shook her head in response.

"You don't have to worry, I'll carry you." He said and reached to carry Anxi in his arms, when a hand unexpectedly stopped him halfway the moment he tried to pick Anxi from the floor.

He turned to see who it was but was completely baffled to realize it was no one other than his boss.

"Lord Xander."

Xander ignored him and reached for the injured Anxi himself, carrying her in his arms while leaving everyone awed by his act.

His expression remained stoic and Anxi stared at him, leaving her mouth agape.

Her poor heart drummed continuously being in the arms of her mysterious boss, she wanted to tell him to drop her but his expression right now didn't let her.

Xander said nothing and carried Anxi away, the employees who were tidying the meeting room were completely stunned by their boss's act.

"Did our young boss just pick his secretary by himself?" A lady amongst them asked, unable to believe it.

"I wish to be in her shoes right now, I've never seen our handsome boss care that much for any one of us before."

"Is it wrong to say I feel jealous instead of wishing his secretary quick recovery."

"Just do both."


Xander got to Anxi's office as he gently dropped her on her seat, Anxi was still unable to utter a word as he crouched on one knee, studying her foot with an unreadable expression.

"Luckily it's not sprained too much." He finally uttered after many minutes of silence.

"You're still a novice in heels, try to be more careful when you walk."

"You…. you didn't have to carry me all the way here, everyone was looking and I wouldn't wish to be gossiped about." She uttered with a considerable daring.

"So you think I enjoy being gossiped about as well?" He still didn't meet her gaze as he studied her foot.

"Then you could have just let that employee carry me himself."

"Well I didn't nor would I have allowed it." When he saw another man trying to reach for Anxi, he couldn't bear the sight of seeing her in someone else's arms and hurriedly stopped him.

No one is allowed to touch what belongs to him, no one.

"You..!!. Ouch!! Hey that hurts!!" Anxi cried out as he gently massaged it up for her.

"If I don't massage it, it'll get worse and you'll have to go see a doctor."

"You don't have to do this, it's kind of improper having my boss do this." She confessed.

He was her boss and it felt weird seeing him on his knees just so he could treat her leg. He didn't respond and was about to do it again but she stopped him.

"Okay but try to be more gentle."

"I wouldn't have to do this if you actually learned to be more careful."

He tried to massage it once more but Anxi stopped him, he finally met her pleading gaze as she shook her head.

"No more, that's actually painful."

Xander noticed the tears swimming in her eyes and nearly stopped doing it, it's bound to hurt but if he doesn't do it, it'll only get worse which is exactly what he's trying to avoid.

"Okay, focus on me first." He said while Anxi grew confused.


"Look at me."

Anxi stared at him but with a suspicious gaze, why was he telling her to stare at him??

"Why did you wear heels all of a sudden?" He asked making Anxi bite her bottom lip at his question.

"It's nothing."

"I doubt, you're not someone who fancy's heels so tell me." He used a much more calmer tone making Anxi avert her gaze, it felt almost like he was trying to put her into a trance but he didn't give her the chance to look away as he captured her gaze again.

"Will you speak or should I force it out of you?"

"I wore it to look....taller." she confessed, making her cheeks go crimson red and she forced herself not to look at Xander.

"Look at me." He said again, with a little bit of authorativeness. Anxi met his sparkling dark eyes and tried not to get a nosebleed from staring too much.

"Why would you want to look taller?"

"You said it yourself, you told me I was short and that I wasn't of…." Her voice trailed off as the color in her cheeks grew darker.

Why was she even telling him all this???

He let out a mirthless chuckle, "I see, so you wanted to be off my taste?"

Anxi immediately shook her head. "No I…"

"But what if I told you that tall girls aren't my taste either?"

Anxi's brows creased into confusion, is he serious?

"What is your taste then?"

"Who knows, probably someone with a 'cute' height."

Anxi felt the blood rush to her cheeks as he uttered those words, before she could give her response, he got to his feet.

"And we're done."

"Hmm?" Anxi glanced at her foot and to her astonishment, it didn't hurt as it did before.

Her eyes widened as she was able to twist it and curl her toes freely. It still hurts but not as much as it did before.

"How did you??"

"While talking, I used it as a distraction so I could treat you properly, works every time."

Anxi's mouth fell agape, while talking?? She barely even felt a thing!!

"Don't stress it too much, I'll get Mya to deal with the meeting with me, you stay here and don't move, boss's orders."

With that, he walked out and Anxi found herself smiling after he left, the fluttering feeling in her chest made her feel good.

Xander: Just one chap? The readers want to see more of me

Sky: I need more support and Ps to do mass release *makes puppy dog eyes*

Anxi: Please vote dear readers so Author can give mass release for y'all to enjoy ♡♡

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