
Eternal Heartbound

{Mature content} "I'm afraid that your love for him shall be in vain" ********** He was her arrogant Mr, her bully!! She was his little bunny, the light to his intense darkness What happens when two different hearts meet in the most obnoxious way? And what happens when these two hearts are faced with tons of mysteries and secrets that are bound to break them even more?? Twenty years old Anxi tragically dies after being nearly sold by her foster parents, only to get reincarnated and transmigrated into the body of another, who surprisingly bore the same name as her. Unlike every reincarnated and transmigrated book she's come across ever since she was little, she never expected her's would be so different, waking up only to find herself in an expensive hotel room, dressed in a sexy nightwear. While in the middle of registering the whole commotion singing in her head, the air went cold and an unknown sexy hot stranger casually stepped into the room, except he had a mask on. His presence was enough to make the air around her take a sudden stand still as she was met by his crystal black eyes… Who is he? And most importantly, why is he wearing a mask? From then on, Anxi's life began to change drastically as she meets the CEO of Starcrest company who appointed her as his secretary but then refuses to let her out of his sight. She never realized crossing paths with this mysterious man was bound to change her life completely, opening her to a completely different world that she never knew existed, a world filled with danger, secrets, lies, mysteries, betrayal but everything as always….. comes with a price. The dark mysteries surrounding this unpredictable stranger and the truth about her sudden existence will surely come to light. With many obstacles trying to break apart two lonely hearts, what happens when they are left with no other choice but to point weapons at each other's faces?? #The laws attracted to desire has always been a powerful one# Hell-bent on finding out the main reason for her existence, she discovers something along the way, something that changes her mind completely, leaving her to take a decision that'll leave her shattered. Who knows, she might not even be shattered at all. #1 ~Duty comes before heart right? but my heart is bound to breaking those duties along with you.~ *************** Disclaimer: book cover isn't mine and every praise on the cover goes to the rightful owner Do bear with me as the beginning of the chp would be more of building up the characters, the main plot starts at chp 100 I do hope you stick around with me as I serve you with the most spiciest treats!! (^^) I've worked hard on this nvl and will need your loving and unconditional support to take it to the top >.

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
123 Chs

Encountering A Stranger

Weeks passed by continuously and it's surprising how quick the clock actually runs.

Anxi had been a lot busy throughout that week. After that day at work, Xander didn't show up the next day.

It's been weeks and yet, there wasn't any sign of him which left her really worried for the past few days.

She had to cancel so many meetings and helped Andrey look into some files since he was mostly occupied.

Mya has equally been very supportive and they managed to keep everything stable, as well as controlling the rest of the staff.

Anxi finally realized how difficult the company was without Xander around to aid them.

She already spoke to Xandria who explained to her that Xander actually fell sick, which had left her taken aback by the news, he didn't look sick after they closed from work.

He even suggested dropping her home so she had been constantly worried about him and his health.

Luckily it's Friday today so she has free time. She'll pay him a visit at least and see how he's doing. If he's getting better or not, she doesn't want to look like a heartless secretary so that will be good.

Anxi was on her way back home and was completely lost while her thoughts carried on about Xander, her baby face creased into a state of worry.

She was about to cross the street but didn't notice a fellow on a power bike riding her way, the sound of its roaring engine finally grasped her attention and when she turned to see what it was….

Her eyes widened in fear, seeing the powerbike head her way and it seemed her feet and body stopped moving at the sight. Almost like she had gone numb as her brain went off.

She panicked and closed her eyes since her legs refused to cooperate, scared she might get hit but at the same, waited for the hit to take over her.

The fellow on a bike noticed her on time and made a quick turn before she could get hit. Stopping his bike after successfully making a U turn without hurting her.

Anxi slowly tore her hand from her eyes, realizing she hadn't felt any pain yet and the world hadn't gone dark.

She raised her small head up, checking herself and feeling grateful she was still alive and not hurt, her eyes diverted to the stranger who perfectly parked his bike at a corner and she ran to his side.

"Sorry sir, are you okay?" She asked and watched as the stranger slowly removed his helmet, the face that came in view left her in awe as he turned to meet her dumbstruck gaze.

"I should be asking you." He spoke in a neutral tone as he put his helmet away, Anxi immediately forgot to speak as his charming face was what her eyes were fixated on.

His deep ocean blue eyes stared straight at her and she's never come across such beautiful blue eyes before.

His crimson red hair was stylishly combed, adding to his features and when he got down from the bike, he was just as tall and imposing, staring down at her and she really wished she could just get a little bit of height right now.

"Don't act blind or dumb, you have eyes and ears for a reason, use them well." He accused while keeping his piercing gaze locked on hers, he was already annoyed on his way here and this girl only added to it.

Anxi on the other hand scratched the back of her head before lowering her gaze, going over his word in her head.

"My eyesight is fine and besides the road was empty when I finally decided to cross, you just showed up out of nowhere."

He scoffed silently at her petty excuse, he showed up out of nowhere? "Of course, they try to make up an excuse in order to hide how careless and neglecting they can be."

"You don't know me, so you obviously have no right to call me careless." She pointed a finger at him, okay so maybe she was careless but she doesn't have to agree to that.

He stared at the delicate finger which was pointed straight at him, before shifting his icy blue gaze back to hers, she looked cute when he stared into her big starry round eyes.

"Too quick to retaliate, I hate liars." He snorted, turning away from her like she was some kind of pest he couldn't stand.

"And I hate people who refuse to accept their own mistakes, what's wrong in admitting that you nearly hit me with your bike."

"Well now I regret not doing it, cause if I had done it, you wouldn't be here having this conversation with me so you should thank me instead."

Anxi found him quite annoying each time he spoke like he owned the world, and she thought Xander was more annoying. Are all the handsome guys these days so annoying??

Even his aura felt quite odd, sure he looked undeniably charming but his aura carried a more intimidating feeling, she wouldn't let that hold her back anyways.

She forced a smile as she innocently met his gaze.

"Thank you." She sweetly said. "And for this too."

Before the young fellow could grasp her next move, she instantly stepped on his feet and snatched the helmet from his grip.

"Ahh!! Hey!!" The young fellow felt the sharp pain that circulated through his feet and when he tried to grab her, she instantly took to her heels with his helmet, afraid he might just come after her.

He watched her flee, right after stepping on his foot, it hurt for him to even go after her and she didn't stop running until she was out of sight.


The replay of her act kept repeating in his head and that sweet smile she flashed him earlier, it was just a trap and how was it possible he fell for it??

That irked him up completely and he even felt more embarrassed with himself.

"So much nerve! She even took my helmet! Who was that girl??" He really wouldn't want to go after her, besides he has something important to deal with anyways than wasting time on a human girl, he'll get her some day.