

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 26: Suspicion


"Mom! You're here! Where's grandma?" Lu Zhi's features softened with a mixture of relief and worry as she spotted her mother amidst the chaotic scene.

"She's at the entrance. What happened to your brother?" Mother Lu's voice wavered with concern as she attempted to piece together the unfolding situation.

"Mom, we need to go home." Lu Zhi's voice was laden with anxiety and urgency, her eyes pleading with her mother. It was clear that her distress was grounded in something beyond the immediate chaos.

Mother Lu's expression darkened as she recognized the gravity of her daughter's plea. She was familiar with the circumstances that could evoke such a reaction from Lu Zhi. Swallowing her own concerns, she gave a shaky nod in agreement. "Alright," she acquiesced, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination.

Before they could make their exit, Mo Chen interjected firmly. "Hold on. We can't let you leave just yet. We need to ask some questions to this young lady about what transpired here. However, we will arrange for your son to be taken to the hospital immediately," he stated, his voice conveying a sense of authority and resolve. His desire for answers outweighed the urgency of Lu Zhi's request, and he believed that she might hold crucial information amidst the chaos.

Struggling to maintain her composure, Mother Lu retrieved something from her bag, displaying it as she spoke, "I am a doctor. I want to take my children myself, and Lu Zhi is just sixteen years old. I believe it's important to assess her mental condition as well."

Mo Chen hesitated as he observed the scene before him. In a hushed tone, one of his subordinates offered a suggestion, "Captain, we can review the CCTV footage to get a clearer picture of what transpired. Since this man is unharmed, he can be escorted home. Additionally, I doubt this child can provide much insight." The man's cheerful expression belied his concern for Lu Zhi, who seemed to be on the verge of being swept away by the turmoil around her.

Mo Chen's brows furrowed at the input, and he shifted his gaze to the fragile-looking girl standing before him. With a measured tone, he addressed her, "Very well. But I will send someone to your home later."

With his decision made, Mo Chen turned away and strode off, leaving a sigh of relief in his wake from both Mother Lu and Lu Zhi. The two women hurried over to where Lu Zinzin was situated, their focus solely on ensuring the well-being of Lu Zinzin.

Witnessing her brother's deteriorating condition, Lu Zhi's concern overtook any inhibitions she might have had. Ignoring the widened eyes and astonished stares directed her way, she swiftly lifted her tall brother off the ground and raced toward the entrance. Her determination and strength were both unexpected and awe-inspiring, leaving onlookers in stunned silence.

Even Mother Lu, though momentarily surprised by her daughter's display of strength, quickly snapped out of it. She followed Lu Zhi, her focus squarely on her son's well-being. Meanwhile, the man who had spoken up in their favor earlier was utterly flabbergasted. 'Where is the seemingly fragile girl from before?'

Mo Chen, too, observed this extraordinary scene with narrowed eyes. His earlier perception of the girl, seemingly docile and weak, was being drastically reshaped. The intensity of the murderous intent he had sensed earlier was undoubtedly emanating from her.

Inside the car drove by Mother Lu in full speed, Lu Zhi cradled her brother who was as cold as an ice cube. She had exerted nearly all of her power, her face pale and drenched in sweat, yet her brother's condition continued to deteriorate.

"Zhizhi, how is your brother?" Grandma Shen, seated in the passenger seat, inquired anxiously. Upon seeing Lu Zinzin in his sister's arms, her own complexion turned ashen. Though she was unsure of the specifics, the tearful and pallid expressions on her daughter and granddaughter's faces told her that something was gravely wrong.

"I'm not sure grandma."

Lu Zhi was visibly distressed, grappling with a situation she had never encountered before in her previous life. Back then, she was alone, and there was no one else to save. 'If only I had more experience… Ahh!' Suddenly, a thought struck her—a person who had survived the end of times, not unlike her, but with companions by his side.

Meanwhile, Shen Lian reclined in his chair, engrossed in reviewing information about selling his company and properties. However, an unusual sensation rippled through the connection he shared with her. A fond smile curved his lips as he addressed her before she even had a chance to speak. "Yes, my Zhizhi? Did you have a good time shopping?"

For a few moments, silence hung in the air. Shen Lian patiently waited for her response, but then her voice trembled through the connection, laden with tears. "Lian, please help. My brother… He's been wounded by a zombie."

Upon hearing the urgency in her voice, Shen Lian's demeanor shifted and stood up in hurry. All traces of casualness vanished as he focused solely on her distress. "Zhizhi, where are you? Tell me your location, and I will come to you right now." His voice was firm and decisive, filled with unwavering determination to provide assistance.