

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Mo Chen

Lu Zhi regarded the advancing zombie with a cold, unwavering gaze. Her composure seemed almost eerie in contrast to the panicked onlookers. And then, with an air of unexpected confidence, she sprang into action. Swiftly moving in the opposite direction, she delivered a powerful punch to the glass box containing a red fire extinguisher. Retrieving it, she swung the heavy object with determined force, smashing it into the zombie's head.

The impact created a gaping hole in the zombie's skull, yet it continued to struggle, its persistence sending shivers down the spines of those watching.

Without hesitation, Lu Zhi seized the hose situated next to the fire extinguisher. With controlled movements, she approached the incapacitated zombie. Her fingers expertly wound the hose around the zombie's ankles, working her way up its body with a meticulousness that belied the urgency of the situation. Each loop and knot was tight and secure, immobilizing the creature's limbs and preventing it from making any further violent movements. The crowd watched in a mixture of horror and awe, their fear temporarily overridden by the spectacle of a young girl standing up against the monstrous threat.

With the hose tightly secured around the zombie's neck, Lu Zhi stepped back and surveyed her handiwork. The creature's struggles grew weaker as the constriction of the hose began to take effect. Its limbs twitched and convulsed, but its movements were now restricted by the makeshift restraints.

The onlookers were still left in awe that they didn't noticed the body of the saleswoman from earlier twitch and rise, a horrifying sight marred by the male zombie's earlier attack. Its face, or what was left of it, had been torn apart, creating a truly macabre image.

In a sudden burst of movement, the mutilated creature lunged at one of the security personnel who was still processing the chaotic scene.


Then room echoed with the sound of a gunshot, a well-aimed shot obliterating the attacking zombie's head and halting its gruesome advance.

As the crowd attempted to make sense of the unfolding events, a group of individuals clad in army uniforms stormed onto the scene, their hurried footsteps echoing in the air. At their forefront strode a man whose stern countenance rivaled that of Shen Lian. He possessed a tanned complexion, a physique akin to that of a sculpted model, and a strikingly handsome, almost feminine face. There was an air of cold authority about him, much like the men in Lu Zhi's family.

But Lu Zhi's expression darkened further, her anticipation of a hasty departure with her brother stifled by the presence of this group. An unspoken threat lingered beneath her gaze. Her thoughts spiraled into the possibility of confrontation, contemplating the lengths she might go to ensure her brother's safety. Her eyes harbored an unsettling glint, an unusual sight in someone so young.

Her attention shifted sharply as the man with the striking appearance returned her gaze. Quick to mask her true sentiments, Lu Zhi mustered a faint, weary smile that seemed as though it might waver and fade at any moment.

The girl's fragile facade drew the attention of the group. A mixture of pity for her situation and concern for her well-being stirred among the newcomers.

"Assess anyone who may have been scratched or bitten and isolate them," the man with the striking appearance ordered. With purposeful strides, he moved toward Lu Zhi, a decision she begrudgingly anticipated.

Despite the brewing turmoil within her, she cast him a glance of innocence, her eyes shimmering with an almost watery quality. Yet, his response remained impassive, his gaze unwavering. Upon reaching her, he observed that her attire remained unblemished, even though reports indicated that she had managed to accomplish what a gun-wielding individual could not.

"Are you the one who did that?" Mo Chen's voice carried a note of astonishment as he pointed towards the struggling zombie on the ground, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity coloring his inquiry.

Lu Zhi's expression shifted from the weariness she had feigned earlier to a slightly bewildered and tearful countenance. "Huh? Yes... Can I please go now with my brother? He's not feeling well due to the shock. If he doesn't rest, it might have an adverse effect on his brain," she implored, her words tinged with genuine concern for her brother's well-being.

Her tearful plea tugged at the heartstrings of the onlookers, and even Mo Chen's stern facade wavered for a moment. His subordinates exchanged subtle glances, their expressions containing a hint of reproach. It seemed that Mo Chen's directness had unintentionally provoked the young girl's tears, and they silently chided their captain for causing her distress.

As Mo Chen contemplated his response, preparing to deny her request, an urgent call broke through the air. "Zhizhi!" Mother Lu's voice carried a note of panic as she rushed forward, her eyes widening in alarm at the sight that greeted her.