

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 27: Rescue

As Lu Zhi arrived at their villa, night had already fallen. Father Lu and the brothers had just returned from their respective task.

Seeing the urgency with which Mother Lu rushed toward them, they were taken aback and a sense of unease settled over them. Her demeanor was far from her usual composed self, leading them to suspect that something was gravely wrong.

The car came to a halt, and the door swung open. Mother Lu's voice carried a note of desperation as she called out for help.

"Husband! Help Zinzin to his room!" Father Lu moved quickly to assist, but a sudden chill emanating from Lu Zinzin's body caught his attention. The sensation sent a shiver down his spine, momentarily distracting him from his task.

"Father, I can take my brother to his room. The cold won't affect me," Lu Zhi said, her voice steady and determined. With that, she gently lifted her brother and carried him toward the house. Her brothers, who had been waiting on the side with concern etched on their faces, immediately moved to help, but they were met with her resolute refusal.

"What has happened to Third Brother?!" Lu Zhuli and Lu Zoa voiced their alarm upon seeing their sibling's violet-hued complexion.

"Why does Zhizhi look so pale as well?" Lu Zian and Lu Ziyi exchanged puzzled glances. They had initially wanted their sister to rest, but her current appearance was causing them increasing worry.

Upon reaching Lu Zinzin's room, a screeching sound outside drew their attention. Moments later, Shen Lian hurried into view, rushing towards Lu Zhi's side. She was seated by her brother's bedside, channeling her power to aid him. A look of relief crossed Shen Lian's face as he reached her.

However, his relief shifted to concern when he observed Lu Zhi's pale complexion. Reacting swiftly, he gently clasped her hand, halting her efforts. "Stop, Zhizhi. You've already helped him, and he's going to be alright." His words were a soothing balm, a reassurance that her brother's condition had stabilized.

Stepping closer, Shen Lian scrutinized Lu Zinzin's face. The absence of visible wounds indicated that Lu Zhi had successfully healed him. The fact that her healing was effective against the zombie virus was a crucial discovery, especially considering its devastating impact on others.

"But why isn't he waking up yet? And his body was so cold?" Mother Lu asked, her voice trembling with worry.

Lu Zhi's gaze immediately turned to Shen Lian, a thought crossing her mind. "Don't tell me he's…"

Shen Lian offered a reassuring smile, though his tone remained solemn. "Yes, he's undergoing his awakening now. If he survives, he will awaken his power, but if not…"

Not all who's been biten or scratch by mutated creatures will become like them.

Suddenly, Little Zhizhi's voice resounded in her mind. "[Master, why don't we put him in hot water first to make him comfortable?]"

"Little Zhizhi! You're here!" Lu Zhi's mental response held a mix of surprise and relief.

"[I apologize, Master. Some of the information about the zombie virus is still limited, so I wasn't able to help you. But I have found out that when your [SPACE MANIPULATION] reaches level two, a spring with spiritual energy will form. It can be helpful in this kind of situation. Not only that, it will help to cleanse impurities from the body, making it feel lighter and stronger, just like with strength-type powers.]"

Lu Zhi's mind was buzzing with the new information. "Then how can I level up without the experience of fighting or obtaining the nucleus from a mutated creature's brain?" Her urgency was evident in her mental inquiry.

"[Master, I know of a place where we can find an artifact that can help you level up. However, your third brother can't wait for that right now. So, for the time being, follow my instructions. After that, infuse his body with pure energy to radiate warmth that contrasts with the coldness he's feeling.]"

There are three types of energy in the world: Spiritual, Power, and Pure.

Spiritual energy is a concept often tied to matters of the soul, consciousness, and the intangible aspects of existence. It's regarded as a subtle force that goes beyond the physical realm and is often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs.

Power energy refers to a concentrated and potent form of energy that characters or beings can utilize to perform remarkable actions beyond normal human capabilities.

Pure energy represents the fundamental, unaltered form of energy that underlies all things. It's a concept often found in speculative fiction and metaphysical discussions.

Hearing this, Lu Zhi stood up and said, "Let's put brother into a hot bath so that he can feel comfortable, and I can pour my pure energy into his body to help him."

"No. Your body is already weak," Lu Zian immediately rejected, clenching his fist.

"[Yes, Master. What your elder brother said is true. If you use any of your energy, the seal I used on your original power might be undone]," Little Zhizhi chimed in.

Lu Zhi bit her lip in frustration.