

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 15: The Possibility Scared Her

The family listened attentively to Lu Zhi's explanation, their faces reflecting concern and curiosity. They were beginning to understand the gravity of the situation and the need to prepare for the impending apocalypse.

Father Lu asked with concern, "So, daughter, you're saying that the apocalypse will happen three months from now?"

"Yes, father, so we need to get ready and prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and resource-wise... I don't want us to go hungry," Lu Zhi replied timidly. The memory of hunger from her previous life haunted her, and she was determined not to experience it again.

Her father's face softened, and he beckoned her to sit beside him, embracing her in his arms. "Of course, how could I let you go hungry? And as for being physically prepared, didn't you see that your father is still strong and young?"

Mother Lu couldn't help but scoff playfully, "Young? If I didn't remind you every day to work out, you might have a big belly now." Everyone laughed at her teasing.

Grandma Shen, however, was still worried about surviving in the apocalypse. She asked, "But, my dear, what about us old people? Will we be able to survive in a world filled with danger?"

Hearing this, the whole room suddenly became silent and their faces turn grim because they didn't thought of this.

Shen Lian and Lu Zhi stepped in at the same time to reassure her, "Grandpa and Grandma, don't worry." The two looked at each other and said. "When the time comes, we won't allow you to become mindless zombies or remain ordinary. And when Grandma and Grandpa awaken their powers they don't have to worry being burden because having power mean having a long lifespan."

"What?!" The sudden news sent shockwaves through the room, catching everyone off guard. Even the typically composed Lu Ziyi was taken aback, his scientific beliefs shaken since he witnessed his sister controlling the very plants in the room.

"Yes, it's true," Lu Zhi affirmed, a serene smile gracing her lips as she observed the reactions of her family. She could see the relief spreading across their faces as they processed the implications of her revelation.

"It means that the stronger you are, the longer your lifespan will be," she explained, her voice carrying a soothing reassurance.

The weight of this revelation began to sink in, and questions swirled in their minds. Lu Zhuli, always curious and unafraid to voice his thoughts, seized the opportunity to inquire further.

"Then, sister, in your dream, how long do you think your lifespan there is? A hundred years? No! Have you already lived for a hundred years there?" he asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

As the question hung in the air, Shen Lian's demeanor shifted. A flicker of concern crossed his gaze as he looked at Lu Zhi. He knew something that the others didn't, something that made him worry for her.

"Hahaha. If I hadn't woken up from that dream, maybe I would have been a thousand years old there," Lu Zhi replied, her voice casual, but a hint of trepidation slipped through. Her words were true, perhaps even exceeding that incredible number. The thought of such an extended lifetime in that cold laboratory made her shiver involuntarily.

Unbeknownst to Shen Lian, his reaction didn't go unnoticed by three pairs of observant eyes in the room. The exchanged glances between Lu Zian, Lu Ziyi, and Lu Zinzin conveyed a shared understanding of the emotions that the conversation had stirred within him. Shen Lian's expression, his clenched jaw and worried gaze, spoke volumes.

While Lu Zhi might not have caught onto Shen Lian's concern, Lu Zian, her protective elder brother, was quick to react. Rising from his seat, he gently took his sister's arm, his voice warm yet firm. "Let her rest, everyone. Grandpa and Grandma need to rest early as well. They must be in good health when the time comes. Let's plan out our list for tomorrow and divide the tasks. I don't want my sister to go through hardships."

Inwardly, he added the word 'again' to his thoughts. It didn't matter if Lu Zhi's dream was her actual experience or a mere glimpse of the future. What mattered was that he couldn't stand to see her suffer.

"Absolutely, sweet Zhizhi. Don't worry, after we finalize the list tomorrow, I'll go back to the capital and get you a different weapon that we can use. I'm sure it'll come in handy," Lu Ziyi chimed in, his caring nature shining through as he followed in his elder brother's footsteps, joining the procession to her sister's room.

Not to be left out, Lu Zinzin added his own touch to the conversation. "Then I'll make sure to order a tailor-made suit for my sweet sister. One that can't be easily scratched or bite."

Lu Zhi found herself both dumbfounded and touched by her brothers' affectionate gestures. She smiled softly, her heart warming at their thoughtfulness. 'My elder brothers are truly sweet.'

"Then, before we set off to find and purchase the items we need, there's something I'd like to share with all of you. Alright? Goodnight, Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Dad, brothers, and Lian~" Lu Zhi's words, spoken with a mixture of gratitude and warmth, echoed through the living room, leaving behind a sense of unity and determination in their wake.