

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 16: Questions

"The brothers are something else, aren't they?" Mother Lu commented, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Then rest up tonight. Tomorrow promises to be a busy day," Grandma Shen declared, her excitement palpable.

Turning to Shen Lian, Grandpa Shen inquired, "Lian, won't you be sleeping here tonight? Your auntie has already prepared a room for you."

"Huh? Oh. I'll stay here. I just need a minute," Shen Lian responded, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

As Grandpa and Grandma Shen exchanged knowing glances, they opted to leave their grandson be.

The two youngest twin brothers were left in the room with Shen Lian, who remained in his own world. Lu Zoa shot a puzzled glance at Lu Zhuli, silently asking, 'What's going on?'

With an eye roll, Lu Zhuli mentally shrugged, 'Who knows?'

Almost in tandem, the two twin brothers shared a bemused look, nearly crossing their eyes in the process. Just then, a sound on the staircase caught their attention. Three young men, identical in appearance yet distinct in their expressions, descended the stairs, their gazes locked on Shen Lian, who was still lost in thought.

Unbeknownst to them, Shen Lian wasn't merely lost in thought but was attempting to establish a telepathic connection with Lu Zhi. Frustration crept over him as he realized he didn't know how to initiate such a connection, leading him to abandon the effort altogether. He was too agitated to even notice the brothers' presence, a detail that usually wouldn't escape his attention.

A sudden shadow cast over him, causing Shen Lian to look up with a furrowed brow. "What?" he questioned, his tone tinged with impatience.

Lu Zian regarded him with a serious expression, taking a deep breath to temper his own irritation. "Let's step outside for a moment."

Shen Lian eyed Lu Zian, Lu Ziya, and Lu Zinzin, his arms crossed over his chest. "Fine," he acquiesced, standing up.

With six distinctive personalities and extraordinary abilities, the group of men left the house and ensured they were far enough away from prying ears before Lu Zian finally voiced his thoughts.

However, Shen Lian cut in, addressing Lu Zian, Lu Ziya, and Lu Zinzin, "What do you want to know?" He stood there, his posture confident, arms still folded across his chest.

The two twin brothers exchanged a look of mutual bewilderment, puzzled by the sudden seriousness of the situation.

After a pause, Lu Zian found his voice, his tone laden with trepidation. "Tell me the truth. Is the dream that Zhizhi had a mere glimpse of the future, or did she...did she genuinely experience everything she saw?"

"Brother, what on earth are you talking about?" Lu Zao's voice quivered with surprise, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Why do you say that?" Shen Lian maintained his indifferent tone and demeanor.

Lu Ziyi's gaze locked onto Shen Lian's, and he continued, "Look at her hair and those silver eyes... They wouldn't have taken on that appearance unless she had personally experienced it. It's unlikely for her appearance to change so dramatically from a mere dream. There's a multitude of factors to consider, from physiological changes caused by the experimentation, the emotional turmoil she underwent, to the awakening of latent supernatural abilities. How can someone's hair turn white and eyes transform into silver due to a dream alone?" Lu Ziyi spoke in a voice tinged with suppressed anger, his heart aching at the thought of what his sister might have endured.

Lu Zinzin, offering a comforting pat on Lu Ziyi's back, turned his scrutinizing gaze to Shen Lian. "You mentioned the existence of teams at each base, yet why was my sister seemingly wandering between these bases? Moreover, how did these laboratories manage to apprehend her, given that I know my sister isn't one to be easily subdued?"

With his eyes fixed on Shen Lian, Lu Zian stepped forward and grabbed his collar, locking their gazes in a tense confrontation. "And when Zhuli inquired about her lifespan earlier, how did you react? You..." Lu Zian's words trailed off, his frustration and uncertainty seemingly overwhelming him. He released his grip, his hands falling limply to his sides as he took a step back while brush his hair in frustration.

"Then... if my sister has truly lived through all of this..." Lu Zao's voice wavered, anguish radiating from him as his grip on his hair tightened, and his eyes turned red. Overcome with emotions, tears welled up in Lu Zhuli's eyes. The laughter he'd shared earlier felt hollow now, replaced by a raw realization of the courage it took for his sister to recount her experiences with such a composed face.

As the five brothers stood together, their thoughts filled with concern for their sister, Shen Lian regarded them with a cold, unwavering gaze. With a somber tone, he questioned, "Do you truly want to know the truth?" He understood that Lu Zhi had chosen not to burden her brothers with the full extent of her experiences, but he believed that they needed to be aware in order to become strong and protect her. He couldn't allow them to remain unaware and potentially become reasons for her to put herself in harm's way.

The brothers stared back at Shen Lian, their expressions resolute and attentive, waiting for him to reveal the truth.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lian sighed and moved to sit on a stone in a corner. His eyes fixed on the siblings, he began to speak, his voice cool and composed, "Zhizhi… Your sister was never meant to be found when she was kidnap." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, causing the brothers' bodies to shudder and a cold sweat to form on their backs.