
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Coming To Terms With The Past

Avalon (Eternal Heaven Pearl Space) Day 1

After designating certain rooms in the tower for personal use Li Suo decides to ask her disciple about his ability to fly even though he was not in the realm of Sky profound.

" Disciple, how are you able to fly as you were not in the sky profound you should not be able to use the profound flying technique?"

Emilio responds with " Master in my travels I managed to come across an apple that was a hidden profound treasure that when eaten gave me control over gravity one of the fundamental forces of the universe and through lessening gravity's effects on us I was able to lift us into the air".

After providing such an explanation Li Suo then diverts the topic to training while sending out her senses in order to gauge how much profound energy there is in the air and is surprised to feel nearly infinite amounts of it even a trace of primordial energy due to being a creation from before the war thousands of years ago.

In an excited tone, Li Suo tells Emilio about the status of the realm they are in "Well disciple this shall be the perfect realm to maximize training as I feel enough profound energy to get both of us to at least Divine Soul and then some if we manage to tap into the latent primordial energy in the air".

The master and disciple duo then proceed outside into the infinite fields of flowers and begin to cultivate, and his energy begins to flow and crackle. The duo's cultivations begin to rise at an astronomical rate.

(For reference, LI Suo was at the true profound level when she was brought back and rose quickly to spirit profound during training in part due to her cultivation method that allows her to passively cultivate when surrounded by vibrant life)

Cortana's voice can be heard recording the rise in power while improving Emilio's absorption rate and efficiency by which his body absorbs and uses profound energy.

[Energy levels rising rapidly, Improving constitution to meet new energy levels, Bodily evolution rate increasing]

[Eighth of Earth Profound]

[Tenth of Earth Profound]

[Third of Sky Profound]

[Fifth of Sky Profound]

[Ninth of Sky Profound]

[Designated Chief's Race Evolving From Immortal (Mortal) Human-> Immortal (Profound) Human]

[Profound Veins Increasing In Number From 54->69, Bone Marrow Hardening/Evolving Due to Presence of Excess Profound Energy, Bodily Adaptation Increasing Muscle Density to Improve Bodily Functions]

[Removing Impurities and Improving Other Bodily Functions using Excess Energy Present]

[Mental Partitioning Possible Increasing Mental Defenses to Compensate for Higher Brain Functions]

[Current Level: Tenth of Sky Profound (Mutated)/ Strength Equal to Mid-Emperor Profound Cultivator]

Li Suo in comparison is no slouch as she was from the ancient era thus increasing her overall potential to that of a cultivator from a high-level star realm and soon her own progress slows to that of Fourth of Sky Profound.

Then after a couple of hours, the two cultivators cease their session with Emilio while slowing down in his progress nearing the precipice of Sky Profound he decides to follow another method of cultivation from the novel Apotheosis through refining his body. By the end of the cultivation session, Emilio has managed to refine his body to the level of a high-level innate cultivator nearing great perfection.

This higher level of bodily perfection will soon allow him access to celestial energy in the form of primordial energy or even energy from Apotheosis should Emilio decide to travel there.

Soon after coming out of their trance, the master looks to her pupil with a proud smirk. As she gives herself a mental pat on the back for having a disciple that reached the precipice of the sky, profound within a couple of days of instruction.

But the celebratory pats on the back soon end as the master can smell a foul stench emanating from her disciple and then let him know about it.

"Disciple while I understand the euphoria from reaching higher levels one should keep themselves in the moment. For example, your release of impurities has created a high level of foul smells that you should take care of". Emilio then returns to the tower and freshens himself up while taking in his form.

Emilio after cleaning himself off begins to view himself in the mirror and mentally thinks that he looks like Captain America after he stepped out of the experimental chamber.

Yet his muscles feel denser and he's able to focus on many different things at once. To be honest some intrusive thoughts come in as he feels invincible but then those are slapped back down by his common sense.

"You know I understand now why so many main characters look at themselves in the mirror after gaining a massive upgrade, although to be honest I'm just happy I don't have a receding hairline anymore. Although I'm not sure if I should keep the hair growing or should I cut it, decisions for future me but let's return to master before she gets impatient". Emilio then exits the building and returns to the waiting goddess.

Upon returning to the company of his master the two begin spar yet again but due to the increased nature of their cultivation as well as Emilio's physical cultivation the spar can barely be seen by the naked eye. As hundreds of punches and kicks are thrown and Emilio is more rigid and stilted bodily movements become fluid and his bodily reactions faster and faster.

As the fight goes on Li Suo becomes more excited as the battle becomes more intense reminding her of what she used to fight for to improve not to fight for territory for no personal gain but just to see how far cultivators can go.

It's almost enough to bring a tear to her eye seeing her disciple and prove so rapidly. but she mentally thinks that she's going to have to punish him for cultivating his body without her knowing because those punches hurt.

In addition to Emilio becoming faster and faster, he is beginning to be able to apply different forms of martial arts at a much quicker and more efficient pace because in addition to his teacher's more chaotic style. He is incorporating movements and strikes from other martial arts such as Judo, Bajiquan, Aikido, Taekwondo (Renewal Taekwondo soon), and Wushu.

After hours of sparring the sun begins to set and both cultivators realize that they had been fighting for hours on end without stopping yet the spars are showing progress as Emilio and his body are adapting and growing stronger and while the cuts and bruises barely last due to his innate immortality from the Fountain of Youth Emilio's pain tolerance is growing.

As her punches and kicks are not even tickling him even though she is at a similar level, to be honest, he feels like Doomsday from the DC Universe as all he needs is bone claws and a need to kill Kryptonians.

(Imagine doomsday with the ability to use cultivator energy terrifying)

Li Suo while breathing heavily compliments Emilio on his progress "Well done my disciple, to be honest for the past couple hours I had thought I was fighting the heretic god as you just seem to adapt and grow during the fight at a ridiculous rate. But now comes one of the harder lessons as it is both mental and physical".

Emilio is then given seven round rocks and told to sit in a meditative pose which he proceeds to do and then is surprised by what he is told to do.

"All right disciple you have proven physically capable and learning while fighting but how are you in terms of balance can you remain tightly focused when surrounded by chaos the test is simple you must be able to use your control over profound energy to hold all seven rocks in a circular formation above your head for 3 hours. But while doing so you have to focus on your worst memories and come to peace with them because each failure is a weight holding you back now begin".

Emilio proceeds to do his best to focus on his worst memories the times when he felt at his lowest, when he found out he had terminal cancer, when his friends abandoned him, when he lost his parents, and his home due to the medical payments it all became too much and the rocks fell.

Emilio tries again and again for hours on end yet is unable to do it and before long the sun sets and the stars shine in the sky. After his 40th failure, Emilio asks his teacher for any aid in this exercise and all she says is that.

" I do not know what you have been through but all I can say is that never give into sadness because sadness gives way to doubt and doubt compounds upon personal grief and keeps all beings chained and the potential locked away". She pauses in order for her words to sink in and continues.

"So instead focus, focus on what makes life worth living because even when surrounded by negativity and grief one can find serenity by understanding that those we love would not want to see us chained, focus, breathe, and free your mind".

So Emilio tries again, and when delving into his worst memories, his loneliest moments, and his most depraved thoughts he lets them go.

For while they are a part of him, and while he may remember them, they shall not control him for at this moment he is free, and before he knows it five hours have passed. and the sun rises on a new day.

"I did it!" Emilio looks to his master, who has a bright smile on her face, and she proceeds to say.

"Yes, you have done well, my disciple, and I am proud of you. It takes a large amount of strength to let go of the past while also acknowledging it, but enough of that. The true lessons begin". Li Suo then adds.

"But before then, cook us something to eat; I am hungry". Emilio then proceeds to have an anime sweat drop moment and gets up to cook them food because what else can one do after reaching partial enlightenment?