
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Going Even Further Beyond

Avalon (Eternal Heaven Pearl Space) Day 2

Following the intense events of the previous day, the master and disciple duo commence their training session by delving into more information on acupuncture and general herb studies. After a few hours, they take a break to enjoy their lunch.

Li Suo then asks A surprising question to her student. " So my dear disciple, since we are taking this time to relax, I would like to talk about more personal information. As a master and a student, we should reveal such things to each other".

Emilio is somewhat surprised but the surprise soon fades as he begins to ponder how to answer her questions without outing himself as a dimensional traveler, at least not yet.

" Well, Master. I'm open to most questions, so feel free to ask away". Emilio says nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, my Dear Disciple; this isn't going to be anything too invasive; simply an exchange of interest, hobbies, and the like". Which does calm down Emilio, and he begins to gather his thoughts.

" Well let's start off small what is your last name I know your first name bit, not the last one" Emilio then replies that it is Reese.

" Emilio Reese is a fine name but one that I can't recognize which star realm are you from" Li Suo pauses waiting for his response.

" the star realm I'm from was quite literally called Earth, and this may be hard to believe, but on my planet, profound energy is a legend. No one there could use it, and I only came to be able to use it on pure accident as I managed to find a serum that acted as a catalyst to awaken my profound veins.

" Then how did you manage to find the primordial seal?" Emilio responds by saying "I didn't find it, but someone else did. The seal was in a vault held by the Brahma Monarch Realm, and they intended to use it to enslave the Wood Spirit realm. Once I had heard of this, I snuck into the palace and stole it.

I was entirely surprised that there was a relic of your soul within the seal".

"So am I to assume that we are now enemies of the Brahma Monarchy", with Emilio responding with "Not everyone, mostly just the ruling family, as they are just the classic power-grubbing and corrupt officials that you are probably used to? And even then, no one could catch me, nor did they see my face as I was wearing a mask at the time, but hey, I would say the risk was worth it because I found you".

The goddess of life proceeds to sigh in an exasperated tone and says "You've lived quite the life, at least over the past couple of days; and speaking of which, how could you traverse star realms so easily?"

Emilio proceeded to describe his unique ability, which involves him partially deceiving others by claiming that he can access a spatial teleportation skill by awakening his profound veins.

He is able to teleport to places he has already visited or can visualize in the "primal chaos."

Emilio then says "At the moment, I cannot spam the teleportation ability as it uses up a considerable amount of my profound energy reserves. However, I am capable of opening portals to redirect ranged attacks. Although I can perform this action an infinite amount of times, I cannot predict the future. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to blink from one end of the universe to another multiple times".

Li Suo then gives Emilio a surly smile before opening your mouth and saying "oh, that is a very unique ability, my disciple, but I have to ask have you ever taken advantage of it for a more carnal pursu -"

"No I have not taken advantage of my teleportation ability for more perverse pursuits and stop thinking that I have because you're giving me that I must punish face Emilio's as quickly as he notices his masters change in expression.

Emilio could feel the ara ara energy radiating from his master. Still, before that, Emilio quickly said to his master that they should continue training with his master, giving him an almost disappointed face before agreeing with him.

Not before Emilio was able to hear his master silently say, "I will find out your type".

Emilio then smiles, happy that his master is enjoying her time around him and not focusing on everything she's lost.

Because to be honest, with how she sounded yesterday during their lesson, he was scared that she was relapsing. Still, now he's more comfortable and knows his master is learning to live again.

And hey, the eye candy is surely appreciated.

After training indoors, the two step outside to hone their martial arts skills and explore various fields.

Emilio shows a keen interest in arrays and runes and works on improving his proficiency with profound energy.

Although he is not yet at the level of other skilled protagonists who can redirect tribulation lightning with simple arrays, he is determined to reach that level in due time.

(By the way, comment in the comment section or in this line to help me choose a weapon for our main character because I've seen too many katanas in regular shorts swords)

To be honest, with the progress, Emilio was making at such a quick rate. He's thinking of taking up other hobbies, such as blacksmithing or other pursuits, and to be honest, he's thinking of going to Lord of the Rings and mind-reading Celebrimbor to learn his smithing techniques. (But that is a story for another time.)

As the master and disciple continued to train and hone their skills, they grew closer, learning more and more about each other.

And soon. Not even a couple of months into the training arc, a miraculous event occurred.

Avalon Day 50 Midday

During their daily spars, the master and disciple continued to battle with after technique being used and the land being cratered and shaken with every passing blow.

The tension was so thick. All it would take was one stray punch to decide the outcome, and amid battle, a miracle occurs.

Emilio has made tremendous progress in his combat skills during the last few weeks of training, reaching a level of proficiency comparable to that of ancient gods.

However, his cultivation has remained at its peak, and this is intentional. Emilio has been infusing his body with profound energy to maximize his gains. The influence of being within the eternal heaven has caused this profound energy to slowly transform into primordial energy.

Emilio had refused to rank up in his efforts to maximize his gains as well as for another reason. One of the reasons for this is a promise he made to his teacher. He vowed to defeat her without using a level of cultivation passed Sky profound.

This promise was not made out of arrogance but rather out of a desire to test his skill. Although his master's cultivation has now reached the level of Emperor Profound, Emilio's blows are getting stronger and harder to dodge. In a recent fight, he managed to knock out his master with a punch to the gut followed by a blow to her side.

While returning his master to her room. Emilio returns outside. To finally break through the sky and establish his domain.

Soon, Emilio begins to cultivate his inner energy, but something different occurs. When Emilio opens his eyes, he's in a pitch-black void.

Still, instead of feeling scared, Emilio feels at peace, and soon a figure proceeds to appear in front of him and asks a single question, "What do you wish to represent, and how will you set the multiverse ablaze?"

Emilio has responded with confidence "Throughout my life. I have lost and lost, but one thing has remained the same. I have remained free, I have respected life, and when I make my journey throughout the multiverse, I shall seek to grow in both power and knowledge. But if there is one thing that shall define me, it is my pursuit of freedom".

The figure then releases booming laughter, and the void soon bursts into a kaleidoscope of color and says, "Then seek freedom and protect that freedom, because if there is one constant in the multiverse, it is that there will always be someone attempting to limit your freedom even if that person is yourself never doubt, always move forward".

Emilio then closes his eyes and focuses, digging deep within himself, and soon, a mechanical voice can be heard in the utter silence of the void.

[ Energy levels are increasing rapidly, Triggering activation of adaptation, Subroutine energy levels are still rising, Secondary spiritual identity is being assigned to the Chief designation.]

[Rise, Emilio Reese, Profound God of Freedom]

The void bursts into white, and a mechanical voice can be heard, recording the increasing levels of energy.

[Energy levels rising further/ Bones and Bone Marrow are mutating at a higher rate]

[First of Emperor, Profound]

[Second of Emperor, Profound]

[Third of Emperor Profound….]

The mechanical voice, continues, even as the area around Emilio, proceeds to crackle and shake with pure power. (Insert Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan 3 Power Up)

[Eighth of Emperor Profound]

[Ninth of Emperor Profound]

[Peak of Emperor Profound ERROR]

[Peak of Emperor Profound (Mutated)] + ( SPIRIT CORE (GODLAND) REALM)

[Higher application of law energy discovered available laws Freedom, Space, Thievery Compassion, Attempting workaround for lack of law energy, primordial energy located cultivation energy levels increasing rapidly]

As this process is occurring Emilio's Soul begins to undergo a rapid evolution as his dantian evolves and begins to form a golden core. And a large amount of energy is sent out which wakes up Li Suo from her slumber and she says under her breath "What kind of monster am I training".

[Third of Tyrant Profound]

[Seventh of Tyrant Profound]

[Ninth of Tyrant Profound]

The land continues to shake as the sky envelops in a barrage of colors and a cracking can be heard as if announcing the birth of a new God as the energy continues to pour towards Emilio. ( What is he doing, He's beginning to believe)

[ Third of Sovereign Profound]

[Sixth of Sovereign Profound]

[Peak of Sovereign Profound ERROR]+ LIFE AND DEATH (LIMBO) REALM

[First Layer of Divine Origin] + 1st Layer of Divine Sea Realm

[Energy levels returning to normal, Bodily functions enhanced by 1,000%, Physical adaptation at maximum levels, Research into laws and Concepts at 30%, Well done chief]

Emilio then rises from the ground as the sun rises in the sky as if heralding the coming of a new age and as Emilio returns to the ground his master comes rushing out of the Tower and simply says " you just don't like following the rules do you but I would not have it any other way" and proceeds to then hug Emilio while also adding under her previous statement by saying " it seems the student has surpassed the master".

But Emilio just smiles at her and gets down to one knee and says "None of this would have been possible without you and your teachings and as long as you'll have me I will always be honored to be your student".

The goddess of life then bends down to Emilio's level and with the highest level of emotion she could give she says " Emilio my dear disciple you will always be more than just a simple And here let me prove that to you". Li Suo Creation Goddess of Life then kisses the newly made god on the lips and the leaves not before saying "Performing this for my student and there will be many more rewards in the future as she says with a sultry smile "But for now, you should retire but with all this exercise you need rest".

And it was as if a switch had been flipped Emilio passes out with a dumb grin on his face.

(I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the kiss was hopefully decently earned. There is a possibility for a relationship in the future comment if you guys want a harem, or a singular person in a relationship.)