
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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Exploring Utopia Before It Was Cool

Shonen Training World Day 4 (5:00 A.M.)

Ah, the beauty of cultivation worlds. The sun is shining, the stars are reflecting off of one another to form beautiful tapestries in the sky, and our friendly neighborhood disciple is being dragged out of bed by his master.

Emilio suddenly shoots awake after his head hits the floor, and then he realizes he is being dragged out of his room by his master.

Who then realizes he is awake and says, "Rise and shine, young disciple it's time to do your duty as a filial disciple and make your master breakfast."

Emilio then asks back "Make us breakfast, correct?" His master then looks at him with an amused expression and says, "Disciple, You can't be so greedy. If you want to share an indirect kiss, then all you need to do is ask".

Emilio then says with a deadpan expression "Master. If you're attempting to tease me then it shall not work as I have a nigh impenetrable virginity shield that is only empowered by my cultivation level".

Li Suo looks at him with an almost disappointed expression, but then smirks and says, "Oh my poor disciple has gone years without a woman's touch so let your master soothe your worried soul"

Emilio uses premium ingredients from his home dimension to prepare his breakfast. Although the materials are labeled under a company called Chaldea Inc. which seems a bit ominous, Emilio overlooks it and proceeds with cooking.

The master and disciple sit back at the table and begin to enjoy their meal, but not before offering thanks to their respective deities for the food. In Emilio's case, he thanks the random omnipotent beings.

Li Suo then proceeds to explain their next move "We will continue our physical preparations for the next couple of hours. Then we will continue our study of the intricacies of the Dao of life. Although disciple I must confess I'm worried because I don't have time to teach you due to the differences in our cultivation".

Emilio, mentally asks Cortana for her analysis "Is there any artifact related to time other than the Mirror of Samsara?

[ Based on my analysis, Chief, I believe that the optimal artifact to grab would be the Eternal Heaven Pearl and its location has been confirmed to be in the possession of the Eternal Heaven Realm]

Emilio requested his master to allow him to freshen up in his room with some toiletries he had, and she kindly granted his request.

However, upon returning to his room, he opened a portal to the eternal Heaven realm and yoinked the Pearl from the core of their formation, causing it to collapse. Emilio then smiled and said, "I have my hyperbolic time chamber now!"

Having successfully manipulated the Pearl in his home dimension to work for him, he returned to his master's side at the table and posed a question to his master.

"Before we begin the lesson, I would like you to examine an oddity. I have noticed some unusual laws surrounding an item in my spacial ring due to the higher cultivation base I gained from yesterday's training".

Li Suo then says "I'm curious about the item you're holding. Is it possible to take it out?" Emilio then removes it. But the item itself shocks the Goddess of Life.

His Master then asks solemnly, "Disciple, where did you find this Pearl ?" He quickly responds that he found it on his travels when exploring a secret realm and that he simply liberated it from its confines (Totally legit as if he did not just cause a meltdown of an entire realm but carry on), which temporarily stays the goddess of life's curiosity. Then she proceeds to explain its uses.

"This heavenly Pearl is a profound treasure that belongs to one of my acquaintances Xie Ke. He used it in combination with other time laws to create formations that lasted for thousands of years. By using this Pearl, I can catch up on my cultivation. Although you gain experience much faster, your luck sometimes scares me, my disciple".

The pearl then appears to shine brightly and be absorbed into Emilio, and then she hears Cortana's voice in his mind stating.

[Unknown object attempting to combine with designation chief, co-opting, heavenly profound treasures, use of the profound treasure requires energy to use, connecting to infinite energy from the infinite divine crystals in designation chiefs inventory… process complete time dilation set to one day outside of the pearl equates to 1000 years inside well chief, you were somewhat right this is a hyperbolic time chamber, but on steroids]

Li Suo asks her disciple "Emilio, Are you all right? It seems that the Pearl has combined with your soul",

Emilio answered back, " I am all right, Master. But now, with this artifact, we can essentially manipulate the time inside the Pearl to 1000 years inside is one day outside. It seems to be powered by profound energy, but luckily, it seems to be fully powered for one use before needing to recharge".

The goddess of life sighs with relief and asks if he's ready to go into the Pearl with Emilio, teasing her by saying"Wow, already asking to be inside of me, huh? Take me on a date first master". The goddess of life slaps him lightly and tells him to focus, which has less impact because she is slightly blushing.

(I hope I'm doing these character interactions decently because, to be honest, my dialogue writing is making me nervous)

Soon enough, the two disappear from the planet, with their travel method similar to Harry Potters's apparition. As if they're being sucked inside a tube, But in leaving so quickly, Emilio made a grave mistake.

He left the stove on, but then it is shut off by Cortana, who says, [What am I going to do with your chief? Never change.]

Heavenly Pearl Realm Day 1

After regaining their bearings, the master and disciple duo take in their environment, which is surprising, to say the least, as the room seems to extend on forever, with Emilio realizing that this space looks familiar along with the floating building inside.

Emilio in awe says silently "This is Avalon, the ever-distant utopia, but this place is supposed to exist only on the reverse side of the world".

But then Cortana proceeds to tell him that she modeled the inside of the Pearl to look similar to Avalon to make it more familiar to him.

Li Suo, seeming at peace says "This is beautiful, my disciple. It is said that profound treasures can change in response to the individual soul they interact with. Does this place hold some significance to you?"

Emilio ponders his answer but not before commenting that "Well, Master. This place is referred to as Avalon, the ever Distant Utopia, or at least one version. It is part of a legend I learned of growing up as a child. It was both an aspiring and tragic tale of both the best and worst of humanity, but I'll probably have to tell you that story at a later date. First, we probably should explore the tower".

As they entered the towering structure, he activated Emilio's gravity manipulation abilities to effortlessly lift himself and his master upwards.

His master was taken aback, considering he was only in the early stages of Earth profound. However, they both decided to focus on exploring this new realm, knowing that they had all the time in the world to discuss his abilities later.

( To those wondering if it is getting a bit slow? It will start speeding up when they start training in the heavens pear so stay with me.)

I can't stop writing! Please send help and power stones.

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