
Escaping the Tragic Ending!!

Lillian fled desperately, but was captured, her fate was the guillotine, but before her end, she woke up in her room. Was it all a dream or a reincarnation? However, she will need to gather strength to change her tragic end.

KazeYuki · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

King Orion was humiliating Issac.

- Maybe I should ask you to kill one of my concubines, I heard they belonged to the royal court, could one of them be your girlfriend? Should I order you to kill her?

- Dad, stop, please. – requested Lillian.

- You're contradicting me! – he said with a threatening tone.

- It's not that. He's my toy. You can't keep him. – Lillian said, standing between the two.

- You've grown up, but you're still a child! I won't keep your toy, you can take it.

Lillian bowed that she was going to leave and Issac followed her. They went to Lillian's room. She gently grabbed his face and asked worriedly:

- How are you, Issac?

- Thank you, Lillian. I don't know how to thank you for what you're doing for me.

And she hugged him to comfort him.


The next day, at night, Lillian was alone in the room and the assistants came to prepare her. It was a new dress, the king presented her with this dress and there was a letter that said:

- You should act more like a woman and give me grandchildren.

- "That's why he forced me to choose concubines, he wants a male heir straight away. - For now, I'll accept this provocation and get ready. Issac is already aware, so nothing will happen." - Lillian thought.

The assistants got Issac ready, he looked really wonderful, his muscles were showing in the clothes they had prepared. And they had arranged it in a way that the princess would not resist.

When Issac entered the room, Lillian was so impressed that she couldn't look away. She was embarrassed because she wasn't used to these things, unlike the rumors.

Lillian asked Issac to sit down. He noticed that Lillian looked really charming with her hair that was a little tied up with a few loose strands over her shoulders, in addition to her clothes that revealed her neck and chest. Lillian looked beautiful in his eyes with a truly seductive beauty. She drank the tea the assistants had served, then realized something was strange. Lillian asked Issac not to drink the tea and then began to feel the effects of the aphrodisiac.

- "I can't believe they did something so unnecessary, I can't let Issac find out."

With just one sip of the aphrodisiac, Lillian's reason was slipping away, and she couldn't control her senses. She wanted to ask Issac to leave so as not to force him to do something he didn't want to do.

- Lilian, are you okay? Your face is red.

He approached Lillian, but his touch made her remember the other day, as she had not yet forgotten it. Lillian reported that the tea contained an aphrodisiac.

-  I'll call the doctor.

-  "However, if this had been an order from the king, he would discover that I did not order Issac anything." - Lillian thought.

In Issac's eyes, Lillian was completely irresistible. She hadn't ordered anything yet, but it was as if her body was calling him. He didn't know if he had the right to touch her, but he needed to find some way to alleviate Lillian's symptoms.

Issac carried her to the bed and was trying to alleviate Lillian's symptoms. And said:

- Lillian, would you give me permission to continue?

- " By continue, he was referring to taking my first time, but this would also be his first time. I wanted to, but I didn't want my first time to be caused by the emperor's whim." - Lillian thought. 

Lillian gathered her strength, stood up a little and touched Issac's face.

- I would like you to continue, but this is not the right time.

He walked away for a moment, placed a sheet around Lillian and took her to the bathroom, where they entered the bathtub, he turned on the shower, as if wanting the heat to dissipate.

He wrapped himself in a towel and said:

- I was doing all this of my own free will, and I do not regret any action. Then I will receive the appropriate punishment, princess.

Issac walked away and thought:

-  "I can't understand Issac's actions, was he attracted to me? This is impossible. I don't remember all the details of the dream. However, despite being a concubine. He was just a figure to demonstrate this kingdom's sovereignty over the Lynx kingdom. I can't get Issac's expressions out of my mind."