
Escaping the Tragic Ending!!

Lillian fled desperately, but was captured, her fate was the guillotine, but before her end, she woke up in her room. Was it all a dream or a reincarnation? However, she will need to gather strength to change her tragic end.

KazeYuki · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Lillian and Issac were strolling through the castle, as they were going to visit King Orion. They were passing by a training area when they saw several shirtless riders training there. Some of them weren't even training, they were just trying to convey their beauty. There were some girls who were admiring them. When he noticed that the knights were almost naked, Issac tried to cover Lillian's eyes, as if to say that she couldn't see other men like that. Lillian pushed Issac's hand away and went towards all the knights.

Lillian ordered everyone to come and be on guard. And realized that all of them were under the spell of submission. And an employee said:

- They are the knights who were captured during the attack on Lynx, the kingdom of Prince Issac.

- I can say that the people of your kingdom are truly beautiful. – Lillian said, addressing Issac.

- In fact, Your Highness, not all of them are really warriors, they were selected for their beauty in case the princess wants to choose any of them. – said the employee.

- Okay, call the knight Izor, I still have time until the meeting with the king. - Lillian said.

Issac didn't know what Lillian's intention was. Lillian asked:

- Sir Izor, which of these boys is really a warrior?

- In fact, only 02 of them. The rest were citizens of the kingdom.

Lillian thought for a moment and said so that the other employees could hear.

- I will choose only two knights, the rest I will release.

However, they understood that they would be abandoned by the princess.

- You will send us to slavery! – some shouted.

- Wrong! I will send them to the northern territory. They will go to that place and those who really want to be knights will train and return to the castle. - Lillian said.

The other employees commented among themselves, the northern territory is a place that was abandoned by the king, as he granted this territory as a birthday present to the princess.

- "You may not know it, but this territory is really fertile. They will soon discover this. The king conquered that territory and as there was no civilization they didn't bother to occupy it. It will be perfect to send the freed citizens of the kingdom of Lynx."- Lillian thought.

They met in the office, Lilian handed over a letter explaining to Izor what she should do, she granted the right to supervise the territory. Lillian had freed these young men from the spell of submission and to the others it appeared as if they were being expelled from the castle. Well, they were disposable. But, Issac realized what the princess's intention was, she had granted a territory for the citizens of her kingdom to settle. Issac was truly grateful, for the hope of freedom was nearer than before. Issac would like to thank her, but was interrupted by an employee who said:

-  Your Highness, the king awaits you.

Lillian was accompanied by Issac to have tea with the king. The king was already sitting at the table waiting, while some of his concubines were sitting on their knees next to his seat. Lillian approached, bowed and bowed to the king. Issac stood next to Lillian. The king received her and said:

- Lillian, I heard that you released the knights I had selected for you.

- They were just trash, so I sent them to the territory you gave me for my birthday.

- I see that you took after me, discarded them and sent them to an abandoned territory. It was an excellent way to humiliate them. When will you accept another concubine? - asked King Orion, looking at Issac with disgust.

- Issac is managing to satisfy me, for now. So, I don't need another concubine yet.

The king observed that Issac was standing next to Lillian, he didn't like this attitude and wanted to know if she had freed him from the magic of submission and said:

- Kneel! You are just a concubine, you should be on your knees before your King.

Due to the submission magic, Issac fell to his knees before the king.

- The maidens of your kingdom are satisfying me wonderfully. What else should I do to humiliate him even more.