
Chapter 36 First Quest(6)

Soon the five shadows have reached the village center. As expected they were all hobgoblins except one of them.


Name: None

Species: Goblin Chieftain

Rank/Level: E

Skills: Cunning, Beserk, Basic Weapon Mastery]

The Goblin Chieftain looked a lot like the hobgoblins with green skin, ugly face and bald head except that unlike the hobgoblins it wore a crudely made leather pants, wore a necklace with a goblin skull in the center and it had a pristine cleaver in it's hand menacingly. As for the hobgoblins that came with it they looked the same as the first one Alex killed except that their weapons looked more pristine than the first one.

Seeing Alex standing amid the corpses of hundreds of their kin, the hobgoblins instantly charged at Alex but the Goblin Chieftain stayed behind observing and gripping it's cleaver menacingly. The four hobgoblins ran at him and swung their blades at him but Alex used [Shadow Manipulation] to raise a wall of shadows and then he jumped back and activated the [Laser] enchantment on the [Crimson Fang] and shot it towards the four incoming hobgoblins. Sensing the attack the hobgoblins jumped out of the way but one unlucky hobgoblin got half of it's body burned off by the beam killing it. Now the three of them were weary of him and kept their distance. Seeing that they weren't going to come to him Alex decided to bring them to him. Using [Shadow Manipulation] he created shadow tentacles that slowly moved towards their targets, the hobgoblins wearily moved away from the tentacles but Alex wasn't going to let them get away that easily. Concentrating even more he poured more mana into his shadow causing them to accelerate and grab the ankles of the hobgoblins much to their horror. Controlling the shadow tentacles, Alex made them start wrapping around the hobgoblins body restricting their movements. Smiling, Alex ran towards the trapped hobgoblins ready to finish them off when a red blur entered his field of vision.


[-30 HP]

Getting up from the rubble of the hut he crashed into he saw what had sent him flying. Looking up he saw the Goblin Chieftain he looked different from before, it's skin was glowing red with steam rising from his skin and it's eyes were bloodshot. Rushing forward the monster swung it's cleaver down on Alex's head which Alex which he quickly blocked with his sword. The strength of the attack was so powerful that it forced Alex onto his knees cracking the ground beneath him.

Channelling dark purple mana through out his body small purple wisps of mana started to come off of Alex's body. With a yell, Alex pushed the Chieftain back making it stumble a bit. Activating the [Fire Enchant] enchantment his sword burst into flames. Charging towards the Chieftain, Alex swung his sword relentlessly at the Chieftain but it continued to block his strikes. With one powerful swing the Chieftain sent Alex flying backwards. Steadying on his feet Alex stared down the Chieftain trying to decide the best way to take it down.


Suddenly both of them heard a groan from one of the huts. Suddenly the Goblin Chieftain smiled and dashed towards the hut.

"No!!" Alex shouted and dashed after it and caught up to it quite easily.

[-90 HP]

Before Alex could process anything, the Chieftain swung it's cleaver at Alex hitting him in the stomach creating a deep wound.


Alex coughed up blood, spitting onto the ground. The Chieftain only looked at him smiled and then walked towards the hut where Chris and the others were.

'God damn it, I knew those bastards would have been the death of me.' Alex thought as he coughed up more blood.

'But I promised I'd keep them safe and I'm a man of my word so. Stop you asshole.' Alex thought as he raised his hand slowly.

"Stop!" Alex shouted weakly as he looked at the monster getting closer to the hut.

"I SAID STOP YOU FUCKER!!" Alex shouted as his eyes entirely turned a dark purple. Suddenly the creature paused for a second as it's shadow turned darker for a second ame then went back to normal.

[40/120 MP]

Alex coughed up another mouthful of blood and his eyes went back to normal. The monster had continued it's advance towards the hut and when it arrived it swung it's cleaver decimating the wooden hut. But it seemed that Alex's small intervention helped because he could still he could still feel their shadows in a nearby hut still vibrant and alive.

'[Simple Regeneration].' Alex healed up his wound just enough for him to not bleed to death then he stood up. The monster seemed to have realized it's failure to kill the humans inside the hut and started to angrily search for them but how could Alex allow it to fight them.

"Hey you ugly fucker over here." Alex shouted and it seemed his taunts as the Chieftain slowly turned to face him and roared. Smiling Alex's body slowly started to be surrounded by flames and he could feel his body become stronger.

'Demon's Pride.'