
Chapter 35 First Quest(5)

Alex now had a better understanding of why the explorers were so afraid of monsters and beasts. Basically, they were thought to fight monsters in school under the supervision of stronger adults so they never got injured which made them become over confident and not take the monsters seriously. Now, when they fight monsters on their own they get severely injured or worse they see their comrades die infront of them which plants a seed of fear in their hearts.

'If this continues humanity will always be on the losing side.'

Shaking such thoughts out of his head, Alex decided to think about his next course of action. He wanted to complete this quest as quickly as possible but he also needed to get these three to level 10 so.

"Let's find another village." Alex told the others.

Two hours later, they stumbled unto another goblin village similar to the last one Alex went to. Only this one had a huge hut at the back of the village. Just like the one in [Demon Lair].

'Hopefully the dungeon boss is here.'

"So what's the plan?" Alice asked

"Plan? Stay alive." Alex replied causing the others' faces to darken.

"What do you mean stay alive?" Chris almost shouted

"Look you guys said you wanted to reach level 10 as quickly of possible and to do that you need to take risks. So we are going to go into that village and kill all the monsters inside. If you don't want to come you can stay behind." And with that Alex walked towards the village's front gate showing no fear. Gritting their teeth, they followed Alex into the village. Once again, Alex walked towards the center of the village only this time he was followed by three nervous shadows.

'They actually followed me, good.' Alex thought as he reached the center of the village. As soon as all four of them reached the center of the village, Alex suddenly walked towards one of the huts under the curious gazes of both human and monsters alike. Stepping into the shadow of the hut, Alex's body suddenly disappeared under the suspicious gazes of monsters and the panicking gaze of humans.

"We're so dead." Bayal said as he looked like he was about to cry.

"Wait a minute, I don't think Alex would just abandon us, right." Chris said his body shaking a bit.

"Guys watch out the monsters are coming!!" Alice shouted as she swung her blue saber at the incoming goblin. Alice wore a light green armour and used a blue saber as her main weapon.

The monsters rushed towards the three humans in the center with fervor. When they saw a human disappear into the shadows they were worried but they soon forgot about him and focused on the three that were still there. And like an unstoppable tide they rushed towards the humans with dark intentions brewing in their bile little hearts.

The three humans swung their blade killing one goblin after the other but more and more came and they were getting sloppier in their movements while their HP slowly decreased.

"Fuck this!!!" Bayal shouted as his spear started emitting lightning. Thrusting his spear forward he struck five goblins in the chest with a bolt of lightning killing them instantly. Following his example the other two activated their enchantments as well. Chris' body started glowing red and he became a red blur as he started culling the vile goblins while Alice's sword started to glow and the air suddenly became cold as she slashed one goblin after the other leaving behind a layer of ice on their wounds. Continuing like this they culled all the goblins leaving behind only frozen, electrocuted and dismembered corpses on the the ground.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"You guys did well." Alex said while walking out of the shadows.

"You fucker, we alm..." Bayal didn't get to finish cursing Alex because soon after he could feel his bones breaking and reforming and his muscles tearing and healing over and over again. The same thing was happening to Chris and Alice as well as they writhed on the ground in agony.


Name: Chris

Species: Human

Rank/Level: 10

Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Swordsmanship(10 SP), Simple Regeneration(10 SP)]


Name: Bayal

Species: Human

Rank/Level: 10

Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Intermidiate Spearmanship(25 SP), Simple Regeneration(10 SP)]


Name: Alice

Species: Human

Rank/Level: 10

Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Swordsmanship(10 SP), Simple Regeneration(10 SP)]

"I guess you guys were really close after all." Alex said then he turned around and looked in the direction of the big hut on the other side of the village. Coming in his direction, were five shadows belonging to hobgoblins and one of them seems deeper than the rest.

"(Sigh) I guess I'll have to protect you guys as well." Alex said as he created shadow hands, picked up the trio writhing on the ground and gently placed them into one of the huts."