

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter two

     Hours passed and the storm came by, heavy rain started pouring down on me but I still sat on the wet ground hugging my dad's lifeless body. It was my fault, if I had listened, if I had stopped when he called to me, if I had listened when he told us to leave the forest, if I had never even brought up the idea of celebrating my birthday in the forest, he might still be with me. My actions caused dad's death. I killed him. I killed my dad. "DAAAD, NOOOO!!!!!!!!, I am sorry, It's all my fault ".

             Just then a group of search teams sighted us. Fortunately, while I was running, dad used his walking talky to inform his men incase there was any danger. They where looking for us since then.

           They took daddy's corpes away and warmed me up. When I returned home the news had already reached mum and Emily. They were in an awful state. Just then, mum shouted. "I am sure it's all this witch fault, it's all because of this devil that I have become a widow. My poor baby lost her father because of your greed. You wanted to celebrate your birthday, huh? , and in the forest of all place. Look at you, from day one I have always known you were a devil. You're not a normal child. YOU ARE A DEVIL!!!". I scoofed. 'she wasn't lieing, I caused daddy's death, he has shown me nothing but love but all I could do was to repay him with this? I am a devil indeed'. I looked at Emily's face, it looked like she's been in so much pain. She had loved daddy too. I made my little sister cry. I am sure she would hate me for life and never want to forgive me. It's good though, no one should ever love a devil like me.

       Years passed but I never once forgot that day, because of that I grew to hate my birthdays, I can never forget the day I lost my dad. After that day, Mum managed the business but I could see she wasn't doing much, she just pushed all the work to her personal assistant and spent the money. Mum and Emily made my life worst than that of the servants in the house. They would tell me to do things that are not necessarily needed like cleaning the house up to five times and doing thier laundry more than normal. My life was like hell.

         Mom tried to shave my head but it grew even longer, she dyed my hair but it strangely changed to its normal color, because of that they started calling me witch so I wore an ugly wig and dark brown contact lenses, I even had to wear ugly make-up so I won't overshadow Emily outside, that was what mom always said. Emily always treat me as her servant even in school, I was known as Emily's private maid who is lucky enough to be sent to one of the top schools. I was put in the same class as Emily. 

         Life was tough both at home and school, no one ever valued me like dad, not until I met Luna Smith. Luna is from the Smith family, who is the owner of T&K's company. Their company is part of the top ten ranking. Dad's company ranked top five but ever since he died the company is slowly falling.

          Luna is the only child, I always envy her because she has both parents and is also loved by both. I met Luna in high school, she saved me when I was being bullied by some of Emily's friends. They planned on throwing me into a lake and I am terrified of large and deep water bodies ever since dad's death, I am also scared of heights ever since the day dad died .

          I was at the sitting in the school garden reading my books when suddenly I was being surrounded by a group of girls and then dragged to a lake. I struggled to free from their grip but they were too many. "let me go, what do you want from me". I kept struggling to free myself but to no avail. "Hey stop whining, someone like you have no place here, you are even lucky to be in school. Emily is so kind, she's even letting you sleep in her house. You should be worshipping her but instead you left her to go read a silly book. Who do you think you are?. Girls throw her into the lake". 'no, I can't let them throw me into the lake, they would be able to see my real appearance. I am really scared, what should I do?'. Just then, I heard another voice. "Let her go, now".

         "I said unhand her right now". The bullies looked at the girl that spoke. It was Luna. They were quick to drop me. They knew how influential Luna was. Even Emily knows better than to get on her bad side. "what do you think you are doing? If you guys lay even a single finger on her again, you will regret it.". "s-sorry Luna, we didn't see you there".The girls were trembling with fear and I just watched. "I don't want to see any of around me again, Get lost". "y-yes, we will leave now". I watched as they cowardly left. "Are you alright, I hope they didn't hurt you". I wonder why, why was she treating me nicely?.

            "Thank you for saving me. I am grateful". Luna just smiled. " My name is Luna smith, you are Amelia Jones , right?". I was shocked, she knew my name? I never thought someone like her would even notice me. "Why are you being nice to me". That was all I could say. "Well, the thing is I have always admired you ever since I saw you helped that man and those children from the alley the other day". Oh, I remember going to the store to buy some groceries for mom when a man suddenly grabbed my purse. I ran and chased him till we reached a smelly and dark alley. What I saw shocked me. I saw a little boy and girl in a pretty bad condition. I realized that all what that man did was for these children.

        When the man saw me he fell on his knees and started apologizing. "I am sorry, my kids were starving, I beg people to offer me help but no one helped so I could only think of this. I am really sorry". I look at the man and children with pity, then I went to meet the children who were shivering in fear. "HI, I am so sorry for scaring you like that. My name is Amelia what is your name". The children loosened up a bit when I gave them a warm smile. " M-m-my name i-is John and t-this is my l-little sister Amanda". I looked at the girl and smile. "Such a beautiful name, do you want some chocolates, I have some with me. Here, take it". The girl hesitantly took it and when she ate it she was happy. I gave some to the boy and he also liked it very much. "You two are really cute you know, hehe". Just then the man came to me and knelt down again. "You are such a nice girl, I am so sorry, take back your money please." I was feeling guilty. A grow up man is kneeling and begging me. I am just fourteen years old. "Noo, please get up. You are older than me. You can take the money. It is not your fault. I understand you are a father and you were taking care of your children. It is not much but it can hold you for two to three days. I will come visit you everyday. When I come tomorrow I will bring some of my old clothes for Amanda and I will buy some clothes for you and John. I also know a homeless shelter, I can take you there if you want. I am sure Amanda and John will love that place." " You are so kind. Thank you very much for your help. May God bless you." I just smiled. I took the man to the homeless shelter and they were accepted. I said goodbye to John and Amanda before I left. Of course mum  beat the daylight out of me when I told her that I lost the money and blamed me for stealing. I didn't eat for two days and I worked nonstop. 

        I didn't know Luna was watching at that time.  I just stared at her not knowing what to say. Luna thought I was creeped by her and started apologizing. "I am sorry, I know it might seem I was stalking you but I just happened to meet you at the store and I followed you because I thought you were in danger. I am so if it sounds creepy." "No, I was just shocked that someone like you is being nice to me and notices me. Thanks by the way." Luna looked at me with a happy smile. "Amelia can we be friends, I know you might not trust me but If we spend some time together you might see the good in me too". I thought about it. Luna isn't really like the other mean girls. "Alright, let's be  friends" I pulled out my hands for a hand shake but she threw me into a hug."Am so happy we are besties now. I will make sure no one lays a finger on you while I here."

Hi guys, so excited that I am published the next chapter. Writing is really hard. I can promise but I am sure the next chapter will be out on Wednesday. Pls, like the novel and comment so I can receive a word of encouragement. The novel is just getting started. Axel is yet to appear so stay tuned😊😊

Hi guys, please cheer me up and give me a thumbs up.

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