

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter one

I heard a crashing sound at my back and I knew it would be no one but my evil sister, Emily. "opps, my hand slipped". Emily said with a smirk on her face. "Emily, you know very well that was no mistake. You broke that glass on purpose, haven't you troubled me enough". I was so frustrated with all her pranks and mischiefs. "Hey witch, how dare you talk back at me. Do you want me to teach you how a lowlife like you should speak?. I will let that pass today but next time you dare raise your voice to me, I will let you know your place in this house. Now clean this up and finish washing the dishes. And yes, I left a pile of laundry in your room wash those and iron them, I want them folded in my closet by the end of today". "But Emily, I just finish washing all of you and mummy's dirty laundry yesterday". 'I can't believe this, does she really want to torture me that badly, she wants me to wash another set of clean clothes' . "Oh, about that, throw all of those away, those are old clothes anyway, me and mummy are going shopping today". 'seriously? She bought those clothes two months ago, and now she wants to get rid of those'. Emily just used her heels to shift the broken glass in her way and walked out with an evil smirk on her face.

My name is Amelia Jones, daughter of a wealthy business man. The only person I ever received love from was from my dad, he loved me so much and always showered me with expensive gifts and presents to make up the time he wasn't around. My dad was a very busy person who travels most of the time for work related issues but we still made many good memories together with the little time he spent at home. My mum on the other hand completely neglected me and only considered Emily as her only child. Emily was my younger sister whom I senior with a year but she didn't consider me as one. Emily wasn't always as bad as this, infact, Emily and I were very close and she wouldn't want to go anywhere without me but she began to grow up and despise me because of mom's manipulations and mostly because she was jealous of me. She was jealous of all the attention dad gives me and she was also jealous of all the praises I get because of my beauty. I was born with a beautiful and natural silver hair and sparkling silver eyes, Emily is also very beautiful and attractive, she has silky dark hair and beautiful brown eyes. I always wore a black wig and brown contact lenses because it wasn't normal for a child to have silver hair and eyes but people still talk about how pretty I am and it really pissed Emily. Emily gradually became cold to me and would not miss any opportunity to make my life a living hell. Mum also joined her in her schemes. I didn't want to cause any fight between mum and dad so I kept it to myself.

Everything was still bearable until my eight birthday. I told dad I wanted to go camping in a forest for my eight birthday because I was always fascinated with the forest and the animals so he took me to a safer forest nearby a day before my birthday . We were having a lot of fun so much fun. we played, ate delicious snacks and drinks we brought along with us and dad also told me many interesting stories and jokes as well. That night dad and I slept in our tent but I was woken up by a voice that looked like a sad puppy. I went out and saw a white puppy behind a rock, it had an injury on its right leg and had trouble getting up. "Awwwn, who could have done something like this to this adorable little puppy, it must be a wild animal, so cruel ". I took it and dressed its wound. "sorry, you were injured so badly. I don't think you have an owner yet so I will take care of you very well, I don't have any friends so will you be my friend". it only licked her face and cuddled her. "hehehe, so cute, I will take that has a yes. You need a name. I think I will call you Theo. Do you like it. It just locked her face again and jumped on her." hehehe, Theo stop, hehe". I ended up sleeping outside of the tent all night with Theo. When it was dawn I was suddenly awake by a scream which was from my dad. " Amelia, are you alright". Dad was wearing a worried face. "Yes, I am fine but what happened and where is Theo?" Amelia scanned everywhere looking for Theo. "Who's Theo and what where you doing outs the tent?" "Dad, Theo is the puppy I found last night and he was injured so I treated it. Where is he?". "Amelia, that was not a puppy but a young wolf. I was scared when I saw it close to you like that, please don't scare me again like that, okay?" I was so confused, but it looked so much like a puppy and it didn't look dangerous at all. Even if it was a wolf I still want it.

" Daddy, I still want Theo, he is my only friend ". I cried out loud for him to know how much I am serious." Oh Amelia, if you want a puppy that much I can buy you one when we get back, okay?" "But Daddy, Theo is special, I want him". I sniffled as I talked. "But sweety, Theo has a family that might be currently looking for him, how would you feel if you weren't able to be with me. Won't you feel bad?" I nodded saying "I would really be sad if you left me daddy". "Then Theo's family must also be sad right now don't you think?"I nodded again and said" I would never want Theo to be separated from his family just has I don't want to be separated from you daddy, I never want to leave you and I will always be with you. Daddy, promise me you will never leave me alone".He just smiled and said "My cute little angel, I promise I will never leave you alone and I will always love you. Happy birthday darling ". "Hehehe, thank you daddy. Hehehe". Daddy wanted us to leave the forest because he felt it wasn't save anymore but I pleaded with him to let us stay for my birthday and he eventually agreed.

As we were walking through the forest and admiring the sight, I spotted something moving and what came to my mind was Theo. I ran as fast as I could chasing the creature. "Amelia, where are you going, come back it's dangerous over there". Dad shouted to warn me but I wouldn't listen. "Dad, I think I saw Theo, he came back". I shouted as I ran. Dad tried to call me to stop me but I wouldn't listen. " Amelia, wait". I suddenly stopped when I realized I was about to fall off a cliff. I turned around to check the creature I was chasing only to know that it was a rabbit. I was about to walk back when I heard a cracking sound under me. It was the ground I was standing on, it was breaking. I looked at the river underneath the cliff . Just then dad came and noticed what was happening. "Amelia, don't move". I turd around to see my dad's worried face. "Daddy, am scared, please save me". My dad slowly moved close to me avoiding to break the rock more than it is already broken. "Amelia, calm down, I won't let anything happen to you". As my dad finally held me the rock broke and we both fell from the high cliff into the running river with dad's body protecting me like a shield. "Dad!!!"the river washed us as we fell from a water fall." Ahhh, Dad!!!! ". I suddenly lost consciousness.

when I woke up, my dad was still shielding me but he wasn't moving at all." Dad? Wake up, are you alright? Dad, answer me". I freed myself from his hold and shooked him. I was so horrified when I saw blood all around him. I burst into tears as I called out to him to wake up. "Dad!!! Wake up, I am sorry. This is all my fault, I should have listened to you, I will always listen to you I promise. Remember, you promised me that you would always be with me. You can't break your promise. You told me that promises can never be broken. Please, wake up. Just then he called my name. "Amelia, I am sorry". "Dad, please don't leave me. Please". "My little angel, I won't break my promise, I will always love you and I will always be with you. You might not be able to hold me again but I will always be there for you when you need me. Don't be sad, I have a strong daughter and you are destined for great things, you are my little fairy. I love you, so please live well and be happy ". As he said his last words, his eyes slowly closed and his hands left my wet cheek and fell to the ground." Dad!!!! NO!!!!. You can't go, please, it's all my fault, please come back".

HI everyone, this is my first book and I am so excited. Comment so I can publish more of the novel. It is going to be fun

Pls, you guys should cheer me. This is my first novel. Help me by commenting and liking the novel. I promise to work hard on it

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