

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter three

          After that day, Luna's been protecting me from every bully that comes my way. Even Emily was pissed by this and I would eventually get punished at home but I was happy that someone was standing up for me. Luna and I became unseperable friends from then on. We did everything in school together. Even though we were so close now and Luna shared everything with me, I couldn't tell her my secrets. I couldn't tell her I had a strange appearance. I was scared she would abandon me and start to see me as a witch. So I continued to keep it a secret from her.

          Time passed by like wind and it was our final year in high school. Luna's birthday happened to be on our graduation so I started to plan a huge surprise with her boyfriend, Max. Luna and Max as been dating since our second year in high school. They are really close and I could see that Luna liked him very much. Max also showed a lot of concern for her. They were the perfect couple.

        Max and I started preparing a surprise party for Luna. Because of the party we hang out more often and I would always feel bad because I was spending less time with Luna but I am sure she would be happy when she see the surprise.

       One day, Luna invited me to her house so that we could hang out. Luna's house was massive and she had a gigantic bedroom. My mum made me sleep with the servants outside the house so that was why I am able to sneak out of the house without them noticing. We reached the pool side and I was getting chills. We were too close to the pool and I haven't overcome my fears yet. "uhhh Luna, can we move far away from here? I don't want to stay here anymore " Luna looked at me and then at the pool. " Ohh, am sorry I totally forgot about your phobia, let's be going now. We can go to the garden." 

            As we were about to move away from the pool, I suddenly slipped and fell into the pool." LUNA HELP". Luna looked back to see me drowning in the pool. She also noticed my makeup and wig coming off but she had no time to think. She dived into the pool and pulled me out. "Amelia, are you alright." I was still unable to move from the shock, then I noticed my wig coming off and my makeup was gone. Luna just stared in disbelief.

       "L-luna, P-please let me explain." Luna stood up "let's get you dried up first then you can start talking. You will catch a cold if you don't dry yourself." I was even more scared of Luna's silence. 

        We went to her without anybody seeing us. She gave me some of her cloths and dried me up. Then she sat down opposite me." okay, now you can start explaining yourself." I looked at Luna in tears and told her everything, about my appearance, about dad's death, about the treatment I received at home. I let out everything. Luna looked at me with a sad face and pulled me in for a hug. "Amelia, I wish you had told me this sooner. I am sorry you had to bear all of that alone." I cried like a baby. I was tired of everything. "I am sorry I kept it from you, I was scared I would lose you." Luna smiled "That's okay, by the way you are really beautiful" I was so relieved to get everything out of my chest. I always kept it to myself and endured it but now I can finally rely on someone. I am glad.

         The next day Max and I were planning to meet at the place we were planning the surprise party. Max was already at the place. When I got to the place and saw Max, I was about to call Max's name when I felt a sharp pain on my chest. It hurts so much and I couldn't breathe well. Then every was becoming blurry in eyes. Then I heard Max calling out to me. "Amelia what is wrong. Are you listening?" After that everything was dark and silent. The pain also went away.

          Max took me to the hospital and after the doctor examined me he asked Max to meet him in his office.

         When Max reached the doctors office, the doctor asked him to sit." Who is she to you?" That was the question he asked first. "I am her friend, we were supposed to meet for something important but then she collapsed. " The doctor then gave him a file that was on his desk. "This is her report. She is suffering from I. A. C. D which stands for Intensely Aggravated Cardiac Disorder. Luckily, it is not yet triggered. This disease happens when someone suffers from great emotional outbursts or shock. She may have been in an emotional disaster for a very long time but hopefully she has been better lately. Maybe something has happened recently Ithat almost triggered it." Max was shocked, he didn't really know much about Amelia. He barely meets her because she always isolated herself from everyone except Luna. It was because she wanted to surprise Luna she came to me.

          " Doctor, what happens when it is triggered?" Max asked anxiously hoping it is not something serious. " Well, I hope that never happens. If that happens then she would only have few months to live and there is no cure for it. If she stays calm and prevent any strong emotional outburst then she should be fine." 

           Max was speechless. Just then he heard something behind him, then he realized it was Amelia. Amelia came looking for Max so she can contact Luna. Amelia was supposed to meet with Luna immediately after she leaves Max. She wanted to tell her that she wouldn't be able to come but she happened to hear everything the doctor was telling Max. Was she going to die?

      'No Amelia get it together, it must be because of what happened yesterday, that's why it almost triggered. The doctor said if I control my emotions and avoid any emotional outbursts I would be fine.'

          "Amelia, is that you?" Amelia flinched when she heard Max call her name. " y-yes, I came because I wanted to borrow your cell phone. " Max walked up to Amelia. "Amelia you heard everything, didn't you" "yes but it's okay, it's not yet triggered. Am perfectly fine now. I just need to control my emotions." Amelia smiled reassuring Max that she's fine. "oh, Max please don't tell Luna or anyone about this, I don't want her to worry about me. I will tell her when the time comes." Max looked at Amelia with a worry look but he assured her that he won't tell Luna about this. "Thank you so much Max. I am grateful." if it wasn't for Max her condition could have gotten worse." "That's okay, you are Luna's friend but please don't stress yourself out. If anything is troubling you come meet me. If you are not comfortable with me then you can talk to Luna."  

       Although I am scared of this illness but I have Luna now. I would be able to overcome anything if I have her with me. 

I am glad I am moving on. I want to thank all of those who viewed my story. You all have boost my confidence. I hope you comment and like my story. Remember, Axel appearance is coming near.

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