

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter four

       After that day Max and I became closer than before. He would constantly worry about my health and we would meet secretly to plan for Luna's birthday. 

       Rumors started to spread about Max cheating on Luna with me. I just shrugged it and told myself 'Luna wasn't going to believe that nonsense. She trusts me and no stupid rumor is going to ruin our friendship.' 

        Luna's birthday was drawing near and I felt guilty for hiding my sickness from Luna. So two days before Luna's birthday and our graduation, I decided to tell her everything.

          When I got to her house I asked for Luna and the servants told me she was in her room. I went straight to Luna's room and when I opened the door, it was a mess. 

           I started calling out to Luna. "Luna, where are you. It's me Amelia." Then I saw her at her window. It looked like she has been crying. "Luna are you alright, what happened, why are you crying." As I was about to reach her she yelled. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME." I was surprised by her behavior, what happened to her. "Luna it's me, Amelia. Your best friend." just then a book came flying at me. I was quick to dodge it. "You are not my friend, I regretted ever knowing you. You know I love him and you took him away from me. What have I ever done to you." I was shocked. Does she believe those rumors. 

       Earlier she told me that she didn't believe any of those rumors and that she trusted me. What happened now. 

      " Luna listen, nothing is going on between me and Max, I promise. I thought you didn't believe those rumors." 

       "wow, so you are taking me for a fool uhh. Do you think I am stupid. Do you think I haven't noticed how close you two are these days. OK then, tell me, if this rumors were false why would Max suddenly break up with me." I was dumbfolded. Max broke up with Luna? But why?

       "Listen Luna, I am so sorry you two broke up but you have to believe me, there is nothing between us. I am saying the truth." 

         Luna brought out some pictures and threw them at me. "Those are gifts I got in advance for my birthday, take a good look at them. Aren't they priceless? You can keep them if you want." 

       I picked the pictures from the floor and what I saw shocked me. Apparently, someone had been taking pictures of me and Max anytime we got close to make it look like we were intimate. One of the pictures showed when Max was getting dirt from my eye which made it look like we were kissing. I can't believe this. Who would do something like this? 

         "Luna please trust me, it is not what it looks like, someone is trying to frame me. This isn't true. Don't you trust me?" 

         "You know what? I really trusted you but now I really hate you. I did everything for you. I didn't allow anyone to bully you, I always spent lots of money on you, I was there when your family abandoned you. I can see the reason why people despise you. You take advantage of everyone that ever cared for. I am sure you are just using Max just like you used me. You are a freak. It's not a surprise your dad died because of you."

         Just then, Something snapped in Amelia. " Don't you even dare drag my dad in this. I thought you were my friend. I never asked for your friendship in the first place. I never asked you to spend a dime on me. It's not my fault I was born like this. You would never know because you have never been through what I have been through. As for why Max broke up with you, I don't need to explain myself because you won't believe anything I say. I came here to tell you something but I see I was just being stupid. I think it's safe to say that our friendship ends here. Goodbye."

        I stormed out before she could say any more. 'I was so stupid to believe I would be happy. I was even more stupid to believe anyone other than dad would care for me.' I was so devastated. 

        Just when I thought things won't get any worse. When I got home, mum called for me and I saw my mom's sister, aunt Lucy sitting on the couch, with mum and Emily.

        When mum saw me, the first thing she said was "Amelia go and pack your things." I was taken by surprise. 

        "Are we going somewhere?" "Not we, you are leaving this house. You will be going with Lucy." 

        What?, I can't go with aunt Lucy, my life would be more miserable than it already is. Aunt Lucy hates me and I don't know why. I still continued to stay here because of dad's memories and because I want to continue going to school. If I follow her I won't be able to go to college. 

        "Mum but why? I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here. I will work harder. I will do extra chores and I won't complain at all, just please don't send me away."

        "Hey girl, nothing you say will change my mind. Your aunt needs a maid and she doesn't have money to hire one so I recommended you. You are pretty good at cleaning so you will do good."

          I was dumbfounded. My mom is as me to work as a maid for another person even though she has countless other maids. I have endured everything till now but this is the last straw. " Are you really just going to give me up so easily? I have endured all your torture but If you really want to give me away, I want you to answer my question. Don't you even love me a little? I am your flesh and blood. I am your daughter. Have you even ever considered me as your daughter?"

        I let out all my frustration and anger. I just needed answers to all my questions. Even if I was to leave. I want answers to all my questions. 

      "Hahahaha" mom was laughing for what looked like minutes before she finally stopped. "I wanted to keep this a secret so it can be less painful for you but since you insist I will gladly tell you. YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER. Your parents abandoned you near a lake in the bush. I was already pregnant with Emily when we found you. My husband was the one that pitied you and insisted on adopting you but I never agreed to it. You wanted to know the truth right? The truth is that your parents didn't want you so they also abandoned you even at a small age. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucy also abandon you. So if you know what is good for you, pack your things and get out."

          No Amelia, you must not break down. If the disease triggers you will really die. Dad's last wish was for me to live well and be happy. Even though he wasn't my real father he still loved me genuinely. I have to be strong and live well. " I understand, thank you so much for taking care of me for all this years. I am really grateful." I told her with a smile and went to start packing. 

         Just when I was done packing. I heard saw Emily hiding outside and she was peeking from outside. 'does she want to make fun of me before leaving'" Emily I know you are there so come out. What do you want. If you want to make fun of me now then do it quick." When she came out, the kind of look I expected from her wasn't what I saw. She tried very hard to hide it but I could see she wasn't really happy. Was she sad I was leaving? 

      " I-I came here to make sure you were done packing, that's all." I shooked my head in dismay. "Emily, you might be good at many things but lying isn't one of them. If you came to check then why were you hiding like a little mouse."

       "Don't think I have come here to kiss you goodbye. I just want to give you this" Emily pulled out a small bag from her pocket and shoved it to my hand. "This is some cash. You might get hungry when you get there so this money can help for a while. I am a generous person so I you should be grateful. And yes, take this with you. It's a cellphone. You will need it." 

        I just stood there shocked. Now that I think about it Emily has gotten a little nicer this past few months. What ever the reason is I am glad. I smiled at Emily " Thank you so much Emily."

          Just when she was about to go out I suddenly remembered something. "Wait Emily, Pls can you do me a favor?" Emily stopped and looked at me. "just because I am being nice doesn't mean I like you. What do you want me to do?" 

          "I want you to go to the homeless shelter near the grocery store and look for someone. I want them to know that I won't be coming to see them again. Pls could you do that for me?" 

         "Ah alright, tell me, who do you want me to meet?" I described John and Amanda's father. I also packed some things for them too. "Thank you and please I don't want Luna to know about my whereabouts. Promise me that you won't tell anyone where I went." I could tell that Emily was shocked. "Aren't both of you close? Why won't you want her to know?" 

      "It's a long story. I can just say we parted ways. Just promise me that you won't tell anyone, please." 

       "Ahh, fine. Just don't ask me to do anything again and get out of my way." I smiled as she went out.

        I looked at the money and phone. This is really going to help me. 'I have to survive for dad. I will live a good and happy life. To do that I have to work extra hard and I must never trust and rely on anyone. I made that mistake once but I won't repeat it. If I get heartbroken again I might die. I will never trust anyone again. I will make sure I live a peaceful life. Dad, I won't disappoint you.'




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