
Chapter 21: Aftermath


when AJIN kissed TUL, he suddenly had a vision of the same guy but this time he saw the other persons face. He could not believe to what he just saw, AJIN was too stunned by this .!!. He left the restroom and went to the parking lot. He cried,and punched in pain at the wall leading his nuckles to bleed ,when MJ came and stopped him and AJIN told MJ that he saw TUL in his vision.

"TUL!" MJ exclaimed


"Yes," AJIN said while subbing. MJ hugged him tite, drove him to the apartment AJIN was not in a condition to speak. MJ texts WHITE that he and AJIN are leaving without mentioning any reason...


AJIN is in the kitchen pouring water in a glass when MJ shows up

MJ knows that AJIN is upset so he comes up with a plan. he turned on the TV and played the song 'SEE TINH by HOANG THUY LINH' he increased the volume and started dancing on it in front of AJIN.

That small cute moves of MJ brought a smile on his face. MJ pulls AJIN'S hand to make him dance too . AJIN hesitates at first but seeing MJ dance to that funny song and after that 'boost up dance' they both lay down on a floor adjacent to each other.

"do you remember when we fought with each other me, you, and WHITE always make it up by dancing to this song" MJ asked while smiling

"how can I not, when we dance to this song we forget about our problems no matter how big it is"

"Just like a laughter therapy"

"chai (yes)" Both smiled ,but AJIN'S face is clearly saying that he is stressed so MJ starts to make funny faces

"don't make those faces, it won't make me smile," AJIN said

MJ stops with his playful act , "now tell me, what is going on in your mind and why are you so surprised what is the matter if that guy is a person in your vision, you should be happy you finally found that guy," MJ asked

"you know my boss he is also aware of my vision he once said that there might be a possibility that my vision guy is an enigma" he sighed and continued, "I don't think Tul can be an enigma, he never behaves like that and he can't even imagine killing this world like that city where we met"

"Are you sure about that?"

"I don't know, my heart just says that he can't be an enigma, and about the vision he was a different person" AJIN'S eyes light up, he sits on a floor that makes MJ sit too, MJ could tell by looking into his eyes and smile that he has romantic feeling for TUL but AJIN didn't know

AJIN continuous, "his hairstyle was different, he was playing guitar singing for someone and that doll of him too always showed up in my vision"

"He must be a good person then, I believe" MJ held his hand and smile ....

"but one thing about the vision is sometimes, he shouts someone's name....name was....ah....TINE, he always shouted that name in pain if he was hurt or he lost someone so important to him" AJIN'S face was confused!!

MJ understood everything

"listen AJIN, if you believe in TUL then you should be by his side, and if you are a little bit confused about this then go and talk to your boss he might have an answer to all your questions," he said, "but in my opinion, I don't think you should be close with TUL" he continuous which make AJIN'S face more confused

"ou! what? why? believe me, he is a nice guy he-" Before AJIN complete his sentence MJ interrupted him

"just stay away from him," MJ said ignoring his eye contact with AJIN


"I am going to take a shower first then" And he leaves

AJIN is left alone lying on the floor, starying at the cyling and confused.Why would MJ think TUL is a bad guy? Last night....they kissed. Ajiny wouldn't say it was bad (his heart was beating out of his chest because of his happiness). at first, it was awesome but then, as it became intense his head started providing his visions, but this time it was so clear, as if he was a living person in front of Tul, wait, the guy was Tul, ALL ALONG!!

he finally decided to become close with TUL and verify if he was an enigma or not.

"but...MJ, he will never allow me to" AJIN said to himself quite aloud

"What I will not allow you to do," MJ said.

"Nothing, nothing" AJIN panicked, and ran to hugged him

"MJ you are so sweet, my best friend. I always have your side even last night you were there for me, I love you" AJIN started fake crying

"what shit are you playing. go and confess your love to someone else but not me. I am not gay. I know I am a worldwide handsome boy, I am attractive, and all boys and girls have a huge crush on me but I can't date everyone, can I?"

'he is so full of himself'AJIN thought to himself while taking a sigh.

"better luck next time" MJ patted his shoulder in pity he was in a towel at that time

MJ was leaving for the kitchen to drink water when AJIN stopped him and mistakenly grabbed his towel

"SHIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" both shouted at the same time

"what are you looking at, TURN AROUND" MJ shouted. AJIN immediately turned around

"can't you wear underwear inside the towel, you asshole" AJIN shouted

"Who the hell wears underwear inside the towel, you double, triple dickhead" MJ shouted

"did you do it on purpose because I rejected you" MJ blamed

"NOT AGAIN, I was not proposing to you"

"then what? and why did you grab my towel?"

"I wanted to stop you because want to consult something with you and BY MISTAKENLY I grabbed your fucking towel, NOT INTENTIONALLY"

"oui!" MJ pouted while making a confused face

"and who wants to see your naked body, not me tho"

"oh shut up! my body is much hotter than yours" MJ started again

"First let me wear my pants" MJ ran to his room to get dressed

AJIN suddenly had his vision back of TUL this time the vision was clear. he saw Tul lying down naked and covering his lower body with a blanket and he saw one more person he was shocked to see that person cause he was 'HIM'. he never saw himself in his visions...

"AJIN was confused, firstly he had never seen himself in his vision secondly why was he calling the name Sarawat when his name is TUL? Thirdly, why was he sleeping next to TUL, and lastly the important matter of why TUL was sleeping naked not a single cloth ON and what he saw was unbelievable

he saw himself waking TUL up by taking the name Sarswat again and again and when he removed the blanket he saw his __

"shiaa" AJIN said and came to reality

"what Shia?" MJ said and continued, "And what do you wanna consult about with the most handsome man"

"Enough with that already" AJIN smile

"Okay! okay! what's up then"

"I was thinking to monitor TUL, be a good friend with him, and get to know him better so that I can get a clue about my vision and the enigma thing" trying to convence MJ

"but TUL is dangerous for you. what if he is the real enigma and he got to know about your mission

"I will fight with him then"

"no! it's still dangerous

"You can tell your ball" MJ told

"I can't, if my boss got to know about him he would kill him without caring to learn the whole truth"

"Okay okay you can monitor him but be safe, share your live location every minute, and most importantly call me when you are going with him," MJ said

"khop khun na khrup(thank you)" AJIN smiled from ear to ear, 'finally I will be able to meet TUL'S AJIN thought to himself

"you know what , I can feel that you want to be close to him, don't you" MJ asked

"what close, no, nothing, yuck" AJIN panicked

"you know, I have the nose of a dog, I can smell love around here" MJ said while grabbing his phone and heading towards the door

"where are you going?"

"I got transferred here, remember. 'm going to meet the manager of this branch

"su su na(fighting)" AJIN showed him thums up

"sounds like I am going to fight in a war" MJ smirked and left

----Gorya's cafe----

"sawadee kha P'GORYA" FA arrived early again at the cafe

"sawadee kha N'FA. how are you"

"I am fine" FA was smiling from ear to ear

"you look so happy," GORYA asked smiling at her

"ofc I am, me and P'AJIN kissed each other yesterday, remember."

GORYA'S face which was smiling one minute ago when heard the reason for FA'S happiness disappears

"What happened?" FA asked

"Nothing, I am..happy for you," she said

"oui," FA said but she knew GORYA was lying, "well what about you and...... P'MJ" she asked GORYA while pinching her elbow tastefully

"It's nothing, it was just a game, too don't get your hopes high maybe AJIN was just playing a game not more than that" she aid

"Why do you have to ruin my mood like this"

"I am telling the truth, maybe he is into boys like me"

"he never said that to me"

"you only knew 1% of him"

"Harsh!" FA pouted, "So do you like someone?"

"yes" GORYA smiles shily

"Who is that lucky girl," FA asked, "I will be jealous of her"

"Why would you?"

"let me tell you if I didn't meet P'AJIN first I would hit on you"

GORYA got butterflies in her stomach she couldn't control her smile her cheeks were all red as rose bed she was blushing so much that her ears got red too!!

"you are blushing P'GORYA"

"I am not"

"look in the mirror"

"stop teasing me already, I am your boss"

"but tell me who is that lucky girl"

"I won't tell you"

"But why P'GORYA"

GORYA left the kitchen because she didn't want to answer FA'S question

when she got out of the kitchen she saw 'HIM' her eyes got broadened as she was afraid of him. he was boss, AJIN'S boss.

"sa...wa...sawadee kha khun boss" she continued, "I will call AJIN to meet you here you can go t-" he directly went to the secret room where he and AJIN usually meet without being bothered to listening to GORYA

GORYA took a sigh of relief for one second and ran to grab her phone and call AJIN.

After a few minutes, AJIN showed up in the cafe Gotrya and FA were standing there Goryya made eye contact with AJIN to go to the room

The old man is again in a black outfit and hat but this time there is no mask on his face, he has never revealed his identity, his face but this time he finally reveals his face his eyes and lips Ayjin has seen similar eyes and lips as him but he couldn't remember where and who

just by looking at his face, AJIN could tell he is very angry right now. Ajin is afraid of his boss no one knows how he gets all the information about AJIN'S life even what he is doing at the moment.

"Sawa-" Before AJIN could greet his boss, he spoke with his glacier tone

"AJIN, I have seen your progress in this mission and it is very little"

"but I have done BOSTON'S mission very well you rewarded me with 10000 baht too

"I am not talking about that mission, ANYA'S case what about that huh? Recently you have not given me any updates"

"I... am sorry Khun boss but why are you this angry"


"What? In what way? what is the relation between you and ANYA?" he asked

"she doesn't mean shit to me! it's about my so-" he abruptly stops as if he had spoken out a disgraceful secret

"Anyway, this mission is very important to me, and rest all the mission you have done was nothing but this is and you should be serious from now on if you want to find your vision guy who always pops up in your visions, don't you?" boss came closer and whispered in his ears

AJIN got goosebumps after hearing the boss's heavy voice.

"what were you saying before this"

"Nothing, GET OUT"



"khrup" AJIN left the room with various questions when he came out of the room FA and GORYA were standing. he punches on the wall


"What happened P'AJIN?" FA asked

"I will tell you later," he said and left the cafe he wanted some peace so he went to a mountainside with his crystal ball

there he sat on a chair, placed his hand on that crystal ball whispered a mantra(slogan), while keeping his eyes closed

the mantra he had mastered at the age of 19. His boss praised him a that time , he said it was a very difficult spell but Ajin mastered flying within a week

After the mantra was finished he opened his eyes and found himself in the air he spread his legs and hands and let the fresh air fill his lungs. he feels relaxed. he forgot all the things for 10 minutes and spent his me-time there

He remember the last time he did this with FA. He was relaxing when the image of TUL came into AJIN'S mind and he smiled. he remembered that kiss "THAT KISS" he was all blushy-blushy at that time

he thinks, if TUL and the person from his vision are same , what are they?


"why was he in my vision? who is he? AJIN has a lot of questions but he has to first be friend TUL so he decides to go to his house


how will he face him after the last night

however, he decided to go and face him.

----Anya's penthouses ---

"TUL, i am going to shopping, do you want to come?" ANYA asked

But TUL didn't respond he was smiling without reason.

"TUL! TUL! Why are you not responding huh?" Anyya shouted but still no response came from TUL'S side. ANYA suspects that last night something happened in the washroom, him and AJIN.

ANYA sat next to TUL and shouted, "TUL!!!" in his ear

"alaiwaaa??? (what) why are you shouting in my freaking ear?"

" because you are not listening and just smiling like an idiot"

"I am not an idiot, I have my reason for smiling"

"And what's that?"

laugh TUL came closer to ANYA and said, "Nosy" and then got back to his place

"you dare hide it from me, huh?" ANYA got up and hit TUL with a pillow

"why are you hitting me?"

"you forget I am your love guru and yet you are hiding it from me" Keep hitting him

"ouch! it's hurting ANYA"

"tell me then what happened between you and AJIN in the washroom last night"

"stop hitting first" TUL exclaimed

"I am not gonna stop, tell me first"

"okay okay we kissed"

Anya stop hitting him and sits on the sofa, "you two did what?"

"We did what you heard"

"oh my god my ship is sailing AAHAHAHHA" ANYA covered her face with the pillow she was holding

"but idk why but he started crying there and then left me with no words"

"maybe he is not into boys now as you know he dated me a girl so.."

"you sure to have a devil mouth"

ANYA laugh

"so you are going on a date today?" ANYA asked in curiosity

"a date?"

"date! you two kissed already it's time to step forward"

"I can't even face him now"



"Listen, go on a dinner date tonight with him, any restaurant with good food and a romantic vibe"


"you are doing this and on your first date with AJIN, you need to wear new . you can't wear this" She pointed towards his tee, "Go change clothes we are going shopping"

ANYA pushed TUL. He changed into normal tee pants when he showed ANYA his dress, she said, "I doubt you are my friend now, AH AH let me choose your clothes, you have to wear those, no excuse."

Tuyl got changed into clothes ANYA chose and he looked Amazing according to ANYA. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a pink jacket on it

"here we go, handsome" ANYA teased TUL

"do I really need to wear this, I am looking like a pinky boy"

"come on, let's go"

----Ajin's POV----

AJIN was standing in front of ANYA'S penthouse and stressing

"ohoui! how can i go upstairs and speak to TUL and that too in front of ANYA'S. one is my ex and the other i have kissed last night, freaking awkward" he was talking to himself

TUL and ANYA were walking to the car and TUL was still not convinced that he looked good, "stop whining now" ANYA said when he saw AJIN there and got a idea

"hey I think i forgot something in my room i will be back," ANYA said loudly so that AJIN could hear them and so AJIN did.

"Why are you speaking so loud?"

"was I?"

"umm why are you standing now go fast and come"

"OKAY OKAY" ANYA pat on TUL'S shoulder and said, "Good luck" and left

AJIN was relaxed at least ANYA has left, "but why he is wearing pink today, so unusual"

TUL noticed AJIN standing there smiling while looking at him. TUL is really awkward wearing that pink jacket

AJIN approached TUL and tried to start a conversation

"Hi," AJIN said

"hi, what brings you here?" he continuous, "are you here for An-"

"mishay(no)" he immediately said


"then..." AJIN was way too awkward also he didn't even prepare an excuse

ANYA was hiding behind the tree and listening to their so-called conversation , she was so disappointed that her best friend and her ex-boyfriend could not even start a conversation.

"secretly listening to their conversation?" someone whisper in ANYA'S ear. when ANYA turned, "MJ! what are-"

"cal down , they will hear us" MJ placed his right hand on ANYA'S lips makes ANYA'S heart flustered for a second. MJ removed his hand from her mouth.

"why the hell are you here? wait, how did you know I live here" Are you spying on me? or are you stalking me? you know I was a karate champion in my high school i will beat the hell out of you" ANYA said in one go

MJ laughed and said, "It's not like that khun ANYA I am not the kind of fan who stalks"

"then why are you here?"

"I came to check on AJIN"

"khamaiwa(why), are you his dad?"

"not dad but a best friend"

"but he is not in danger here?"

MJ can't let anyone know why he is being cared for AJIN as he doubts her brother

"Enough with the question phi, it's my turn why are you secretly listening to their conversation?"

"none of your business" ANYA ignored him and texted someone

"AJIN and TUL are leaving you should go now," ANYA said

"what if I don't want to?" MJ smirked and put his hands on the pillar covering Anya from going anywhere

"what do you mean?"

"I am sorry khun ANYA for the last night"

what do I do with your sorry? do you ever know how embarrassed I was at that time when you left without saying a single word" she yelled

"I am sorry , AJIN needed me that time and I couldn't leave my friend alone when he is having a bad time, can I?"

"umm okay"

"you are still not convinced, I guess" MJ said

he gets closer to ANYA'S face, "how about I"


"i... I buy you lunch right now" he said while making eye contact with ANYA

"you scared me"

"what were you thinking" MJ laughed

"uh uh, okay let's go I am hungry already" ANYA ignored his eye. but wait a minute, he is hot, a sweet-talking man, he knows how to apologise and how to convince people, absolutely ANYA'S type

"then let's go"

"hmm hmm" she said. MJ smiles

MJ lead ANYA to a very expensive place. hey we're going to Souri, it has recently opened and the reviews are good , the shop's CEO is damn hot his name is 'WIN METAWIN' he is a popular man also known as Bunny. He is an actor under GMMTV and now doing an international movie.

In the car to avoid awkward silence. he turned on the radio and the song 'BEST LIFE' came up

"oh this is my fav song," ANYA said

"mine too"

they both laughed and sang along

"at the restaurant, MJ offered ANYA to order for him too. they ate it all but one BBQ pork was left. they both look at each other and quickly try to grab it but both fail.

"you are giving me a treat, you should give me the last bite too," ANYA said

" that doesn't mean you will get the last bite"

"MJ babe, rak na jub jub (love you kiss kiss)"

MJ was in shock and remove his hand and chopstick from the pork and ANYA grabbed the pork quickly

"I won" ANYA said

"you are unbelievable, Khun ANYA"

they both laughed.

hyyyy!!! beautiful people!!

hope you are all living your best life:))

last chapter AJINTUL KISSED!!!!

they so lovely!!!


Brightwin_creators' thoughts