
Chapter 22: A shopping date

AJIN didn't think... So stupid! Didn't even think of an excuse to go meet the boy who kissed him last night. Stupid.

"Listen AJIN..." TUL started, "I just wanna say I'm sorry. I think I drank too much I'm sorry I just wanted you to know that." He looked at AJIN hopefully.

AJIN stayed quite. Just looking into looking at those chocolate brown eyes of TUL'S made his stomach have butterflies !!!

"Shit" AJIN said loudly in his mind

"Well, what are you doing in the parking lot?" AJIN dismissed the earlier conversation.

"Umm, yeah , me and ANYA were going shopping and she forgot something so she went upstairs to grab it ." He pointed towards the elevator where she went.

"oh, what did you wanted to buy?" AJIN questioned, trying to get this conversation somewhere.

"Some clothes, ANYA said I'm desperately in need of them." Tuyl answered.

Ajin laughed, "seems like a celebrity thing."

"Yea, that is" TUL let out a soft laugh when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

It was a message from ANYA, which said, 'you can go with AJIN' with a emoji that smirking emoji. That devilish witch, She saw AJIN coming before him.

"Umm..." he turned to AJIN, unsure "she said that she just got a message that a director is coming here to discuss a new series' character with her. So she's busy"

"But, she said you are in desperate need of new clothes." AJIN scoffed.

"Yea well, do you want to go with me." TUL offered.

 AJIN has 2 choices here, first, he can say no and turn around and leave to stop his heart who is dying to say yes.

Second, he can say yes and know more about him. Just for the mission thing.

He agrees on his heart and finally says, "Fine sure just to help you in your desperate stage."

TUL'S face lit up and he was practically beaming when he said, "So who's driving?"

Ended up, AJIN driving and TUL sitting in the passenger seat.

When they were on the road, AJIN turned to TUL to ask him from where he was going to buy his clothes from.

TUL didn't look back to him which gave AJIN a full view of his side profile. And damn his jaw line. It's so sharp, it could cut you across.

In his thoughts, AJIN didn't realise he slipped the wheel. "Shia!" he muttered and tried to recover but the momentum of the car led it to crash on the division on the road.

"AJIN! AJIN! Are you alright?" TUL shouted, his hands covering the side of AJIN'S head.

AJIN froze. The accident wasn't that bad, maybe just a few scratches on the car. But the way TUL was shouting his name. He had heard it before in his nightmarish visions, the difference was just that here he was shouting "AJIN" and there it was "TINE".


Shit, shit shit shitfuckshit

TUL is freaking out, AJIN isn't moving, what should he do? Call the ambulance?

It was like a full over déjà-vu. Their weeding night...besides their exhaustion, TINE insisted that it was the perfect night for stargazing.

WAT denied but was forced out of bed. TUNE was driving near woods, trying to find a perfect spot to relax.

But then... A loading truck coming staight and hit them, they couldn't see the truck because it's highlights were off.

 It felt like all the past was repeating itself!! how a big piece of glass cut right through TINE'S neck, he remember feeling like he's choking on his tears, he remember seeing the truck driver and passanger just hitting them, he screamed for help to them but they just ran. He remember the police telling him to let go of TINE'S dead body, he remember it all.

It feels unfair, that TINE just left him alone, all alone in this big world, too empty without him. He felt like half of his soul has died with TINE. Like the meaning of his life left him. So, he joined him. ....


"I'm telling you, it was just a small spin of the wheel!" AJIN grumbled.

"Nope. You're not driving." TUL simply answered.

"Can you stop mothering me already! Even my own mother didn't care about me this much." He fussed his arms on his chest.

"I don't care, but your not driving whenever we're together." TUL ordered and ended the conversation.

After AJIN had crashed on the dividing, TUL had taken on the wheel. TUL seemed really furious about just a small accident. AJIN is very conformed about TUL being the person from his vision.

Ever since he heard him yelling "AJIN", the same way he heard this name SARAWAT in this vision .

He guesses it was the name of TUL in his past life.

Then, it clicks to him, the morning he stayed at ANAY'S penthouse. After ANYA woke up she called TUL "Sara-" then realised her mistake. So, she knew all along. This is way bigger than AJIN thought.

But this possibility could create a lot of question. "Does ANYA know about AJIN'S visions? Does TUL know about his past life? What was the relationship between SARSWAT and TINE in their past life? Why is TUL_"

He was screeched out of his thoughts when TUL pulled up in the parking lot of a mall. "Come on, we're here." He said while opening his seat belt's lock.

AJIN has to admit that TUL is utterly- undeniably beautiful. His eyes are probably making heart shapes in TUL'S direction. 

TUL snaps at him and proceeds to flick his sharp fingers on AJIN'S forehead, And god forsaken THAT HURT!

"OW!! What!" AJIN tried to flick his finger at TUL too but he was fast and moved out of the way and AJIN'S hand flicked abruptly on the flasher.

"Shit!" AJIN jerked his hand in pain.

"I said were here so you're suppose to take out your seatbelt. Idiot why are you so clumsy?" his face softened on AJIN. Almost in adoration.

Again! The stomach thing! Damn.

TUL leaned forward and kept on leaning until he was face to face with AJIN. Their faces were very close, an inch difference and they could kiss.

"What (Alliaiwa)" AJIN asked. Not daring to breath with TUL being so damn close.

"Undoing your seatbelt cause someone is too stupid to do so." TUL deadpans and moves away after working his hand on the seatbelt.

"Eh Saraleo! I'm not a baby" scowl's AJIN.

"Your right, your not a baby, but a big baby." Says and gets out of the car.

It's really annoying how TUL could easily get on AJIN'S nerves without making an effort. He just wants to... he just wants to knock him on the wall and kiss him until he's breathless,

Yea, that will do.


What the hell! Stop! Uhh

AJIN got out of the car, flustered.

"Let's stop by different shops in the mall," TUL said while checking his phone. Which AJIN was thankful for or else he would encounter the flush on AJIN'S face.

"Yea, sure, let's go' Both of them went to a shop on the 3rd floor.

They went through the escalator. "You know, I always imagined myself going to the afterlife like this, like this is the stair case to heaven." TUL said.

"Stupid" said AJIN while rolling his eyes.

"Rude" Replied TUL 



"Mr. No fashion style"

"Mr. Not washed my hair since 3 days."

AJIN gasped at that. "That was too far."

"You can disrespect a man's ego but no one goes to my hair, do you even know how long of a hair care routine I have!"

TUL smirked, "Posh"

AJIN sighed loudly but let go.

When they were on the men's section, both of them started going through shirts and T-shirts

 "How do you like this?" AJIN asked and held a t-shirt to TUL.

"EH" replied TUL.

"What about this?" He held out a dark blue one.

"Not my colour" dismissed TUL 

"So picky" Muttered AJIN and went to look for more.

After a few minutes, TUL came to him and said, "I want to try these." While holding out 4-5 t-shirts.

"So? Go on try them" encouraged AJIN.

TUL sighed loudly.

"Aliwaa?" AJIN asked dumb struck.

"They don't have a changing room, they have curtains for that" explained TUL, "So, you have to stand outside and pass me these, so I can check"

"God gave you two hands, make wise use of them. Good luck" AJIN started walking towards the entrance of the shop. But TUL grabbed him from the back of the shirt and dragged him to the back of the shop , aggressively dumped the clothes on him.

He grabbed one and went inside, leaving a scowling AJIN behind.

His hand came out of the curtain time to time giving AJIN the one he wore and asking for a new one.

When TUL finally gave AJIN the last one and asked for his own. It meant TUL was naked and didn't have any T-shirt to cover him.

He was just thinking of teasing TUL and make him desperate but at the moment his phone rang. It was an unknown number so he picks it up.

He sees TUL'S hand moving mindlessly in the air. He laughs to himself and loudly says, "Swadee kha, long time no see"

The person on the call is from a bank, asking AJIN if he wants a loan.

"Oh, I see." He keeps his hand on the speaker and says to TUL. "Oh TUL , Its my old friend from high school, I have to take this call, I'll be outside the shop." He says but stays there.

"Oyy! AJIN you asshole! At least give me my SHIRT! AY! Your gone?" TUL yells.

AJIN bites his hand in attempt to not laugh loudly. His eyes go a bit watery from holding his laughter.

But he accidently lets out a chuckle.

At that moment, a hand comes straight out of the curtain, grabs AJIN by the collar and pulls him in.

AJIN yelps while being dragged inside like this, he is held by the wall by a top-naked TUL.

TUL is a taller but him, just by an inch or two but clearly very much visible here. His eyes trail down to TUL'S body.

He has a well maintained body, he has abs...

He also has 2 slashing scars which are concerning but AJIN won't question it.

"Your staring at me like this, it's making me shy" TUL whispers in AJIN'S ear.

AJIN got goosebumps throughout this body.

He looks up at TUL and says, "I wasn't, your so full of yourself." He says and stamps TUL'S t-shirt to his body.

"Wear this and come out, ass" AJIN mutters and leaves the stall, clearly flustered.

TUL smirks as he wears his t-shirt back.

They went to different shops after that and shopped some more. They stopped to get some ice-cream from a parlour and ate it while shopping. TUL was a messy eater, he often had brushes of vanilla cream on his nose or on the side of his cheek.

AJIN didn't miss an opportunity to wipe it. You could call it flirting, but AJIN couldn't help but touch the soft skin of TUL'S face. He was starting to get suspicious that TUL was making his face dirty intentionally, after AJIN swiped his hand across his upper lip and lick his finger.


Blush crept over TUL'S face. Finally! He succeeded to make TUL flustered for the first time. Fucking finally!

"Why are you so messy? Huh? It's like you want me to clean your face." AJIN smirked.

"It's nothing like that." TUL mumbled while looking away.

"So, if your shopping is done, let's have lunch." AJIN said.

"Yea, sure" TUL being contented my AJIN

Only after five minutes or so, they started bickering about which place is better for lunch.

"No! There cheese is just second class and I don't like their pork." TUL said, genuinely angry.

"No one's asking you to eat pork, let's just eat vegetarian today." AJIN said trying to convince this bitch. "why are you so demanding, little princess."

"I'm not a princess, you asshole." He said trying to defend himself.

"Look what we have here." Said a familiar voice from afar.

WHITE was standing next to NAI in denim shorts and a white t-shirt and NAI who was holding a couple of shopping bags, Both of them walking towards them.

"Why are you two standing in the middle of the mall and bickering like an old married couple." WHITE teased them both.

"Oh WHITE! Will you ever stop. Well, what are you doing here?" AJIN asked.

"oh we were doing some shopping and it looks like you were doing the same." WHITE said looking at the bags in their hands.

"Yea we were just about to have lunch, you guys join us." TUL said.

"Sure, it will be a sort of double date." NAI said while teasing them with his sly eyes.

"Oh god you two should be called the 'Teasing couple'. Give it a break" AJIN said but WHITE and NAI just high-fived each other.

"Let's go we have already decided the place" TUL said side-eying AJIN.

AJIN smiled and followed.

Then four of them had lunch. TUL ordered noodles without pork much to AJIN'S satisfaction. WHITE filled up AJIN on her office gossips, While NAI and TUL were making small conversation.

"AJIN, where did you disappear to last night?" WHITE asked, genuinely curious.

NAI and TULI stopped talking at this question, AJIN glanced at TUL nervously. He could tell WHITE everything but NAI was here too, he couldn't enclose it to NAI and TUL also, he couldn't tell TUL that he is the person from his visions.

As if WHITE understood, her eyes softened and AJIN knew that he could lie and WHITE would.

"I just needed some fresh air and MJ came out too so we left cause I don't know, we were super drunk, he said something and we left and work up in my flat." AJIN said carefully, casually.

"Oh you idiots but MJ did message me." SHE said smiling but she knew it was a lie, he had to explain her everything later.

Tho AJIN is just very thankful of her just being next to her nevertheless the condition.

He is thankful for MR. THANKUN for changing their seating plan in 2nd grade and placing him and WHITE together.

AJIN smiled a thank to her but she just rolled her eyes.

heyyy hellooooo

back to the new chapter

at starting

ughhh i love Anya

I mean she is the real shipper guys

anyway enjoyyyyyyyyy

Brightwin_creators' thoughts