
Chapter:20 My Tine

On Saturday, AJIN and MJ left for Wednesday club. it was almost 9:00 pm when WHITE and NAI arrived

PORCHAy , FA and GORYA came together, and turns out at the early age of cafe Fa also applied for work but the owner didn't accepted as that time their were few customer .

PORCHAY and FA remained distant friends. till 9:30 when ANAY, KIM, and TUL arrived. while Ajin was busy introducing everyone to , MJ , which he didn't even care.

NAI was in the restroom when they arrived. and as soon as he recognized KIM

He lifted his finger towards KIM, KIM did the same towards NAI

"what are you doing here?" they said in unison

"you said you were going to hang out with your friends!?" NAI asked him

"yes and she is my friend" KIM indicated toward ANYA

the whole room was confused and dumbstruck when AJIN spoke

"you two know each other?"

"yes we are friends from university"

everyone's mouth made an "O" shape

WHITE giggled, "So many of us already know each other but don't know how"

"chai (yes)" NAI said with slight giggle

TUL looked bit nervous, but that didn't over shine his beauty. AJIN had seen him in designer clothes for the first time, he was wearing an oversized T-shirt and black baggy jeans paired with chain .

'He is cute' AJIN thought and then realized that he was smiling

TUL looked at him and their eyes locked.

It appeared as AJIN had a large garden in his stomach with all those butterflies all around ,he looked away and tried to act normal.

Damn, did he just 'check out' TUL. No, he's on a mission and he should not act like that.

"so what are we waiting for, let's start drinking" MJ said while lifting a bottle of champagne

NAI , MJ and WHITE opened a bottle and poured it into everyone's glass.

They drank , tackled and drank ,gossiped and drank.

AJIN and MJ were were high karaoke with 'One More Chance' and 'Best Life' as they used to in high school. WHITE and NAI like every cheesy couple sang 'cheesy pie' MJ and AJIN were in tears of laughing by the end of their performance.

They ordered pizzas and everyone ate. KIM kept refiling PORCHAY'S plate though when he was told he was full.

"you need to eat more and study well, you are practically disappearing," KIM said while dodging PORCHAY'S attempt to keep the pizza back.

He couldn't keep his eyes off PORCHAY. AJIN wondered how long they take to get together.

AJIN kept looking in TUL'S direction his eyes were magnetized towards TUL. TUL wasn't so extroverted but he was drunk, and his red cheeks were.....SHIA! he shouldn't stare, staring is rude, but his red cheeks looked like a fresh farm tomato .

"you like him, don't you?" MJ asked

"you asshole-" AJIN was going to hit him but was interrupted by a WHITE who was announcing .

"let's play spin the bottle!"

MJ and AJIN sighed, "Not again, WHITE!"

"Why?" WHITE asked innocently

"Yeah, why"

"she made us play this at every high school party because according to her 'kissing is cool' " MJ said

"yes and because of that I and MJ have to kiss each other yakkkkkkk," AJIN said making a disgusted face

"come on, I am a good kisser"

"you think"

everyone laughs

"ok but it's your first time playing with us, please!! let's play"

AJIN'S eyes again forced way back towards TUL he looked uncomfortable and against playing this game.

But at the end, ANYA said something in his ears that made him agree to play. They all gathered around on four adjacent sofas around the table.

WHITE picked a random empty bottle and took her first turn. The bottle spun fast at first but then slowed down and ended between KIM and NAI. NAI with a flick of a finger turned it fully towards KIM.

The table cheered and everyone started ranting 'KISS! KISS! KISS!', both of them kissed and sat back in their places grinning like idiots.

The next turn was of MJ he spun the bottle and it landed on GORYA. AJIN snorted and FA giggled. MJ leaned on AJIN'S shoulder and whispered, "She is good but, I was hoping for ANYA, OUCH!"

AJIN hit him on the back of his head, "ANAY is my fresh ex-girlfriend, you asshole now go and take your turn"

as the game moved forward TUL started to look more and more comfortable.

both of them leaned on the table and GORYA pecked MJ'S on the lips

he got back and said, "Ohh! don't lie, I rocked your world" MJ said smiling like an idiot

GORYA rolled her eyes and said, "You wish, that's why I prefer women much better than this" She sways her hand around MJ

the table busted into laughter

MJ made a very dramatic gesture and pretty dramatically fell back on his place

AJIN batted his head away with a sigh and reached to spin the bottle

okay! first off he doesn't want to land it on ANAY, cause it will be far too awkward as they just broke up this morning and TUL right now is a whole different story, AJIN saw TUL shifting in his seat as AJIN spun the bottle

The bottle slowed down and stopped in front of...er... not that bad but.....FA

"Now then what are you waiting for? KISS!" MJ exclaimed as he pushed AJIN towards the table

AJIN tried to smile at FA, to tell her it was all only friendly. but the girl wouldn't look at him .

He held her chin across the table gave her a reassuring smile and proceeded to kiss her.

they kiss. AJIN felt disgusted. it had nothing to do with FA but he just liked blocks

of course, he wouldn't tell about feeling disgusted, it would break FA's heart

they broke apart and everyone cheered except TUL and ANYA

ANYA not being happy buy this was understandable because they just broke up this morning, but why TUL?

Not that AJIN cares, not being heard (he does)

He sat back next to MJ and looked at TUL

TUL on the other hand looked like he was gonna be sick. ANYA beside him seemed equally worried

TUL finally got up and said "I will use the restroom" and he left

AJIN looked at him suspiciously, 'Could he be somehow related to the mission?' he thought

AJIIN too got up and said he would use the restroom, MJ looked at him and smirked. AJIN knew which kind of smirk it was, it clearly said, 'Have fun'

AJIN just flipped him off with his middle finger behind his back and proceeded toward the restroom

----TUL'S POV----

He can't let it happen, he can't

He can't let another spirit loose right here, it will be massive destruction, and all of AJIN'S friends out there will be killed

TUL reminded himself to breathe, 'it was just a peck kiss, a peck kiss, not a kiss, a peck kiss' he chanted in his mind

He can't stand watching Tine, HIS TINE, go kiss some random girl

Breath in, breath out, nothing matters, breath in, breath out

He tried to breathe in a cyclic way that ANYA taught him to use whenever he felt he was losing control over himself.

Suddenly, he heard the clunk at door it couldn't be him, though he couldn't see Tul because he locked himself in a stall.

Then, suddenly, AJIN'S voice reached his ears, "TUL? Are you here?"

"Yea, here" TUL'S voice was Horace

"you okay?" he was standing right in front of TUL'S stall, TUL could see his shoes from the space at the bottom.

TUL opened the door of his stall and came face to face with AJIN , as TUL looked in AJIN'S eye, he looked back to their past life.

it was a week before their wedding, both of them were tired from planning and slept exhausted on their bed

and after 2 hours or so SARWAT was woke up by a buzzing of TINE

"What time is it?" SARAWAT asked half asleep

"Who cares, WAT look, it's snowing! TINE said while attempting to take SARAWAT out of their bed

"let's go out! it's the first snow of the year!" TINE said

"Oh! but I am so damn tired" WAT retreated

"Please, do this for your fiancée, please let's go out in the snow" TINE pleaded

The words 'Fiancée' and 'Future husband' bought butterflies in SARAWAT'S stomach it appeared as if he would melt right away, and do whatever TINE wanted

They covered themselves in 5 layers of warm clothes and SARAWAT made TINE wear the cap that he made for him which TINE loved .

They went out and started making a snowman. TINE took his hat off which made his hair a mess and kept it on top of the snowman .

but SARAWAT was too engrossed in finding a perfect stone to make the eye of the snowman, he heard TINE calling his name but he ignored him to find the stone.

TINE stopped calling out his name and WAT found the perfect stone and as soon as he turned around a snowball landed, right on his face, smashing him really hard .

He was about to threaten TINE about showering him with hundreds of snowballs but stopped when he locked his eyes with him

TINE was undeniably beautiful. It was like falling in love all over again. the satisfaction , his dark black messie a hair, now even messier with a spark of snow in it, made him look beautiful, no not beautiful but he looked heavenly to him


TUL was snapped back to reality by AJIN snapping his fingers on his face

"HELLO...knock knock, anyone home, TUL???" AJIN said while snapping his fingers sharply

TUL leaned forward, cupped both his hands on AJIN'S neck, and kissed him

Their lips crashed on each other like two stars colliding with great velocity after being apart for too long. He kissed him deeply deeper then the black hole ..

TUL pulled on AJIN'S hair, which made him groan, and ohh, TUL loves this sound.

the next thing TUL knew was AJIN shift. he suspects it's the first breath of tongue-to-mouth because he takes the immediate opportunity as soon as the seem of AJIN'S lips split open

TUL felt, weakened, the next second they were both snogging each other mindlessly. TUL felt like he would burst out of happiness that he contains at the moment.

But then... No nono nono... AJIN is pulling away, why?

AJIN held TUL away by the shoulder. both of them breathing hard

TUL didn't know what to do, but then he saw a tear fall from AJIN'S eye and then several followed by .

"A.. AJIN..." TUL wanted to say sorry but AJIN just retreated his hand from TUL'S shoulder, to wipe his tears

He turned around and said something that TUL didn't understand and went out of the restroom, leaving TUL behind

....MJ'S POV....

The game was going pretty well. NAI had to kiss GORYA which left WHITE scowling

AJIN and TUL hadn't returned from their restroom break till now, which started getting a bit suspicious for everyone.

it was now finally ANYA'S turn, she spun the bottle and it stopped on MJ

is he dreaming? or is his dream coming true?

MJ was about to get up and kiss the actress ANYA but he saw AJIN pass through their door, maybe he forgot the room no.

but he saw AJIN wipe his face while going out as if he was crying. ANYA was equally close to him for their kiss

But MJ just said 'Excuse me' and left to follow AJIN. he earned a scoff from ANYA and several 'boos' from the table. but he didn't care. his mind was just focusing on AJIN

MJ remembered when AJIN lost his first and only pet. it was an old cat in their school days , it would remain in a small alleyway in their school. AJIN never once forgot to feed the cat . To him the cat was the only thing the he shared his feelings with and was very close to it .

The day he found her, peacefully gone in her sleep in a patch of sun, AJIN had been a fucking wreck

since they were eleven, he had seen AJIN, cry from laughter or while watching rom-coms but none of that was how he cried that day, raw sobs and horrible grief, so heavy that MJ had been scared.

AJIN hadn't cried like that since, until tonight

it's as scary as it was then, tonight, he curls himself up in the parking lot, clinging to MJ for dear life.

MJ didn't know what led him to this state, but he kept reciting calming and comforting words to him. he wrapped his arms around him and held him

he talked after some time when AJIN was bit calm, "what happened?"

tears fall down AJIN'S face "It's him, it's T-UL, it's TU- L" AJIN tells him desperately

"I don't--" MJ starts and then suddenly everything's clear to him, "SHIA"


PS: the cat was previously owned by Sarawat and tine in their previous life

hey hi hello!!

hope yall having the best time of your life:>>


hope everyone feel the same

And i wanted to discuss something about Bright, nene and win

I fully support Bright and nene and those who are hating them are just assholes and people aare litrally victimzing Win when there's nothing related to him

yes brightwin have been very good together but they were just friend in real life so everyone hating bright needs to stfu

Brightwin_creators' thoughts