
Chapter 19: breakup

----FA'S house----

"P'WHITE, it's been a day now when will P'AJIN come, I am seriously worried about him, please let me go," she asked pleadingly

"no FA, I can't it's dangerous and I am also worried about him but I trust him" she continues, "In your school too he has completed a mission very nicely and saved you, your friend, and your school" She smiles!

FA was about to say but someone knocked on the door

"I'll see," WHITE said

she opened the door and said, "AJIN!, MJ! You two are back" She was very happy

hearing that sound of excitement FA ran towards the door and saw AJIN there with a scar on his face, "P'AJIN, are you okay?? I will bring water for you both"

"sit on the sofa" she pointed towards the sofa. FA comes with two glasses of water kept on the tray. AJIN held a glass and drank the whole glass of water in one breath.

"Woah! AJIN are you okay?" WHITE said. MJ also took a sip of water

"yes, I am okay, I am just tired," he said

FA came with a first aid box and sat next to AJIN

"look here P'AJIN, I will bandage you," FA said

"khop khun na" ajin thanked her

"MJ! how are you? it's been ages since I met you" WHITE said in excitement

"I am fine, what about you?"

"I am fine but mad at you"

"I am sorry I didn't tell you that I was leaving back then"

"jing (really) we were mad at you"

"by the way MJ, how did you know I was there?" AJIN asked" And how did you come here after you went abroad we never contacted each other," AJIN asked

"I know I know and I was missing our trio in school so I came to see you guys," he said, "that's not the only reason I also shifted my branch of company here" MJ answered

"so how did you know that WHITE is living here and I was out there"

"Luckily I got WHITE'S mom's number saved in my mom's phone so I contacted her mom and she said that you are here and gave me WHITE'S phone number,"

"oh my god! I am really happy to see you MJ" WHITE said

"same here and also I called you before leaving, didn't I"

"When you were at Airpot and just about to fly"

"Y.E.A.H! I just don't want you guys to stress as AJIN was already stressing about his vision and I don't want to see your sad face while going"

"you were overthinking MJ," WHITE said

"Seems like you three were very good friends in school"

"chai(yes)" white said

and they continued talking about their school moments. FA was enjoying it too, by the time MJ asked AJIN about his vision and job

"When they were eating dinner together MJ asked AJIN, "AJIN I just came back from abroad, and the place I lived before is renovating so can I crash at your place for a few days?"

"sure MJ ofc by the way where are your parents then"

"they shifted to their hometown after I went abroad"

"oh I see"

"how about we go to a party somewhere?" WHITE asked

"yes good idea after all we have met MJ after 7 years" AJIN joined

"yeah sure my treat, let's go to a nightclub," MJ said

"I know a nice club near the cafe in which PORCHAY works," FA said

"Which club?" AJIN asked

"Wednesday club" FA replied

"you know that club? but you just arrived in Chiangmai" WHITE asked curiously, "did you-"

"mishaye mishaye (no) actually when I was coming to Chiang Mai I did a little research to find a job so Google suggested some places and Wednesday club is one of them, that's it"

"OH," Ajin, MJ, and WHITE said in sync

"you all can bring your friends too," MJ said

"Then I will bring my boyfriend too" WHITE was blushing too much

"you got a boyfriend?????" MJ was in shocked

"yes and he is too handsome and sweet and beautiful and cute"

MJ made a disgusted face

"so I can bring Anya too and... TUL" AJIN smirked

"wait! ANYA? the actress ANYA?


"WHAT!" MJ was in total shock, "how do you know her? how? She is one of my favorite actresses in the whole fucking Thailand"

"she is my GIRLFRIEND"


"for the mission"

"HUH!" MJ's mouth was wide open.

"give them a special invitation, after all, they are the most pretty guest at this party

"Seriously, am I not pretty enough MJ, THINK BEFORE ANSWERING," WHITE said jokingly

"NO!" MJ said laughing


FA giggled

"you are the most gorgeous little boss, WHITE," MJ said while laughing hilariously.

"make it better," WHITE said

"you want me to lie about this more" MJ said teasing more as he loves to tease WHITE, it was one of his hobbies since High school.

"WHITE stares at him like hell, "OKAY! I will call my boyfriend, he always compliments me" WHITE again blushed

"oi! See the 'WHITE' girl turning 'RED'" MJ teasing her!!

"chai! P'NAI was there to comfort her when P'AJIN and you were in Phuket and the conversation was so cheesy I almost puked" FA interrupted

"ohh! I smell this is a new love, huh" MJ said, "bring him to the party, I wanna see him"

"Sure," WHITE said

"nong FA you can also bring your friend to the party, I don't mind," MJ said politely"

"I would love to but... I don't have any friends here" FA said

"FA, I am your friend," AJIN said

"MJ and I are also your friends FA," White said

"yes, FA," MJ said

they did a little more chit-chat.


AJIN was in the kitchen making sandwiches for everyone when FA came

"good morning P'AJIN"

"good morning FA"

"what are you making, sandwiches!!" she continues, "I miss your sandwiches these months"

"here's your FA, eat it"

"P'AJIN, tell me honestly why did you leave me there alone, huh?" FA asked

"FA, I have to go one day, if not today then tomorrow plus my life goal is something else that you don't know and I don't want to talk about this either" he sighed and continued, "but for now please understand these missions are related to my life and that is why they choose me"


"no ifs and buts," he said while taking sandwiches in hand and inserting them in her mouth"

"I AM LATE! I AM LATE! I AM LATE! why didn't you wake me up AJIN, FA you too, my boss will kick me out if I get late today" WHITE entered the room in a real hurry

"calm down WHITE! eat this sandwich" ajin said

"NO! I don't have time for that i am going B-Y-E" and in no time she had gone

AJIN and FA laugh to see WHITE'S punctuality!

"what's that voice?" MJ asked yawning

"here you go MJ, your sandwich," AJIN said while handing him his part of the sandwich.

"khop khun na," MJ said, "as delicious as before"

"FA we will be leaving now I will drop MJ at my home and I will go to ANYA'S house"

"Can I come too?" MJ doing that puppy eyes

"NO! You will meet her at the party "

"All alright( MJ sighs), I am going to look extremely handsome tonight," he said while fixing his long hair, "give me your sexy coat for tonight AJIN," MJ said while looking at absolutely nothing

"dai khrup (sure) my whole wardrobe is yours now," AJIN said.

They said bye to FA and left. FA also gets changed and leaves for GORYA'S cafe. AJIN dropped MJ at his house and left for ANYA'S house, he knocked on the door and TUL opened the door.

"oi! AJIN come inside," Tul said

"you want to meet ANYA?" TUL asked

"I want to meet you both," AJIN said in a cheesy manner !!.TUL got a slight smirky smile on his face. His ocenestic eyes met AJIN'S glass eyes, through which TUL could see AJIN'S emotions.

That contact wasn't for long but in this span, TUL saw his motive to live.

"why? What do you want to talk about" TUL said

"hey AJIN why are you here," ANYA asked

"I want you both to come to a party tonight"

"On what occasion," TUL asked. TUL can't focus on anything but AJIN. The attire that he carried ...not that bright but still gave a spark in TUL'S eyes.

"my high school friend is saying we are renewing after a long time, he told me to bring my friend soo...I am here and YEAH he is a HUGE fan of ANYA," AJIN said

but ANYA looked at him apologetically

"What? Are you not available?" AJIN asked

"yes, I am sorry but on Saturday, I going to hang out"

"oh that's okay, but my friend's gonna be disappointed"

"oi! I am coming so he won't be that disappointed" TUL said

"you wish, you saraleo (asshole)" AJIN said

butterflies rose all over TUL'S stomach. ' saraleo ' is what TINE used to call him, HIS TINE!!

"uhh! But I want to come with you guys" ANYA pouted, " oh! Wait, I'll ask KIM to join us, will that be okay?" she asked

"of course! MJ is gonna love that having 2 celebrities at his party" AJIN answered

"tell him PORCHAY is gonna be there too" AJIN smiled mischievously toward ANYA

"good idea!" ANYA responded with the same expression!

"wait! Who is PORCHAY" what am I missing?" TUL asked

AJIN and Anya both saw each other, smirked, and passed a suspicious smile, which made TUL more confused.

"I will go now then," AJIN said

"wait AJIN! I want to talk to you in private" ANYA interrupted held his hand and dragged him to her room.

"what is it, ANYA?" AJIN asked

"A-Ajin I-I" ANYA hesitated

"tell me ANYA" AJIN said

"let's break up" she finally said

AJIN'S mind went blank he was not thinking about the relationship he was thinking about how he wouldn't be able to get to know about his bloody vision"

"I know it is so sudden but I don't think it will work we will still be friends and you will still be my assistant.

"AJIN felt good after hearing this, "but why do you think it will not ever work ANYA, did I do something wrong or what?" AJIN asked

"no, no I just have a feeling that" ANYA replied avoiding eye contact.

"so...."AJIN was about to say when TUL interrupted

"I just want to take my charger," he said and grabbed his charger, "I am going now"

"no it's ok we are done talking," ANYA said

"well I am going to get a coffee for my friend and me too so want to drink anyone?" AJIN asked both ANYA and TUL

"no! I am sleepy right now, I didn't get any sleep last night"

"but you were snoring las-" TUL said innocently

"TUL can go AJIN," ANYA said and told him to go by his side.

"khrup" TUL said

"let's go then," AJIN said and left the room, 'if not ANYA then I have to be the best buddy of TUL, this is the only way"

"TUL and AJIN both sit on a bike and leave for PORCHAY'S cafe"

"do you know ANYA is a big fan of his coffee," AJIN said to TUL

"Oh!" he replied

"what do want to drink?"

"one latte," he said

"Hawaii PORCHAY, how are you?" he asked to PORCHAY happily

"sawadii khrub P'AJIN, I am fine what about you"

"just fine, he is my friend, TUL"

"sawadii khup P'TUL" he greeted, TUL also greeted him back.

"We want one latte here and an iced Americano pack" AJIN ordered.

"on the way P'AJIN," he said. he is full of energy. AJIN wondered how he could smile from ear to ear all day long. TUL and AJIN took a corner place.

"why are you smiling?" AJIN asked

"no, just thinking that we have a lot in common"


"We like latte coffee and scrub," TUL said

"here's your coffee," PORCHAY.

"so, who is he, boyfriend?" PORCHAY asked curiously!

"no! he and me together never," AJIN said immediately, "just a friend"

"oh! No fun"

"Better to focus on your studies PORCHAY, not on these things," he said

"by the way wanna come to a party tonight my friend just got back from abroad and he wants to celebrate homecoming with his friends.

"oh! I am free tonight I can come. Thank you for the invitation" PORCHAY gave an earthquake to eat smile.

"Seriously, how can you smile this much" he asked

"This is my work, if a person is stressed out they can be relieved by only seeing a broad and cute smile," he said

"ah ah ok" he left to see TUL who was sitting there"

"Sorry I was inviting PORCHAY to the party too that's why I got late," AJIN said

"it's ok, let me taste the coffee" TUL took a sip, "Umm, it's tasty no doubt it is a favorite of ANYA" he smiles

"yes it's tasty"

"just like you" TUL murmured

"allaiwa? (what)" AJIN asked

"Nothing, nothing, coffee is tasty, right" TUL panics

"yes yes" AJIN was confused

they were talking and teasing each other when suddenly AJIN have his vision of those eyes and perfect lips, he again got that bloody mother fucking headache.

"AH- AH" he put his hand on the hand

"what happened? Are you okay AJIN," said TUL worrying about him.

"hmm just a headache"

TUL hugged him and patted his head. "I will get you some water" he went to grab water when AJIN thought of, "Those eyes again, but these eyes are so familiar, who is he? why am I getting his vision?"

"drink some water you will feel good" TUL gave AJIN a glass of water.

"khop khun na" AJIN thanked him, TUL was so close to AJIN that AJIN could see his eyes, "these eyes look similar to the eyes I saw in his vision but still it is unclear I need to confirm it," he thought to himself

TUL noticed that he was staring at his eyes non-stop so he said.

"KEEP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT" he leans towards AJIN and holds his chair, "AND I WILL KISS TILL YOU DROP"

AJIN was blushing as TUL kept coming closer to AJIN'S face and starring at his lips

"ai sadh (fuck) that is my dialogue," AJIN said ignoring his eye contact

"And I stole it from you," TUL said still in the same position

"really but this is too easy for you to steal my lines only" he smirked

"what do you want me to steal from you then" Tul asked getting back to his seat while AJIN grabbed his hand and got closer. at that time PORCHAY showed up, they were looking at each other and they didn't notice PORCHAY.

"steal my heart," AJIN said smirking....

"ooohhhhooiiiiii" Purchased said

"ai PORCHAY when did you come"

"When you said firmly 'steal my heart'" PORCHAY laughed

"go back now," AJIN said

TUL panicked and got back to his seat.

"NO! Are you crazy"

"it means you don't accept my challenge" he pouted, "no fun, boring"

"so you want to play like that, sure, I will make sure to steal your whole heart then" TUL smiled, "Let's go, babe" and left the cafe first. AJIN smiled and followed him

AJIN drove TUL home and then went to his house where MJ was waiting, he gave the coffee to MJ

"and when MJ found that two celebrities were at his party. he couldn't resist himself from jumping around like a five-year-old kid.

"Everything was going fine when AJIN spluttered, "btw, we just broke up, Anya and I"

"What!! are you okay" MJ was by his side at once

"I'm fine, it was not a real breakup anyway," he said casually

"But, please tell me she dumped you, cause why you dumped a prodigy like ANYA, I'll kill you right here and right now," he said seriously

AJIN laughed for a long time at this.

hello beautiful peoples

we are back with a new chapter

and I know you will like it

so enjoy!!!!!!!

and one more thing

ready your popcorn because the next chapter is the most interesting chapter ever.

Brightwin_creators' thoughts