
Truth revealed

Anthony's POV

I was awakened up by my alarm. I check the time and saw that it was pass 8 am.

I stood up from my bed and took my bath. I got to the closet and pick out a simple outfit since I won't be going to the office today.

I dressed up and went downstairs where I saw mom, dad, and Lizzy in the sitting room .by the look of things it was obvious dad and mom were in a fight.

I got to the living and noticed Linda wasn't dressed.

“Why are you not dressed yet “. I asked in anger.

“She is not feeling too well to go out with you, you should pick another day for the appointment “.mom spoke up.

I chuckled softly and sat beside dad. I looked at Linda and noticed she was obviously nervous.

“You are not doing too well “. I asked, while staring at her. She moves nervously in her seat before speaking up,

“I'm having a serious headache and my body is weak “.she said those words while avoiding my gaze.it was obvious she was lying, and I wonder why mom couldn't see it, or she was just too blind.

“Very well, then “. I said those words and went for my phone in my pocket.

I dialed a number, and it rang a few times before it was picked.

“We can't make it to the hospital, but you should send someone to come take the sample for the test, and I want the result done today “.

“Calm down, tony, you are not talking to your employee “.he spoke up.

I hissed before speaking up, 

“Are you coming or should I get another doctor”. I spoke in irritation.

He chuckled for some time before he accepted to come to my house.

“I'll be waiting”. I ended the call and stared at everyone. Mom was giving me a death look while the look on dad's face was calm, but I couldn't read it.

I stared at Linda and noticed she was nervously twisting her fingers and she couldn't meet my gaze.

“Who was that “.mom asked, 

“The doctor, since she is too sick and can't go to the hospital .the doctor will come here.

I said those words and went to the bar to get some drinks before he arrives.

“You are something else Tony, you are doubting Linda, if it were to be Olivia you would never doubt her”.

The minute I heard that from mom, I got angry but decided to stay calm.

“Olivia can never be like her”. I said those words directly at mom.

I hissed and went back to sit.

Time to time I stare at Linda and saw that she was nervous and suprisely quiet.

Within an hour, the doctor came in .he smiled at me, but I ignored him.

“Good day everyone”.he greeted, 

“No time for that “. I quickly stood up and shakes hand with him.

“Let's start “.he spoke up.

He took a sample from me and Linda.

“When will the result be out “.mom asked, 

“Today “. I replied while staring at Linda.

The doctor left and informed us that he will be back in the next four hours.

I sat back to relax, but I noticed Linda was anxious and uncomfortable.

Then and there I knew the baby wasn't mine, but I just needs confirmation.

“I'm going upstairs”.she spoke up and left us in the sitting room.

“You know you are hurting her feeling”.mom spoke up.

“Stay out if this “.dad yelled.

Since I came to the sitting room, this was the first time dad was speaking.

“Don't tell me you are supporting him in this”.mom spoke in anger.

“You know nothing”.dad told her and left the sitting room.it was obvious he wasn't in the mood for her drama.

“Son”.mom tried to speak, but I quickly stood up from the couch and left her.

I got to my room and sat on my bed praying the result would come out as I wanted.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on my door.

I stood up from the bed and went for the door.

“The doctor is here “.one of the maids informed me.

Immediately I left my room and went for the sitting room. I got to the sitting room and met Mom and Dad there.

“Where is Linda ". I asked 

“She is in her room she can't come downstairs”.mom spoke up

“She better don't come down “.the doctor spoke you 

“Why “.mom asked 

He ignored mom and handed me the test result. 

I felt my heart pounding and my palm became sweaty.

With a silent prayer, I opened the test result. The result shows that I wasn't the father of the child.

“I knew it “. I shouted and hand over the paper to dad .he looked at it and smiled at me.

Mom took the paper from him and was shocked with what she saw.

“That lady has been deceiving you all these while “.dad spoke up.

“Dad, I will be back “. I said those words and hurriedly left the house.

I drove as fast as possible to Olivia's apartment. now that I know the truth, I can be with Olivia and nothing can stop us this time.

In no time, I was in front of her apartment. I got out of the car and saw her with Jude. There were talking, and before I knew it, she kissed him.

I felt my heart clench at the sight, and I couldn't help it but walk over to them with anger.

They were saying something that I couldn't hear what they were saying. I stood behind them,, but they were so lost in themselves that they didn't notice my presence.

I was about to announce my presence when Olivia confessed her love for Jude.

The minute I heard her said that, I felt angry and possessive of her. She was lying to him and herself. She can never love another man apart from me and that I was very certain.

I knew she only agreed to marry Jude because I was getting married to Linda, but now that kinda was out of the way there is nothing holding us apart and not even Jude can take her away from me this time.

Because she is mine and mine alone. 

More ten chapters and I will be done with this book