
A strange feeling

Olivia's POV

We sat in silence for a while and I could notice whatever he has to say really hurts him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile.

“It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it”.he smiled at him and kissed my forehead softly, I felt butterflies in my stomach when I felt his kiss.

He took in a deep breath before speaking up.

“My grandfather was a king, that makes my mom a princess”. “And you a prince “. I asked, 

“Maybe “.he murmured. I noticed he didn't like the idea of being a prince.

“My grandfather wasn't able to give birth to an heir, but he has only three daughters in which my mom was the first”.he ran his fingers in his hair and made a soft sign. 

“When mom gave birth to me, he announced me as the crown prince even before I turn a year old .he has already started planning my life without my permission or noticed and mom kept quiet”.l looked at him and noticed he was pissed off. 

“What about your dad “. I asked since I didn't see a picture of him and his dad.

“Dad and mom were never married, so he never did have a say”.

“I'm sorry “. I whispered while gently stroking his hair .he smiled at me before looking away.

“When I turned eighteen I told grandpa I never wanted to be king, that he could give it to my other nephews since there were all interested. But he refused, saying I was the only one right for the throne “. I saw him closed his eyes before he started talking.

“We kept on fighting and arguing about it until one day he told me that if I won't accept the throne, then he will have to disown”.he chuckled softly and kept quiet for some time.

“He thought saying that will scare me and I will accept the throne, but rather it made me feel happy, at least I would be able to be set free.”

“I rejected the crown, and he disowned me, mom begged both of us to listen to each other, but we were both strong in our decision”.dad heard about it and asked me to come live with him, so I left mom and started staying with dad and running his business still six years later grandpa sent for me “.

He took in a deep breath before speaking.

“I went out to him and saw that he was sick and almost dying”. I looked at him and saw that he was sad,

“I'm sorry “. I whispered,

“It's okay, that was a long time ago”.he smiled at me.

“He told me he has forgiven me and that I will always be his first choice, but he can't force me to the throne.a few days later he died and one of my nephews was crowned king. Since then, I have always hidden this part of my life”.he smiled at me before standing up, 

“Come on “.he took my hand, and we got into the water with our legs soaked.

Few minutes ago he was sad, and now he is playing like a kid. I couldn't help but stared at him, he noticed me and smiled at me.

“The weather is getting cold, let me take you home ".he took my hand, and we left the beach.

We got inside his car and he drove off.

Throughout the drive, I asked him a few questions about himself, and he answered them easily.

I was happy with what I knew about him.

When we got to my apartment, he came down from the car and opened the car door for me.

“Are you coming in “. I asked 

“No, I have a meeting in the next one hour “.he check his wristwatch while saying those words.

“You work on weekends,”. I asked, 

“Sometimes, but you don't have to worry about that”.he assured me with a smile.


He smiled at me and Raffles my hair before moving to his car.

“Jude “I called out.

He turns around and slowly waked to me,

“His something wrong “.he asked while staring at me.

I stare back at him before speaking.

“When are we getting married “. I asked nervously.

The minutes I said those words I saw a big smile on Jude's face, he came closer to me and gave me a tight hug. I felt so safe and comfortable in his arms, and I wish the hug could last forever.

He let go of me and kissed my Cheek softly that I felt my heart pounding.

“I thought you would never ask”.he said those words while smiling at me.

“What made you think so”. I asked.

“Because I thought you accepted me because you were down”.he murmured,

“That's not true”. I quickly replied. I was myself when I accepted him, and not because I was down.

“Alright, if you say so, when do you think is best for you”.he asked while staring at me.

“It's up to you”. I spoke shyly.

“Then we should get married today “.he joked.

I stared at him and couldn't help but laugh softly.

“Be serious”. I hit him arms gently.

He chuckled for a minute before speaking up,

“Let's get married in a week time”.he nervously stared at me, hoping to see my reaction.

“That's fine”. I told him with a smile 

“Thank you Oli”.he kissed my forehead and was about leaving when I held him back and kissed him .at first, he was surprised at my action, but he quickly got hold of my waist and kissed me softly. the kissed wasn't a lust or sexually kind of kiss but rather it was pure and caring.

We kissed for a while before I broke the kiss because I was exhausted.

He smiled at me and took hold of my hands.

He kissed my both hands before he kissed me softy on the lips.

“I love you so much, oli”.he says those words directly at me. I looked at him and realized he meant what he said.

“I love you too “. I did not know when that left my lips, 

I noticed the big smile on his face when he heard me say that. He moved closer to me and gave me a tight hug,

“You don't know what that means to me”. I smiled at myself when I hear those words from him.

“No, she doesn't love you, and she can never love anyone else “. I heard a voice besides me.