
I need you

Olivia's POV

I turn around and met a furious looking Tony. He ignored and was staring at Jude with so much anger that I was scared that he might do something foolish.

“Why are you here “. I asked.

He gave Jude a threatening look before looking my way .the moment his gaze fell on me, I could see his mood changed.

“I'm here to see you “.he walked over to me and was about holding me when Jude pushed me aside to him.

“You shouldn't be touching someone else would be wife “. Jude said that while staring angrily at Tony.

Tony chuckled softly like what Jude said was funny, and for some strange reason I was angry.

“What makes you think you will get married to her “. Tony asked while staring at me.

“And what makes you think I can't get married to her “. Jude asked in anger.

Tony chuckled softly and ran his fingers on his hair. There were days I love seeing this sight of him, but today I care less about it.

“Because she is madly in love with me “. Tony said those words while staring directly at me like he was so sure about it.

He was becoming full of himself and I hated it .he knew I love him, and now he is taking it as his advantage.

I look at Jude and noticed he was speechless, maybe it was what Tony said. I felt heartbroken and sad to see him that way, so I moved away from Jude and stood in front of Tony.

“And who told you I can't stop loving you “. I asked in anger.

The moment I said those words, I noticed how Tony's expression changed, and he looks nervous and worried.

He tried moving closer to me, but I raised my hand at him.

“I have something to tell you, oli”.he spoke almost in a whisper.

“I don't want to hear it, and you should start thinking about your marriage and family”. I spoke angrily.

“There is no marriage”.he quickly replied.

“What “. I asked confused,

“I said there will be no marriage”.this time I noticed a smile on his face.

“Why”. I asked.

He took in a deep breath before he started talking.

“The pregnancy wasn't mine”.he smiled at me.

“How is that possible”. I asked confused.

“She lied about the pregnancy been mine whereas it was some else's”.the way he said it I knew he was happy.

“Good thing you discovered it soon, so why are you telling Olivia all this “. I heard Jude's voice from betide. 

Tony gave Jude a death glare but did not say a word.

He tried moving closer to me, but Jude stood before me, 

“Get out of my way “. Tony shouted in anger.

“And if I don't “. Jude replied with anger.

I noticed if I allowed them, they might end up fighting, so I decided to step in.

“What do you want”. I directed that question to Tony.

He hissed softly before speaking.

“I want us back ".he said the word so casually, like I was a thing waiting for him.

“You want us back “. I asked in anger.

“Yes, I love you Oli and I know you love me too. We should be together now, there is nothing stopping us “.he said those words with a big smile on his face.

Hearing these words from him three weeks ago would have made me the happiest person on Earth, but today I couldn't explain how I felt.

“What are you thinking”. Jude's voice brought me out from my thought.

I stared at Jude but couldn't say a thing.

“I think you should give us some privacy”. Tony said those words while staring at Jude.

Jude wanted to say something, but I held his hand.

“You should go “. I whispered and couldn't look at Jude face. I knew he was looking at me,, but I couldn't meet his gaze.

Jude hissed softly and started walking away.

I stare at his back and felt my heart clench, I wanted to run after and tell him I wasn't leaving him for Tony, but I decided to let him go. I hissed and turn around to face Tony.

“Start talking”. I spoke in anger”

“Oli”.he moved closer to me and held my waist. I tried removing his grip from me, but it was too tight.

“Stop fighting it, you still love me and I know it “.he spoke with a big grin on his face, which I hate so much.

“Move away from me tony, I'm getting married in a week time “. I said those words while trying to move away from his grip. I pushed him hard and was able to move away from his grip.

He stared at me but did not say a word. I glacé at him one more time before walking to my apartment.

I opened the apartment and was about going in when I felt a strong arm on me. I looked around and saw that it was Tony.

He pushed me inside the apartment and close the door. Before I could say anything, he dragged me closer to him that we were an inch apart.

I tried moving away, but he placed his hand on the wall, preventing me from moving.

“And what is the meaning of this “. I asked while staring at him with anger.

He chuckled softly and began caressing my cheek, but I looked away.

“You can't hide your feelings from me “.he brushes his lips on my cheek and I felt myself shivering.

“Stay away from me “. I shouted,

“But your body is saying something else “.he raised my two hands above my head and pin them to the wall.

“What is this meaning of this “. I yelled.

He ignored me and kissed my cheek softly before going for my neck. I tried to move away, but he was too strong for me.

“What are you trying to do “. I whisper.

He ignored me and went for my neck. I didn't realize when I closed my eyes and started moaning.

My moans might have trigger something in him because he left my neck and roughly took my lips.

The kiss was so intense that I could help but gasp for air .he kissed me so roughly, like he has been hungry for it.

He left my lips and stared directly at me with lustful eyes.

“I need you “.the minute he said those words, I felt shivers run through my body.