

Olivia's pov

I ended the call with anger .who the hell does he think he is .he thinks he can push me around like a puppy or what.

I trew my phone on my bed and went back to sleep.i was about to go back to sleep when my phone started ringing loudly.i check it and saw that it was Tony .I cut the call and went back to sleep .he was still calling so I decided to silent my phone and went back to sleep. 

I woke up the next morning been Saturday and saw ten missed calls from Tony .this guy is really jobless  ,I thought to myself.

I took my bath and started working on my system .I sent some files to Tony reminding him of his appointments on Monday.

I was still sorting some files when his call came in 


"You have the guts not to pick my call". he shouted

I roll my eyes before answering him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are "I sounded irritated

"Is that a question or what ".he asked 

"I only work for you ,I'm not your toy you can play with whenever you like ".I sounded angry

"Don't you dare use those tunes on me "

"And if I do what will you do "I shouted

"Don't you dare me"

"You are just my boss and nothing else ,the only worst you can do is to sack me ,that's all"

He was quiet for sometime before speaking up 

"Dinner by 7pm tomorrow ,don't keep me waiting"

"I think you will have to wait all your life then ".I told him 

"You won't dare ".he sounded angry 

"Watch me".

I ended the call and went back to work .but I couldn't concentrate .

I left my reading table and went back to bed to watch some movies .I was still watching the movie when my aunt started calling

"Hello Aunt 

"Hello oli,how are you ".

"I'm fine"

"How is work going with Anthony ".she asked 

"Everything is fine ,you don't have to worry about it .

"Alright then 

"Have you told me Luciano about you quitting your job"I asked 

"Not yet dear "

"You have only three months to stay there aunt ,you should tell them ".

"It's not that easy ,but I will ".

"I know you take them as part of your family,but I want you to rest .so I'm gonna give you just three months to wrap things up with them ".my voice came with command

"Find fine"


She ended the call and I went back to typing on my computer .I checked the time and saw that I have spent half of the day at home .

I changed my clothes and worn something simple .I left my apartment and went for a walk .I put on my ear phone and went to the mall .I bought some few things in the mall before heading to the cinema .

I checked  on movies available before picking a movie that seems interesting .I bought my ticket and waited for the movie to start so I could go in .

I was on my way to buy some popcorn when I saw two familiar figures.i wanted to avoid them but it was too late .

"We meet again  oli ".