

Anthony's pov

I did not know when those words came out from my mouth. 

But that was the truth.if only she was sorry five years ago and apologies for that kiss .I would have easily forgiven her and we would have still been together by now. 

The memories of that day was still in fresh my head .

I remember how I pleaded with her to believe me that I didn't cheated on her but she never believed me .rather she went up to Jude. 

On remembering that I felt so much anger .I went back to what I was doing so I could get distracted.

Since it was a friday there were no much work for me I left the office without checking up on olivia.i wasn't in the mood to see her .

I went home and saw dad and mom watching a reality show. Mom smiled at me before asking me to sit beside me .

"So Olivia works for you ".that was dad's voice 

"She came for the interview ,and passed it "

"You mean she was the best amongst the rest ".that was mom's voice.

"I know what you mean mom,I'm not allowing my emotions take over me ".

"I just don't wanna see you get hurt again.and I still haven't got my son back "

"I'm here mom".I told here .

"No you are not ,this is a different you"."you've changed since you broke up with Olivia".

I look at her and saw how worried she was.

I went close to her and gave her a hug

"I'm okay Mom ,I'm really am"

I left the sitting room and went straight to my room .

I lay on my bed and thought about olivia.mom was right I wasn't the same anymore and all thanks to Olivia.

I was still in thought when I remember she havd a date with Jude and I have to stop it at all costs.

I pick up my phone and called olivia.the phone rang a few times before it was answered.

"Hello ".came the sleepy voice.

The voice was so sexy that I felt my dick reacting to it .I quickly compose myself and went back to the call .

"Hello".came the voice again.i swear this girl will be the end of me.

"This is Tony on the line "

She made a small wisper before answering me .

"How may I be of help sir".there again she was with that attitude.

"We have an official dinner by 7pm on Sunday night ".I lied 

"How does that concerns me "she asked sounding angry 

"It's an official dinner,and my assistant needs to be there "

"I have an appointment on that day "

"Then you will have to cancell it "

"I can't "

"You have to"

"And if I don't ".she asked 

Gosh this girl is still stubborn as always .

"You won't like the consequences".I told her 

"You can't just tell me we have an official dinner on a Friday night ,and expect me to be ready by Sunday, things are not done that way ".she was now shouting .and for a moment I remembered the old Olivia .

"Be ready by 7pm ,I'll come pick you up".I told her .

"I'll gladly like to see the consequences of not attending that dinner , because I'm not coming".