
Old enemy

Anthony's pov

I sank on my seat after she left .I don't know what has come over me.i have to kill this love I still have for her and the only way I can do it it's by she hating me and me hating her .

I thought hating her and shouting at her with hurt her.but now I realize I'm the one hurting more.

I occupy my mind with some work ,so I could stop thinking about her.i was still working on some documents.when I got a call from her desk .

"Sir, someone wishes to see".

She has started calling me sir, which  means she doesn't see me as Anthony anymore.the thought of that broke my heart

"Who is she "

"Mis Jenifer"

"Jennifer?what's she doing here"

"Should I send her in or not ".she sounded angry

"Let her in ".

Within a minute Jennifer was in my office ,she was putting on a short dress and a little hill shoe ,much make up that made her look like a whore .

"What are you doing here "

"At least let me sit "

"I ask again what are you doing here"

 She sat on the visitors sit before giving me a seductive smile 

"I heard you were back .so I decided to come see you"

"You've see me ,can you go now "I shouted

"Don't be harsh ,don't you miss me "

"I don't ,now get out "before I call the security"

She stood up from the chair and walk over to my desk .before I could know what was happening she sat on my laps and kissed me .I was about pushing her away when my office door was opened .

Standing there was Olivia with a glass and drink in her hands ,I met her eyes but couldn't see any emotion in it .

"I'm sorry for interrupting you  guys , here is the drink you asked for "she told Jennifer.

Before I could do anything she quickly left the office and closed the door .

I pushed Jennifer on the floor and stood up 

"What the hell was that "I shouted

"So she was the one "

"So you knew and set me up "I asked 

She gave a victory laugh before going back to her sit .

"You set me up five years ago .and you are still doing that "I shouted

"We are meant to be together"

"I will never be with someone like you .now get out"I shouted

"I'm not going anywhere"

"Very well then "I told her 

I pick up my phone and called my guards ,they rushed in threw her out .

What have I gotten myself into.oliva must really hate me now .I thought to myself.

Olivia's pov

After I left his office I sadly went to my desk .I could feel tears trying to fall out from my eyes ,but I quickly held them back .I cried because of him five years ago ,and I won't do that again .

I was still in thought when I saw Jennifer walking out of the office with a big smile on her face .she walk up to me and gave me a big smile

"Sorry that you have to see that "

It's no problem"I told her 

"You know he can't control himself, whenever he sees me"

"I can't see that"I replied annoyed

"You know I'm his first love ,so he is always attached me "

I noticed she was trying to annoy me but I won't let her do that.

"Good for you miss Jennifer,I would have love to listen to your story tales. But as you can see I'm very busy with work .maybe I can hear your your romantic tales some other time".

On saying that ,I went back to my laptop and started working it ,I acted like she wasn't there .she made an annoyed sound before walking away .