

Anthony's pov

I couldn't concentrate on work for the whole day .I kept on thinking about Olivia and the way she looked at me when she came into the office.i couldn't bare it anymore and sent for her.

"Come to my office "I commanded her on the phone .

Few minutes later she walk into my office.

"You sent for me sir"

"Stop calling me sir,I'm not that old "

"You are my boss"

"Call me Mr Anthony instead"

Alright then "

"Why didn't you knock before coming in earlier today ."

"I'm sorry , my hands were occupied"

"I won't tolerate that next time "

"Yes sir"

"You can leave"

She gave me a questioning look before leaving my office .

When I was done with work for the day,I went to Olivia's desk and saw her burried with work and documents everywhere.i wanted to go close to her and hug her, tell her she doesn't need to work that hard .that I can give her everything she wants.

But the memories of five years ago held me back .

I walk up to her desk and tap on the table to gain her attention , because she was lost in work 

"I'm done for the day ,but you will have to finish these work before you leave "

"How do you expect me to finish this by today "she asked angrily

"Firstly you don't talk to me with that voice ,and secondly every good assistance can do this "I shouted

She was about saying something ,but held it back .I noticed she has been trying not to talk back at me ,and that hurt me a lot . because I love the talkative Olivia.

"I'll make sure I finish the work before going home".she replied me and went back to work .

I left her desk and went to the garage where my driver and body guard were waiting for me. 

I went into the car and told the driver not to take me home .he ask where I wanted to go ,and I told him to take me to any bar close by.

When we got there ,I told my guard to wait outside.i went in and sat at the extreme .a Waiter came to me and took my orders.i checked the time and noticed it was few minutes pass 7pm.will Olivia be done by now .I thought to myself.

I was about calling the security guard in the office to check if Olivia has gone home ,when someone call out my name.i turn around and saw that it was Jude.

"We Meet again man".he came to my table and sat down 

"Yeah ,I wanted some drinks,what are you doing here".I asked

"I'm just relaxing with some friends "

I looked back and saw that he was with some men .

"Alright then "

He was quiet for a while before speaking up.

"Do you think here will be good for a date".he asked 

I gave he a questioning look before answering.

"It depends on the type of lady you are going out with "

"What about someone like Olivia".he asked 

I felt anger running down my blood when I heard him mention her name.i took sip of my drink to calm down my anger .

"You and olivia have a date ".I asked 

He gave me a devilish smile before answering me .

"Yeah "

"Well good for you two"I replied him.

"It's funny how you let such a precious thing slip from your hands"

Those words from him brought back all the anger I've suppressing since he sat down with me. Imediately I stood and walk over to his side of the table .

"Olivia was mine from the beginning,and I can still take her from you ".I shouted with anger , dragging so much attentions to us. 

He laugh a victorious laugh before standing up .

"Let's see how you do that"

With that ,he left me and went back to his table of men ,like nothing happened.

I left the bar and angrily went to my car .