
Old friend

Olivia's pov

I tried my best in avoiding Anthony the whole day .after work I went back home and took some shower and started working on some files Anthony gave to me .I was still on it when my phone rang. Without looking at the   ID I pick up the call

"Hello"came the voice 

Hello,who is this "

"So you can't recongise my voice "

I look at the phone and saw that it was an unknown caller .

"Sorry who is this "I asked

"Guess who "he asked

"I'm not good at guessing"

He started laughing seriously like I said something funny .he kept on laughing and I couldn't bear it anymore

"Listen mister I'm very busy right now and not in the mood for jokes,it's either you introduce yourself or I will end this call "

"You still haven't changed one bit oli"

He called me oli , that means he knew me five years back . only those in my life and very close to me five years back calls me that.

"Who are you "

"Remember I told you that the next time we will meet again ,you will be a free woman"

"Jude "I shouted

"Yes baby ,it's me "

"How did you get my number so soon "

"Let's say I have few connections"

"So you had this connections and you did not bother to check up on me"I sounded angry .

He was quiet for a while before he spoke up

"I came back last week ,just because of that meeting "

"So you are going back then "I asked 

"I might stay a little bit longer"

"Alright then "

So you work for him now huh"

"It was a mistake,I went for a job interview and realized he was the boss "

"It's good you didn't back out""

"Yeah,I know "

"So are you guys now a thing"he asked.

"We are more like enemies"

"Does that mean I still have a chance "

"I don't know "I replied back 

"Will you go on a date with me "he asked

"That depends on the food they have there"

"You are still funny as always "

"Well ,I'm not a chameleon"

"Alright I give up"

"So how long do you plan on staying here"I asked

"I don't know yet "

"Alright then ,let me know why you set the day for the date "

"Will Sunday be okay"he asked 

"Sunday is perfect"

"Alright then , see you on Sunday "

"Won't you ask for my address"I asked 

"Don't worry about that,just get ready by 7pm "

"Who the hell are you "

"I'm still the Jude you  knew "

"See you on Sunday "


I ended the call and went back to work.

I got to the office as early as possible.when I got there Anthony wasn't there .I went to his office and arranged his table .when I was done I went back to my desk .

Few hours later Tony walk in 

"Good morning "I greeted

He just ignored me and went to his office.few hours later I got a call from his office

"Come to my office,right now "he shouted 

I ended the call and went quickly to his office .

"Who arranged my desk "he shouted

"I did "

"And who gave you the fucking right to touch my desk"

"The desk was needed to be  arranged,so I thought of arranging it "

"Did I employ you to arrange my office ".he shouted 

"I thought I'll ...

"You thought what "he shouted 

I wanted to shout back at him and put him in his place .but then he was my boss .and I have to accept that.

"Next time don't you dare enter my office without my permission"

"But but.."

"No buts ,now leave "he shouted 

I gave him a hard stare before leaving his office .