

Olivia's pov

I left the office and went home .I got home took some shower and slept off .I woke up and realized it was pass 5pm.

I got out from the bed and started working on my laptop.

I did some corrections on the documents and sent them to Anthony.few minutes later I got a message from Tony .

"I told you to go home,and not to work from home ".

I ignored the message and kept on working .few minutes later my phone rang and I saw it was from Tony .


"You ignored my messages"

"I haven't seen any".I lied 

"You still don't know to fabricate lies"

"I don't know what you are talking about "

"Stop work and get some rest ,I don't want people to think I'm maltreating my workers.he sounded angry .

"Alright I will stop working,so people won't think you are maltreating your workers"

He hissed and ended the call  .

The stubborn me went back to work on my laptop.i was still working when my phone rang .I pick it up without looking at the caller ID

"I'm not working "

"Really"he asked 

I heard the voice and realized it was Jude's

"Hello Jude"

"You thought I was someone else ".he asked 

"Yeah ,sorry about that "

"No worries "

I just wanted to check up on you "

"I'm doing well "

"You remember our date, right".he asked 

"I do"

"Sorry about me not checking up on you.i was out of the country".

"No worries,I will see you on Sunday then "

"Take care of yourself for me "

I smilled before ending the  call.

How will I tell him I'm not ready for any relationship now .I still haven't let go of Tony in my heart .

When I got to work, Anthony was already there .how can he be at work this Early,I thought to myself.

I went to his office and knock on it. He ordered me in and kept on working on his laptop like I wasn't standing there .

"Morning boss "

He gave me an angry look before going back to his laptop

"Sorry,I'm late again "

He was quiet like I didn't say anything and kept on typing on his laptop .I stood there for a minute before deciding on leaving .

"I haven't asked you to leave"the voice came with so much command .

I stood where I was without moving.

"You are late again "

"I'm sorry ,it won't happen again "

"You are always sorry ,if only you were sorry five years ago",he shouted

"What do you mean " I asked 

"Get out ".he commanded

I wanted to tell him not to use that tune on me  but then he was my boss. 

I left his office and went back 

I never wanted book to be this long but I think I'm great so muc readers ..so I'll continue it .

Will be updating more chapters by tomorrow.thr story is just getting started .

You can correct me if you want to 💙