
Chapter 156


" thanks Mummy" Liv and Trish chorused as they licked their ice cream on their way back home.

" You're welcome darling" she said and they continued to walk home.

After sometime, Becks started to feel dizzy and it felt like her head was spinning so she stopped.

" What's wrong Mummy?" Liv asked.

" It's nothing, I'm fine" Becks lied and they continued on their way.

" Are you sure? You don't look fine" Trish protested.

" No Trish, I'm....." Before she could complete her statement, she passed out.

" Mummy, mummy" they called as they shook her to wake up but she didn't.

" Hold on Liv, I'll go get help" Trish said and ran off.

After sometime, she came back with help, help from the CEO of Rayna's love, Raymond Styles.


Becks slowly opened her eyes to see herself on her bed, Leonard, Liv and Trish staring worriedly at her.

" What happened?" She asked weakly as she got up.

" You passed out while on a walk with Liv and Trish. Why would you go out alone with the kids when you know of your current health status?" Leonard asked.

" Don't I have the right to take them out?" She asked.

" Liv, Trish, to your rooms. Your mum and I are busy" Leonard said and they left.

" Incase you've forgotten, they are also my kids and I have the right to take them out whenever I want and wherever I want" she stated angrily.

" You know that's not what I meant so stop trying to rephrase my words. All I mean is that you should not take the kids out by yourself. Go with me or Leah or the guards. That's all I'm saying" Leonard said.

" And isn't that a limitation of my rights on them? " She asked angrily.

" All I wanna say is don't take the kids out alone. Take Leah or me with" he said firmly.

She angrily got off the bed " thanks for proving you don't trust me with my kids" she said and left angrily.

Leonard kicked the bed in anger and frustration, " darn it" he cursed.

Becks sat in the living room angrily. She was still lost in thoughts when she saw someone approaching.

" Raymond? " She muttered to herself. She quickly got up and rushed to her room.

" Why didn't you tell me he was here? " She asked.

" Don't you think you're being hypocritical right now Becks? You don't want me bossing you around and you're bossing me around by expecting me to tell you who is in the house and at what point" he said angrily.

" I don't care who the hell you bring into the house. I just wanna know why Raymond's here" she said, trying hard to hide the anger and hatred she had for Raymond. He'd abandoned her after all.

" Incase you don't know, he brought you here so you should be grateful to him" Leonard said.

" Grateful my foot" she said and stomped " I'd rather serve a beggar for the rest of my life than be grateful to him" she said and made to leave but stopped at Leonard's next words.

" That's what you'd say to someone who doesn't know you're still in love with Raymond" he said.

" Yes Leonard, use it against me. Use the fact that you know I'm still in love with him against me but the fact remains the same. Falling in love with someone like him was the greatest mistake I ever made. I regret ever falling in love with him and don't make me regret knowing you" she said angrily and sat on the bed, running her fingers through her hair.

" You know what, that's the thing with you, making mountains out of molehills. Just something as trivial as the kid's safety is been escalated to this. Sometimes I wonder how you're even 28" he said, anger getting the best of him.

" Says the man who doesn't trust his kid's mum. You know what I think, you don't trust me with the kids and If you don't trust me with the kids, I don't see the point of been with you" she said and made to leave.

" Yeah, just leave, leave but don't go blaming Raymond for leaving you because I think he made the right choice" Leonard said. " He made the right choice because I wonder how someone can survive with a nagger like you as a partner"

" Oh so I'm a nagger. If I'm a nagger and one can't cope with me why are you still with me? Why don't you just leave huh? " She asked angrily.

" You know what, I'm gonna go tell Raymond that the person he thought died ten years ago didn't actually die. I'm gonna tell him that the love of his life is still standing tall. Infact she's standing here in this house"

" And you think I'm that scared? Go tell him, go tell him I'm Ariana, his long lost girlfriend"

" Ari? " Raymond muttered in shock and Becks and Leonard turned to see him.

He'd been at the door the entire time.

" Raymond?" Becks gulped.

" So you're really Ariana? Why would you lie about it? Why would you fake your death? Why would you make me feel guilty for ten long years when you're actually..... Alive?" He asked, trying hard to fight back the tears but Becks didn't respond.

" Answer me" he yelled " why did you fake your death for ten long years Ariana? Tell me" he yelled but Becks didn't say a word. She just stared at him.

" Say something. Why did you lie that you were dead when you knew I couldn't live without you Ariana? You know I love you so why did you do this? " He asked as tears streamed down his cheeks.

" Love my foot" she said and scoffed " you can't live without me? That's just something every man says to get a woman because if truly you couldn't live without me, you'd have been long dead" she said with hatred.

" What are you implying Ariana? Are you implying that just because I'm alive I don't love you?" He asked, hurt and pain evident in his voice.

" That's not what I implied because you already proved how weak your love for me was ten years ago when you left me to die" she said, staring into his eyes.

Raymond moved back in shock, if only she knew what prompted him to make such a decision ten years ago.


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An affair with my brother-in-law

Both by Star Macy

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Goodnight lovelies.