
Enchanting The Devil

Daphne Seraph thought she was unlucky enough when she woke up in a strange place filled with mystical creatures after a plane crash. But that is, until she meets. . . Her new goal: Find a way out of this place. Lucifer Black, the devilish young master of the powerful Black family, was quite dissatisfied with his boring life until he meets. . . His new goal: Find a way into her heart. --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/e72ZjJAhS5 Author’s Instagram: helemon_author

helemon_ · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Lucifer's Outfit

The next morning, Daphne slowly blinked her eyes open, the sunlight from the open balcony door shining into the room.

She sat up on the comfortable bed, for a second forgetting about where she was. She looked around, the space on the bed next to her empty already. The room was silent and the restroom door was also wide open.

Daphne got out of the bed, her body shivering when her toes touched the cold floor. As she stood up, she noticed the dress from the Brothel she had worn yesterday folded onto the chair in the corner of the room.

With nothing else to wear, she picked it up, entered the restroom, and changed into the dress again. After washing her face, she entered the bedroom again to find it still empty.

Where did the devil go?

She walked around for a while, finding a pair of black slippers near the door. As the soles of her feet were freezing from walking around barefoot for so long, she quickly slipped her feet into the warm slippers.

She did not know if she should go look for him, but after seeing his large family of devils yesterday night, she did not really want to explore this place alone.

A gust of wind blew into the room through the balcony, and she walked over, stepping into the fresh morning air, which made her shiver as the dress was quite light, flowing up against the wind.

There was a thick railing with golden embroideries and Daphne rested her arms onto it, leaning forward as she looked to the left and saw what appeared to be the front gate of the mansion.

The gate was just as grand as the building itself, as there were guards standing at the black gate, and in front of the gate, there was a circular driveway again with a statue and fountain in the middle. The statue seemed like a devil, or an angel. . .

It was hard to tell. It was a large creature with wings, but the statue seemed to be made of black marble, making it appear like a devil. Plus, why would the front of a devil family's manor have a statue of an angel.

Daphne stretched her arms out with a sigh as she looked to the right and saw a large mountain. It looked more orange and brown than green at the moment as all the leaves and greenery on the mountaintop was dying.

The manor seemed to be located far away from the rest of the land where the commoners lived, for it was completely silent except for the occasional sound of some birds chirping.

Daphne leaned forward, scanning the land from the high view. This was a whole world of itself! There was no way Country A or her world was anywhere near.

Plus, if Healeh was in the same dimension as Country A, she would have definitely heard of it before. The only possibility was that she was in a whole different world. . . A world she did not belong in, where -

"Did you sleep well?" A deep and attractive voice from behind her broke her thoughts as she jumped up in surprise, whirling around to see Lucifer standing less than a foot away from her.

"When- When did you get here?!" She stammered, wondering if this devil moved without any noise. She had not heard anything and suddenly, he was there.

Lucifer grinned, his sleek black hair not moving at all in the wind, "Should I knock before entering my room?"

Daphne opened her mouth and closed it again, not sure about how to respond to that. Seeing her startled, Lucifer's smile widened as he tilted his head slightly, leaning forward so their eyes were at the same level, "You haven't responded yet. Did you sleep well last night?"

Daphne took a step back, her back bumping against the railing, "I. . . Yes."

It did not seem very smart to her to say no to his question, as this devil seemed to have an erratic temper. Plus, she did manage to sleep better with this devil than when she was at the Brothel.

Lucifer nodded, pleased with her response, "I slept very well too," he stated with a broad smile, straightening his back as he turned around, "Let's go eat breakfast."

He stood to the side, looking back at Daphne, who quickly walked towards the door, not wanting to be alone with him in the same space any longer.

However, just as she placed her hand onto the door handle, she heard him ask, "Why are you still wearing that?"

Daphne turned around, looking down at her outfit, "I don't have any other clothes."

Lucifer's forehead creased as he looked at her outfit and then her, walking towards the door himself. He opened the door slightly, looking left and right before snapping his fingers at a maid nearby.

He said something to the maid, who then scurried away.

"Change out of that," Lucifer commented as he frowned at her dress.

Daphne looked down, wondering what was wrong with the dress. Although it was indeed not the prettiest, she still thought the color combination and material were decent.

Did he think it was ugly? Or was it because the dress was from the Brothel, so Lucifer did not want her wearing it?

There was a knock at the door and Lucifer pulled it open, grabbing a cloth from the maid outside and then shutting the door again.

"Change into this," he ordered.

Daphne, who was surveying her dress, looked up, wondering what clothes Lucifer had picked out for her, if he had such high taste.

She took the piece of fabric from him, her eyes already narrowing when she saw the ugly dusty grey color. When she unfolded it and held the outfit up, her entire face fell, flabbergasted at what she saw.

Lucifer also looked at the outfit, a smile appearing on his face as he nodded, happy with what the maid had brought him.

"What are you doing? Go change," he said impatiently.

". . . Into this?!" Daphne turned the outfit around so Lucifer could get a look at it.

Although the dress from the Brothel could not compare to the clothes she used to wear and design back when she was a fashion designer in her world, it was still a million times better than the rough piece of fabric she was holding right now.

The fabric was rough, and she could not even figure out what it was made of as she ran her fingers through the uncomfortable material.

The color was a dusty grey that looked dirty even if the cloth was actually clean, and there was absolutely no design whatsoever. It was practically a long piece of fabric with holes jaggedly cut out for the arms.

The long dress-like design looked similar to what a medieval time laundress would wear, but it was perhaps even uglier.

Of course, there is no way he could let her wear that in front of other people, right?! She couldn't even wear it in front of herself!

"What's wrong?" Lucifer raised one eyebrow as his eyes gleamed dangerously, "Hurry and go change. We don't have forever."