
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Urban
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22 Chs



Ruby entered not too long after Hazel left bearing her lunch box in her right hand. "Hello dude. How was literature." She asked all smiles. I smiled back ruefully.

"It was cool. Yours? How was chemistry?"

"Terrible. " She said and I laughed. " It's not funny, seriously. Titration makes me wanna go nuts. " She added and opened her lunch box. We were the only ones in the class now.

" It's for your good you know. I mean, no one forced you to take that path. You chose it yourself. So, you should definitely ace it without complaining. " I said.

" Easy for you to say cos you don't really have much calculation doing. " She said savouring her meal and I chuckled." Wanna join me? You could pay back with yours. " She said and I rolled my eyes.

" I'm okay. Thanks." She smiled.

"You know. I've really missed your younger self. You were loud, mischievous, stubborn, wicked. " She laid more emphasis on the wicked and I glared at her playfully. " Hey, don't give me that look. I'm damn serious. You were so damn wicked trust me. " She said chuckling. I feigned annoyance and folded my arms looking away. "But at the same time, you were friendly, smart, sweet, romantic." I corked an eyebrow at her wide eyed and she laughed.

I chuckled. " What made you think I was romantic?"

"Remember the summer you gave me roses for helping you lick off the icing from your lips." She said and smiled coyly at me. She still remembered that? Oh I remember, Ruby has the ability to remember things that occurred a long time ago. She could even still narrate her days as a toddler. It was an ability that left everyone stunned.

I smiled. " That was necessarily because I felt kinda guilty of stealing your first kiss and decided to apologize in some sort of way."

She laughed and almost choked on her food. I handed her her water bottle and she drank some water. We were still talking when Declan sauntered into the class obviously furious. He paused when he saw I and Ruby alone in the class eating. He smirked and walked up to me. Shit. Not now. What does he want? I wondered.

"So. How did you feel seating with Hazel today Arch?" He said and Ruby looked at him with a frown. She turned to me but I looked away. I hated seeing that look of despair on her face whenever Hazel's name was mentioned. "I've got a little warning for you " Declan continued. " Stay away from Hazel..."

I got fed up. " Oh please cut it out. Like you don't know I'm a loser. What makes you think she'll as much as glance at a loser like me. We've got nothing on each other so if you're angry she's seating with me, go meet Mr Anthony to change your seat and stop tormenting my peace." I replied him.

He looked at me surprised I actually talked back at him. "I've seen you've gotten some balls man. I see." He commented nodding. "Good to know you also see yourself as a no one." He said and I clentched my fists but restrained myself. I wasn't ready to deal with him now. Not in front of Ruby. He backed away.

"So. I'm gonna leave you two love birds to go ahead with your honeymoon but mind you Arch, you're being watched." He winked and exited the class.

Ruby sighed and turned to me. " You know, you should learn to stand up to those guys one day Archie."