
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 10


The period after lunch time found all teachers in the meeting room for a crucial discussion, so we students were free for the period. I took out my note to do what I like to do best. Writing. It's been my passion ever since I was in elementary school. I had an account in a website that helped youngsters gifted with the ability to write and I had about two million views for my books each. That alone was enough to let me know this was a potential I can't just toss into the mud. I've got to build it up to it's maximum level.

I was still busy writing oblivious to what was going on in class as everyone chatted away making a lot of noise. There was an uproar and that forcibly made me look up to see what was causing such. I hissed and shook my head when I found out and returned to my writing. The king and the queen had just walked in and were moving majestically around the class hand in hand. I chuckled with disgust.

They walked over to my table and the king slammed his palm on my table obstructing my work.

"Hmm what have we got here? What's this?" Donny said and snatched my note from me.

"Hey. Give it back. " I retorted and he turned to me sneering.

" Or what? "

I gritted my teeth. I wasn't ready for this. The whole class was silent now. Everyone was watching us with keen interest. "Donny. Just let us end this and hand over my note. " I requested and he laughed.

" Oh my. Poor Archie is trying to be a problem solver." He glanced at my note and opened it. " Let's first of all see what we've got here. Hmm. The trials of Kelhan. What an absurd title for a novel. Wait. Are you the author of Betrayal on Wattpad? " He asked and I looked away. He chuckled. " You know. You will be doing yourself a lot of good if you can answer my questions. "

I glared at him." Fine. Yes. I am. Can I have my book now?"

He chuckled. "No can do little Arch. You've missed your chance. " He said and with that, he tore the book apart within a blink of an eye and tossed it at my face. What the hell!!! If at all anyone can joke with anything else not my books.

The rage I've been hiding within me all these years of his torment surged through my body making it's way to my fist and I threw it at his face sending him staggering backwards a bit. Everyone gasped. I was shocked myself. How did I do that? I don't even have the heart to kill a mice not to talk of hitting someone.

The mumurs in the class increased and some students began jeering. Donny glared at me and smiled. "Waoh. " He started walking closer to me and I stepped back. " I never knew you've got a fight in those little fists of yours. Why have you been hiding it? " He said and punched me hard in the belly. I felt my eyes spin and dropped to the ground.

Like it wasn't enough, he rammed his elbow against my back and I fell flat coughing in pain. I groaned. My blood boiled with rage and I stood up to face him but he held my neck and lifted me sending me crashing against a table. Everywhere became blurry as I loosed control of myself and drifted into the state of unconsciousness.